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US Election 2016: Trump 'groped woman like an octopus'


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14 minutes ago, Strange said:


Fortunately regardless who wins the election the majority of americans view your extreme liberal/extreme progressive stance and opinions as just that. Extreme. Even if "Hill" wins, nothing is going to change for you guys. Even if "Hill" wins, you will take it as a personal "Win" for your agenda but its really not because nobody on either side supports your nonsense. Im not an extreme redneck I'm the polar opposite of your insulting stereotype of trump supporters. They are both extremely terrible people.


I don't know what you want to see america turn into, and I don't really care. I just wish you guys (or girls? gender neutral? We gonna be filtering speech soon?) would take the venom out of your words and speak to people with respect and dignity. You will never be heard and will probably make more problems for yourself behaving like a 5 year old and calling grown adults childish names. There is free speech that protects you from the law but not from your peers if you keep force-feeding your insults at everyone that does not align with your beliefs. 


Unless you can provide some statistic that Americans do not support liberalism, then I will take this comment and your entire posting history on political issues as a load of bunk. The American Republic is founded on Liberalism as is the Constitution. The US legal system is derived from Liberalism and despite the voodoo-economics of Reagan, the economic system is also.


The current right wing freaks believe that they represent Republican principles. You do not. You represent nativist arrogance that stems from a position of dominance. An immigrant country where th nativists are anti-immigrant. A culturally diverse country where the nativists fight multiculturalism. A land of opportunity where the nativists block opportunity for economic and social advancement for minorities.


You wish to maintain your prerogative to spout hate speech to people who don't fit your world view? Well, it will be a good day when you lot are forced to suffer the consequences. And your silly, juvenile and just plain kindergarten level threat of 'violence from peers' really does put your marginal, unsocial and inhumane views into perspective. What else will happen? Well maybe a reformed Supreme Court will start holding public officials who kill citizens because of their minority status to account. Maybe one group of society will no longer be able to dictate the way other groups are to behave. All sorts of things could happen that make opportunity available to all people.


Your nativism is not Republicanism. Anyone who has done even one course of poly-sci can explain the principles to you. That Republicanism is practically dead. Let's hope that Trump's imminent failure will allow the Republican Party to revive the essential elements of community and enterprise for which it once stood and leave behind the history of poking noses into people's bedrooms, trying to turn minorities into the perceived culture and protecting corporates from serving the public good.


Your history of brainless nativist Trump propaganda defines you. Call me what you will. I take no instruction from such a bankrupt source.

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13 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Unless you can provide some statistic that Americans do not support liberalism, then I will take this comment and your entire posting history on political issues as a load of bunk. The American Republic is founded on Liberalism as is the Constitution. The US legal system is derived from Liberalism and despite the voodoo-economics of Reagan, the economic system is also.


The current right wing freaks believe that they represent Republican principles. You do not. You represent nativist arrogance that stems from a position of dominance. An immigrant country where th nativists are anti-immigrant. A culturally diverse country where the nativists fight multiculturalism. A land of opportunity where the nativists block opportunity for economic and social advancement for minorities.


You wish to maintain your prerogative to spout hate speech to people who don't fit your world view? Well, it will be a good day when you lot are forced to suffer the consequences. And your silly, juvenile and just plain kindergarten level threat of 'violence from peers' really does put your marginal, unsocial and inhumane views into perspective. What else will happen? Well maybe a reformed Supreme Court will start holding public officials who kill citizens because of their minority status to account. Maybe one group of society will no longer be able to dictate the way other groups are to behave. All sorts of things could happen that make opportunity available to all people.


Your nativism is not Republicanism. Anyone who has done even one course of poly-sci can explain the principles to you. That Republicanism is practically dead. Let's hope that Trump's imminent failure will allow the Republican Party to revive the essential elements of community and enterprise for which it once stood and leave behind the history of poking noses into people's bedrooms, trying to turn minorities into the perceived culture and protecting corporates from serving the public good.


Your history of brainless nativist Trump propaganda defines you. Call me what you will. I take no instruction from such a bankrupt source.


Aint nobody got time fo-dat wall of text. 


Again, thank god that you are on the fringe left where you belong. Trump is an idiot but "Hill" is the definition of a practiced and instructed liar and manipulator. If you want to make that your idol then be my guest. Again, I think you will be disappointed regardless of who wins the election. 

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11 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


There isn't any and women will be coming out from the woodwork with such claims. No way to know who is lying and who is telling the truth.


One way to know the who is telling the truth just might be  if Trump happened to  say on a tape that is how he behaves...


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19 minutes ago, thaihome said:


One way to know the who is telling the truth just might be  if Trump happened to  say on a tape that is how he behaves...



There is a very good chance that untrustworthy people might use that as an excuse to lie about it happening to them. As long as their is no conclusive evidence, no one can be sure.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


There is a very good chance that untrustworthy people might use that as an excuse to lie about it happening to them. As long as their is no conclusive evidence, no one can be sure.

If it was about someone you oppose, you'd be all where there's smoke there's fire. Hypocrisy is funny that way.

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2 hours ago, Xircal said:


I don't agree with dragging up the dirt from 30 years ago. If the woman on the plane was so peeved by Trump's attention during a flight and thought it inappropriate she should have voiced her opinion then, not now.

She did talk about that in the video.

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2 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Unless you can provide some statistic that Americans do not support liberalism, then I will take this comment and your entire posting history on political issues as a load of bunk. The American Republic is founded on Liberalism as is the Constitution. The US legal system is derived from Liberalism and despite the voodoo-economics of Reagan, the economic system is also.


The current right wing freaks believe that they represent Republican principles. You do not. You represent nativist arrogance that stems from a position of dominance. An immigrant country where th nativists are anti-immigrant. A culturally diverse country where the nativists fight multiculturalism. A land of opportunity where the nativists block opportunity for economic and social advancement for minorities.


You wish to maintain your prerogative to spout hate speech to people who don't fit your world view? Well, it will be a good day when you lot are forced to suffer the consequences. And your silly, juvenile and just plain kindergarten level threat of 'violence from peers' really does put your marginal, unsocial and inhumane views into perspective. What else will happen? Well maybe a reformed Supreme Court will start holding public officials who kill citizens because of their minority status to account. Maybe one group of society will no longer be able to dictate the way other groups are to behave. All sorts of things could happen that make opportunity available to all people.


Your nativism is not Republicanism. Anyone who has done even one course of poly-sci can explain the principles to you. That Republicanism is practically dead. Let's hope that Trump's imminent failure will allow the Republican Party to revive the essential elements of community and enterprise for which it once stood and leave behind the history of poking noses into people's bedrooms, trying to turn minorities into the perceived culture and protecting corporates from serving the public good.


Your history of brainless nativist Trump propaganda defines you. Call me what you will. I take no instruction from such a bankrupt source.





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1 hour ago, Xircal said:


Bit late though don't you think? To deride somebody today for something that supposed to have happened 30 years ago is spurious at best. 

Did you see the debate where the pervert trump explicitly denied ever actually doing what he bragged about doing on the tape? That answers your question as the WHY now. Duh! 


To add, much more about trumpist hypocrisy. trumpists have made their bed and now they're stuck with LOSING in it. Good riddance for very bad rubbish. trump's entire racist fascist movement is a shameful fart in American history, like the McCarthy era. Make it go away!






How Donald Trump’s and his campaign’s own words are coming back to bite them

And when you combine that with how the campaign has pressed its case on allegations made against the Clintons — both by saying accusers should be believed and that decades-old misdeeds matter — it becomes much harder to set up a convincing political defense.


Edited by Jingthing
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35 minutes ago, atyclb said:

he groped me also about 35 years ago. today that would never happen because at that time i was young and attractive. a nice dress, high heels, and the right shade lipstick was what did it.

What are you on about? Pervert trump has been clear he's not into women over 35. 


Next ... 

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2 hours ago, Xircal said:


Bit late though don't you think? To deride somebody today for something that supposed to have happened 30 years ago is spurious at best. 

Yes but also no, because that's the typical, default reaction.   I would never say bogus claims don't happen for various reasons - political, monetary, revenge, etc.  Of course they do.  


At this point, and no matter what one's political leanings are, with all the other Trump context coming out, much of it in his own words, it would be more prudent to resist the  reflex and not start dragging the complainants through the mud like some did with Bill Clinton's various accusers.


I know it's old hat, but other instructive examples we should learn from (but don't seem to) was how the Cosby allegations played out and came to a shocking conclusion.  Another would be the terrible secret that so many men had been holding onto since boyhood, about their priest down at the family's catholic church.


Edited by 55Jay
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27 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Did you see the debate where the pervert trump explicitly denied ever actually doing what he bragged about doing on the tape? That answers your question as the WHY now. Duh! 



It doesn't answer my question at all. 30 years ago we didn't have video cameras, mobile phones and the like so anyone making an accusation now about something which was supposed have happened in that era will have to be taken on their own merit. To be fair on the accused the accuser and their own personal history needs to be examined in order to determine their own sincerity.


I wouldn't say that Trump is exactly what the US needs right now since he has his flaws and he isn't doing himself any favors trying to change the subject all the time when confronted with an embarrassing question. But certain individuals don't want him as President and are now engaged in this smear campaign to try and knock him out of the race.


Yet Bill Clinton was very much of the same ilk when it came to women and his affair with Monica Lewinsky which he categorically denied on US TV you might recall is well-known. Yet Clinton turned out to be a good president in spite of his shortcomings. So I really don't see the difference with Trump and how his own past should influence the way voters think about him now.


We're long past the era when potential presidents had to be squeaky clean with spotless souls. Voters have to look at him for what he can do for the US as a country, not for his sexual inclinations either back then or now.

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11 minutes ago, Xircal said:


It doesn't answer my question at all. 30 years ago we didn't have video cameras, mobile phones and the like so anyone making an accusation now about something which was supposed have happened in that era will have to be taken on their own merit. To be fair on the accused the accuser and their own personal history needs to be examined in order to determine their own sincerity.


I wouldn't say that Trump is exactly what the US needs right now since he has his flaws and he isn't doing himself any favors trying to change the subject all the time when confronted with an embarrassing question. But certain individuals don't want him as President and are now engaged in this smear campaign to try and knock him out of the race.


Yet Bill Clinton was very much of the same ilk when it came to women and his affair with Monica Lewinsky which he categorically denied on US TV you might recall is well-known. Yet Clinton turned out to be a good president in spite of his shortcomings. So I really don't see the difference with Trump and how his own past should influence the way voters think about him now.


We're long past the era when potential presidents had to be squeaky clean with spotless souls. Voters have to look at him for what he can do for the US as a country, not for his sexual inclinations either back then or now.


Problem is: He is as dodgy as hell as a CEO of his companies. Why would he be any different as CEO of the USA?

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31 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Problem is: He is as dodgy as hell as a CEO of his companies. Why would he be any different as CEO of the USA?


Difficult to say but Hillary isn't without her own Pandora's Box. Just do a search for "Hillary Clinton controversies" and you'll turn up a few I'm sure.


Which of the two evils do you prefer?

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16 hours ago, dcutman said:



Can we see some proof of this sexual assault? 

Up to this point is all we have is hours and hours of soundbites from 24 hour news networks showing video of allegations with not one shred of proof.

If there is proof, the man needs to be charged and stand trial.

But of course to you and many others,  24 hour news networks playing these soundbites is proof.


Not sure what country you come from, but in America there is something called the Constitution, and within that constitution there is a thing called the Bill Of Rights. They are the fist 12 amendments in this Constitution.

You should read it.

No where in these amendments says a 24 hour news network is a judge and jury. Not even  the first amendment.


The electorate will be judge and jury , I think we know the verdict already.

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These are the women who have accused Trump of groping or ogling them


"The most recently publicized claims of sexual assault against Trump are the latest in a series of allegations made against him that range from groping women to ogling underage girls."


"Many but not all of the allegations stem from Trump’s ownership of the Miss USA, Miss Teen USA and Miss Universe pageants."





What a letch.

I'm starting to lose count here...

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28 minutes ago, Xircal said:


Difficult to say but Hillary isn't without her own Pandora's Box. Just do a search for "Hillary Clinton controversies" and you'll turn up a few I'm sure.


Which of the two evils do you prefer?


Frankly, neither of them. I'm glad I'm not American for this reason only. Clinton's the more stable of the two though. I think Trump's a psychopath (really).

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