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Sweeping Bangkok terror raids prompt fears of secret detentions


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i dont know, if you ask me. when it actually comes down to the nitty gritty.

Freedom of rights, freedom of speech, human rights, proaganda, leste majeste - yes Thailand does have a lot to answer for... But lets take a look to the West, the US General elections is the biggest propaganda joke and media circus ive ever witnessed, and this is from a so called (Free country) I know one thing... Thailand may have its faults but when it comes to Propaganda versus controlling the Media (disciplining it when it steps out of line etc) i certainly prefer Thailands way than any of the western worlds media garbage and circus shows.
And regarding transparency, im 110% sure the UK and USA are not transparent about pretty much anything, so why judge Thailand any differently? the only difference in reality is Thailand makes it plainly obvious and the West lies about it under a false flag of democracy and free speech and free rights. If Thailand was so bad you wouldn't be here and you wouldnt be reading this, instead you would be say in some cold factory toilet in Manchester reading the Sun or Daily mirror and admiring your governments transparency or its treatment to terrorists in Guantanamo, yes innocent until proven guilty? i think not...

Edited by djlest
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I have never met anyone or heard of anyone who has been incarcerated here for doing nothing.  Sure, you will get stories but they are mostly BS. Much more to the story then they tell. If you are not on dope, have your passport, and acting like a reasonable adult there are no worries.  Too bad some decide elsewise.

Edited by bkk6060
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5 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

I have never met anyone or heard of anyone who has been incarcerated here for doing nothing.


Oh now you "meet" people that in prison? What about Nelson Mandela? What about the hundreds of people exonerated by DNA? It's people like you that made Hitler/Stalin/Mao become who they were.

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On 10/14/2016 at 9:42 AM, chickenslegs said:


Personally, I have nothing to fear as I am not Thai and I do none of the following:-

Read a book by George Orwell (in public)


Meet with another 4 people to discuss politics


Ask questions about the unusual wealth of certain people

Question the financial arrangements for a new national monument


Criticize a military coup


"Like” a facebook post

Hold an unpopular opinion regarding the system of government in Thailand.


or  currently  wear the wrong colour  shirt....when will they start enforcing that........cant be too  long  now

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