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Michelle Obama attacks Trump over sexual assault comments


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Trump is really going off the deep end now, spouting conspiracy theories left and right and sounding like a mentally ill homeless bum muttering to himself.



As anyone who’s watched the 2016 race closely knows, Trump loves conspiracy theories – his political persona was long defined by his eagerness to champion the “birther” garbage – which he uses to help make sense of developments he doesn’t understand. Note, for example, that the day after accepting the Republican Party’s presidential nomination over the summer, he spoke to reporters about Ted Cruz’s father possibly being involved in the JFK assassination.

But yesterday was something quite different. This was Trump hitting rock bottom, droning incoherently about “our civilization” being in jeopardy unless he’s elected to take “them” on. Who are “they”? The Republican candidate didn’t say, exactly, but Trump is nevertheless certain they’re up to no good, and they want to crush our “sovereign rights as a nation.”



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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:

Trump is really going off the deep end now, spouting conspiracy theories left and right and sounding like a mentally ill homeless bum muttering to himself.




It happens every US election. I happens every election around the world, How do you figure he is going off the deep end.


Oh, I get it, you think the media is fair and balanced. Get a life.

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1 minute ago, Gonsalviz said:

It happens every US election. I happens every election around the world, How do you figure he is going off the deep end.


Oh, I get it, you think the media is fair and balanced. Get a life.


Not sure what you are on about as Trump's conspiratorial rants are getting acute and maybe you're trying to emulate him, but thanks for the advice. I can't get a life right now though because it's too much fun watching this clown go down in a ball of flames.

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2 hours ago, davecmarino said:


Bullshit. It was thrown out of court because Bill lied his ass off in an attempt to destroy the merits of her case. Once it was public record that the man lied under oath, he knew he would lose and settled with her.

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Seems like your mouth is as foul as your politics.


Whatever Bill Clinton may or may not have done does not excuse Trump's lifetime of bullying, harrassment and groping of women. Not in any way, shape or form.


Besides Bill is far more good looking and charming than the Orangutan. Right Wingnuts are just upset their serial abuser is so fat and ugly.

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2 hours ago, davecmarino said:



Too funny. You want to attack Trump based on some dumb comments from 20 years ago. We all know he is a braggart ego. But the video comes up and right behind it comes all the women saying that he not only said it but did it also.

How convenient for Hillary that several of these women are known supporters of hers.

Sure, that doesn't stink of a manufactured smear campaign.

Hillary told you during the debate that she will lie to you and you still believe her.

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Used to be a poster on these threads, last name started with L and rhymed with Lobster who was fond of the phrase 'too funny'. Had this quite immature response to anyone who didn't blindly follow the far right fringe. Not related by any chance?

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2 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Seems like your mouth is as foul as your politics.


Whatever Bill Clinton may or may not have done does not excuse Trump's lifetime of bullying, harrassment and groping of women. Not in any way, shape or form.


Besides Bill is far more good looking and charming than the Orangutan. Right Wingnuts are just upset their serial abuser is so fat and ugly.


Am I the only one who has this sneaking suspicion that many of the Trump supporters on here share the same quality of looks and mannerisms as their hero?

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9 hours ago, Guitar God said:


No, hypocrisy is all the fake outrage you conservatives had this summer worrying that your daughters would be molested in Target stores restrooms by kathoeys , and then voting for a guy who brags that he can molest any woman he wants because he's a "star"



Unfair comparison! One is a freak of nature, the other is a kathoey.



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2 hours ago, keemapoot said:

Trump is really going off the deep end now, spouting conspiracy theories left and right and sounding like a mentally ill homeless bum muttering to himself.





When Trump proclaimed that the "shackles" are off, I think he meant "wheels"



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15 hours ago, davecmarino said:

The left is so full of shit. All they want is a smear campaign because they are losing.
I'll take them serious when they ridicule Bill for raping women and Hillary for covering it up.

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Please, the left is losing? Where is it you have stuck your head?

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16 hours ago, davecmarino said:

The left is so full of shit. All they want is a smear campaign because they are losing.
I'll take them serious when they ridicule Bill for raping women and Hillary for covering it up.

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You have a strange understanding of who is winning and who is losing.



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13 hours ago, davecmarino said:



So short sighted. I don't like corruption. Trump will do more to expose the Washington DC bullshit just from not playing the game in the same manner. This valuable service is a true once in a lifetime opportunity for America to bring back accountability to the Federal government.

Meanwhile, Clinton will ramp corruption up to new heights.

They both suck but he just sucks a whole lot less.

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Trump will do more to expose the Washington DC bullshit just from not playing the game in the same manner.


You have no idea what Trump will (or will not) do, if he gets elected. I daresay he doesn't have a clear idea about it himself.

Accountability? Trump? In the same sentence? The man can barely accept responsibility for things said and actions taken.



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5 hours ago, davecmarino said:


That technical filing error was that the address used was a vacant foreclosed home. A home that was foreclosed years ago.
Why would the case not be refilled in California?

Because this is all nothing but a Clinton smear campaign and she has more control in New York.

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"...she has more control in New York."


This would be the same New York where Trump can stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue, shoot someone and not loose any voters?


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5 hours ago, davecmarino said:


It's a matter of public record. So sad that you won't believe the truth about your candidate but will take as gospel the manufactured rumor of your opponent.

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There's one mention of a threat. And even then, it's unsupported and amount to an allegation by the woman complaining.


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2 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:


Hope the speech writer was well paid.

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Trump supporters are now claiming Michelle plagiarized from the tragic Melania Trump...no wait. Cancel that. Melania would never say those things...until after the divorce.

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“. . . And I have to tell you that I can’t stop thinking about this. It has shaken me to my core in a way that I couldn’t have predicted. So while I’d love nothing more than to pretend like this isn’t happening…it would be dishonest and disingenuous to me to just move on to the next thing like this was all just a bad dream.” – Michelle Obama, Clinton stump speech New Hampshire


Yes, and the last 8 years have seemed like a bad dream for us Deplorables...:saai:

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Just now, doggie1955 said:

So why are you not talking about your Husband and what he did?





in your delusional, off-topic view, you are suggesting that, in front of a planeload of the PRESS, 

candidate for the PRESIDENT of the United States of America is going to "Show OFF His ERECTION"?




Youse guyz are nuts.


BTW, have you bought anything from the Alex Jones INFOWARS STORE lately?



Lovin' it.


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On 10/14/2016 at 8:02 AM, Rob13 said:

Trump's guilty; The Clintons are guilty. Throw them all out and start fresh with some real candidates.

These two are the cream of the crop. Whoever you vote for, the government wins.


The people don't choose the candidates. Who does?

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:



Of course Snopes says it's "unproven".


Did you read the last paragraph? Geez, and talk about a non-topic.


"We examined the video and tried to find screenshots where Obama's "erection" was most visible, but we came up empty-handed. While some viewers may argue that a bulge is visible in Obama's pants, there's no definitive evidence that the future president had an erection, and certainly nothing to suggest that he "flaunted" his manhood in front of female reporters."

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24 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

These two are the cream of the crop. Whoever you vote for, the government wins.


The people don't choose the candidates. Who does?


I guess everybody pretty much expected Clinton to be the Dem nominee, the GOP's had 8 years to get the sh@t together and Trump's their best effort. Sad state of affairs on both sides of the aisle.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/14/2016 at 9:15 PM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Seems like your mouth is as foul as your politics.


Whatever Bill Clinton may or may not have done does not excuse Trump's lifetime of bullying, harrassment and groping of women. Not in any way, shape or form.


Besides Bill is far more good looking and charming than the Orangutan. Right Wingnuts are just upset their serial abuser is so fat and ugly.

Please, these are accusations that have never been proven at all, except the one locker room vid. Not  many men can say they haven't done the same.

The DNC is dragging all this up by paying women to lie. Not one has an acceptable accusation. The porn star?

The DNC got you to believe it though. That was the entire reason. Some people are just to lazy to research.

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On 10/15/2016 at 11:29 AM, Silurian said:


Did you read the last paragraph? Geez, and talk about a non-topic.


"We examined the video and tried to find screenshots where Obama's "erection" was most visible, but we came up empty-handed. While some viewers may argue that a bulge is visible in Obama's pants, there's no definitive evidence that the future president had an erection, and certainly nothing to suggest that he "flaunted" his manhood in front of female reporters."

Don not quote Snope's on anything political. They lean so far left I am amazed they haven't fallen over yet.

I did see the video. My observation is that it is fake except for the pose which is rather flaunting but given his narcissistic tendencies, it does not surprise me.

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5 minutes ago, Gonsalviz said:

Please, these are accusations that have never been proven at all, except the one locker room vid. Not  many men can say they haven't done the same.

The DNC is dragging all this up by paying women to lie. Not one has an acceptable accusation. The porn star?

The DNC got you to believe it though. That was the entire reason. Some people are just to lazy to research.


Which bit did you not hear?

Here you go, this one's got subtitles.



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On 10/15/2016 at 11:29 AM, Rob13 said:


I guess everybody pretty much expected Clinton to be the Dem nominee, the GOP's had 8 years to get the sh@t together and Trump's their best effort. Sad state of affairs on both sides of the aisle.

Trump is not Republican. The GOP tried as hard as they could to keep him out but ...........

The GOP has not been keeping up with what their electorate want, that is why we have Trump.

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