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The Silence of the Lambs....


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In spite of the current situation, one is still allowed to start new threads as long as it is not related to current Thai-Issues.

Saying this, because new threads have dwindled down to a trickle. Surely, one can still open a thread asking "where can I buy the cheapest razor blades" or " my Thai-wife of 249 years has left me yesterday".

By opening such threads, you will NOT be arrested by nobody.
Courage boys, courage.

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In spite of the current situation, one is still allowed to start new threads as long as it is not related to current Thai-Issues.

Saying this, because new threads have dwindled down to a trickle. Surely, one can still open a thread asking "where can I buy the cheapest razor blades" or " my Thai-wife of 249 years has left me yesterday".

By opening such threads, you will NOT be arrested by nobody.
Courage boys, courage.


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As the sadness continues my advice is to don a pair of headphones watch funny TV shows, comedians , comedy movies, listen to upbeat music and laugh when at home. Otherwise you could slip into clinical depression. Don't be sad all day it's not good for you. Keep your sad face for outside and always be happy at home. For those already feeling over sad you can go to your doctor and ask for anti-depressant medicine. This is not a joke post but serious, a lot of farang expats live with just Thai people and don't see other farang much. Don't hurt yourself being too sad. Keep busy and don't dwell. Thank you.

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