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Foreign investors still keen on good returns in Thailand, says JLL

BANGKOK: -- Thailand's office and luxury condominium markets are still attractive to foreign investors as the return on investment remains higher than in other locations in the region, according to international real estate consultancy Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL).

Despite the economic and political turbulence this year, JLL found that investment by foreign funds or newly established companies in the Thai property market was still active with total transactions worth 25 billion baht, said [more...]

Bangkok Post 2006-11-30

according to international real estate consultancy Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL).

Bangkok Post 2006-11-30

Says it all really. Another property sales person hoodwinking unsuspecting foreigners into parting with money into a dead and crashing market...

I personally know four estate agents here in Bonking Bangers and all of them tell me the market is currently dead in the water...

One Condo owner who was selling 3 months ago at 7.9 million is now desperate at 5.9 million to sell as he needs the funds...

3 of my friends (me included) who where all going to buy have withdrawn from the market...

Every where I go I see empty condo units...

The leasehold build called 'Metropolis' near Chidlom has not seen any buliding activity for the past 2 months and remains a shell...

need I say more?

Marcus Burtenshaw @ JLL = buffoon.

Hey, Casanundra! That's a very scary, no sh1t!

Can you be more specific ? I should warn investors with huge $$$ from comin' here next season, I'm afraid they could be lured from pretty bad status.

Surely, things could be arranged, if you ....


according to international real estate consultancy Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL).

Bangkok Post 2006-11-30

Says it all really. Another property sales person hoodwinking unsuspecting foreigners into parting with money into a dead and crashing market...

I personally know four estate agents here in Bonking Bangers and all of them tell me the market is currently dead in the water...

One Condo owner who was selling 3 months ago at 7.9 million is now desperate at 5.9 million to sell as he needs the funds...

3 of my friends (me included) who where all going to buy have withdrawn from the market...

Every where I go I see empty condo units...

The leasehold build called 'Metropolis' near Chidlom has not seen any buliding activity for the past 2 months and remains a shell...

need I say more?

Just see how (I guess) real estate agents and some who can't forgive me unearthing they had trashed their money came out of woodwork and jumped all over me in another 2 threads in this section for saying basically the same as you.


Friend of mine bought in Le Raffine. He now has to pay for it now- and of course the Baht is strong, so the timing couldn't be worse.

He thinks he can rent it easily, which one could back in the civilized world, but how many people in Bangkok could afford THB 150,000 for a condo per month. (except Bendix), Furthermore, all the owners of these places are chasing the same narrow market of potential renters. There's only so many Ambassadors and expat CEOs.


according to international real estate consultancy Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL).

Bangkok Post 2006-11-30

Says it all really. Another property sales person hoodwinking unsuspecting foreigners into parting with money into a dead and crashing market...

I personally know four estate agents here in Bonking Bangers and all of them tell me the market is currently dead in the water...

One Condo owner who was selling 3 months ago at 7.9 million is now desperate at 5.9 million to sell as he needs the funds...

3 of my friends (me included) who where all going to buy have withdrawn from the market...

Every where I go I see empty condo units...

The leasehold build called 'Metropolis' near Chidlom has not seen any buliding activity for the past 2 months and remains a shell...

need I say more?

Just see how (I guess) real estate agents and some who can't forgive me unearthing they had trashed their money came out of woodwork and jumped all over me in another 2 threads in this section for saying basically the same as you.

Nice one lads, I have had the big fat obnoxious real estate market talker uppers insulting me as well on here.

The cunch with them is to go into their offices and ask them to sell your house for you! When they value it, tell em it was valued as higher by ABC Estate Agents last xmas. They will all tell you the same story then... Prices are falling mate? Its a buyers market.

Then lop 10% off their price and see if they will offer to buy it from you at this remarkable knock down price. After all its 10% quick profit which on my house would be 700,000 baht as they valued it this year, against 850,000 baht at the price the same office valued it at last year. This really happened to me, but I only valued the house to raise money against it!

Do it quick though as they cannot get "Consultant" on their Work Permits next time round, and it really is these guys that Immigration and the Labour Department are going after.

Most have jumped on the wagon over here coming from mudane factory, farming, labouring, bar working backgrounds. Few have the knowledge and fewer still the financial clout to be operating in this peaking (peaked) market.

What do we have.. Strong Baht, Visa clampdowns, Company clampdowns. Unless The UK, Europe and the States start deporting their rich village idiots in this direction there is little to cheer the market. Money coming in now was committed long ago. Its the new deposits ans start ups that will dry up first.

Duck, I hear the ground trembling... The Big Bad Developer has spotted us.... :o

I do have the knowledge from 20 years in the UK, and the money.. I wouldn't build an outside BBQ over here!


You know what I have found to be the most interesting?

When you ask your friendly local estate agent or developer here in Thailand if they own a property themselves, the answer is almost invariably erm um, feet shuffle, 'no!' :D

All of the four estate agents in Bangkok that I know of don't and won't own a house or a Condo themselves in Thailand. :D

Go figure huh! :D

So will someone please please please enlighten me as to why none of the estate agents (including the high profile one who sells property and sponsors TV) want to own a property in the market they are trying to sell in? :o



She said the trend was towards more firms moving outside the central business district (CBD) as they could not afford the high rents in grade-A offices. Therefore, office rents outside the CBD are likely to increase by 11% or more next year.

Meaning that BKK office and shop prices are inflated?

Caroline Murphy, JLL's head of markets, said another 307,300 square metres of office space, including 42,000 sq m occupied by owners, would be added to the market next year. It is expected to be taken up quickly as average annual demand in the past four years has been 250,000 sq m.

Guess where all the new developments will be located....CBD maybe? :o

So will someone please please please enlighten me as to why none of the estate agents (including the high profile one who sells property and sponsors TV) want to own a property in the market they are trying to sell in? :o

Because they do the sensible thing and invest in thier own country where they are protected by legislation, property values accumulate and rental prices are more than a mortgage :D

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