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Thai research team discovers chemicals which can stop cancer from growing


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59 minutes ago, whatproblem said:

In my village they buy lotion for cure HIV and a man will spit on you if you are ill for a hundred baht 

Very interesting about 'spitting'. A few years ago in Phetchabun I witnessed a bizarre procedure applied to an old lady with cataracts in her eyes. A bottle of Thai Fire Water (Blue Label) was bought for 75bht and a local 'witch doctor' sipped the alcholol without swallowing. He then blew a spray of alcohol into her eyes a few times. This was followed by some ritual chanting. A true story. However, I'm not sure who benefitted most from this ritual. 

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1 hour ago, eddie61 said:

My housekeeper sold me a bottle of this too. It only costs 1200 baht a bottle, and cures not only cancer, but type 2 diabetes and arthritis as well.


She claims it is scientologically proven. If anyone out there needs some, I can arrange a special deal




Your housekeeper seems to be a well educated lady, wonder why she is a housekeeper.

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Not exactly new... Took me 2 mins to find this from four years ago, and there appear to be many other credible pieces of research:

I suspect the very brief story from Thai PBS got it wrong or at least missed an awful lot of what the good  doctor was trying to convey. 

Edited by iforget
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50 minutes ago, lucky11 said:

 The whole pharma scene has been rigged for decades - they are in bed with the FDA, government and have lobbyists running the show in the US. How are you supposed to get the truth from this lot? .



Why by doing due diligence of course. You start by Googling the generic name of the drug, never the trade name.  Find the clinical trials and Google every word you do not understand. Review your high school and college statistics to understand outcomes.  It does take some effort and considerable time.  The truth is out there if you look for it.


But this news release by Dr Supawadee Pahera is the equivalent of a troll post.

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4 minutes ago, Johpa said:



Why by doing due diligence of course. You start by Googling the generic name of the drug, never the trade name.  Find the clinical trials and Google every word you do not understand. Review your high school and college statistics to understand outcomes.  It does take some effort and considerable time.  The truth is out there if you look for it.


But this news release by Dr Supawadee Pahera is the equivalent of a troll post.

As far as medical research goes...  “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”   https://ethicalnag.org/2009/11/09/nejm-editor/ 

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The biggest problem with this story is the headline:

Thai research team discovers chemicals which can stop cancer from growing

In the story, no such claim is made. What the good doctor says is that she and her team have EXTRACTED the active ingredient from the latex. An important step, but not discovery. The editor at Thai PBS who wrote the headline should be fired.

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1 hour ago, whatproblem said:

In my village they buy lotion for cure HIV and a man will spit on you if you are ill for a hundred baht 

In MY village an old woman blows in your ear to cure stomach cancer.


Works too. When my SIL was finally cut open by the doctors 6 months later they found it wasn't stomach cancer she had.

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8 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

Modern medicine is 90% a hype. At least. And a huge money making machine. An industry in which healthy people extract a lot of money from the uealthy ones.

You are making the samew mistake that mant do - equating scientific medical research and Big Pharma. whereas BF do engage in research and often the results can be skewed in favor of a company, there are plenty of science institutions that are not funded by BF who get good indepandant results unifluenced by BF money.


Interference is a BIG problem in medical research and that is why you have double blind trials and peer-review - although by no means perfect it does work.

the process opf producing a medicine for human use is quite long-winded and it needs to be, in the end progress is made, unforunately the Media is often more of a hindrance than a help as they don't understand the very basics of scientific research themselves yet feel quite happy to comment on it.

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funny scientists...  for H1N1 or any cold...they sell since long :  fah - talai jone .... 100 baht for 100 pills .... (andrographis)


for cancer growth .... Curcuma longa ... stops tumors from making new blood vessels to feed itself for/from growing...  less than  100 baht for 100 pills


also good for you old geezers as it helps with alzheimer or the prevention of it ... proof is india, using it since thousands of years and having the lowest alzheimer rates


known since many decades



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12 minutes ago, Shaunduhpostman said:

How about not putting plastic in household garbage incineration fires? That would be another cure for cancer. Can I get a medal too?

Congratulations. You have a medal!


So in the future we will all give our plastic to the government garbage collectors, who will burn it for us.

Euh wait, give back that medal.


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"Every year in late May nearly 40,000 oncologists flock to Chicago for the world’s biggest cancer jamboree - ASCO - the American Society of Clinical Oncology. I’ve gone intermittently over the past 35 years as NHS consultant. While it’s on, the the global media is awash with stories of miracle cancer drugs. Positive stories are carefully placed by smart marketing execs on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry. It all sounds so convincing.

But the reality is that this is a sophisticated conspiracy to hype products being sold to bigger companies by small start ups, to get more investment for the industry from the City or Wall Street, or simply to ramp up share prices and make short term gains.



Edited by metisdead
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5 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

So these guy's are a different research team from the ones that claimed the cure for Ebola virus?

And they have a little something to help resistance of H1N1.   Ahhhh LOS  the hub of everything...


But ok,  if it's true then great!!!  Then maybe 21million baht for more research for this instead of junket's too Hawaii for 38 people...!

Better to try and fail than not to try at all and whisevto say that they have failed. 

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3 hours ago, Loeilad said:

THis is largely misinformed media hype - there is no single cancer there many types and a "cure" is unlikely - the scientists merely claim that the chemical reactions they have recorded may lead to further treatments for some kinds of diseases or cancers - they don't claim any breakthrough - the press however want to sell papers and in all countries the "cure for cancer" headline is sure to be a winner.

A valid point.  However, the medical entities in Thailand should perhaps do the something beneficial for folks and post opinion, caution, etc. but I suppose that would rain on other's parade. Other countries have the pharms in the middle of stuff for outrageous amount of money involved in treatment. In this case, as noted, media get a grip.


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6 hours ago, Sphere said:

It was a tough choice...but I'm glad they made the right call this time...



We better find a cure for world hunger or we will not be able to feed all the extra mouths that this new wonder treatment saves. Nobel prize here we come. I hope the Western press gives us our true recognition rather than say nothing like the last time we pulled a Genie out of a bottle. Guess I better head to the frig for a refill. 

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1 hour ago, joeyg said:

As far as medical research goes...  “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, ......”   https://ethicalnag.org/2009/11/09/nejm-editor/ 


I am a big fan of Marcia Angel's book as well as Steven Brill's article in Time magazine a few years ago.  But one needs to examine what is implied in "much of the clinical research" as that includes cutting edge technology as well as "me to" lifestyle drugs such as erectile dysfunction and hair loss drugs.  I for one am quite happy that my chosen immunochemo therapy sent my mutated cells into remission.  The cost, well that is a different subject entirely.

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