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Thai research team discovers chemicals which can stop cancer from growing


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On 10/22/2016 at 10:24 AM, Jonmarleesco said:

The Scientologists are on this bandwagon, too? Or did your housekeeper claim it was scientifically proven?

Yes, she was over the moon about it....

I think she meant scientologically.

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On 22/10/2016 at 8:38 AM, Loeilad said:

THis is largely misinformed media hype - there is no single cancer there many types and a "cure" is unlikely - the scientists merely claim that the chemical reactions they have recorded may lead to further treatments for some kinds of diseases or cancers - they don't claim any breakthrough - the press however want to sell papers and in all countries the "cure for cancer" headline is sure to be a winner.


I'm not sure if it's out of ignorance or a deliberate attitude, but the press constantly does this:

Step 1 Pick up some fragment from a scientific paper, misrepresent and hype the heck out of it.
Step 2 Cash in on the views it attracts from people looking for A) Recreational outrage against those dumb scientists...  for not saying or doing what the article implies, B) People that genuinely have hopes that the clickbait title actually points at a discovery that could literally save their lives, C) People that suspect it's yet another case of media hyping-up an issue and wish to bring some reality into the matter.

It's a win-win...-win situation for the press, keeping people informed and not giving out false hopes be darned.
Now, as I said, it can be just the result of overexcited, rather ignorant journalists or it can be a deliberate MO; personally it's way too frequent to be the former.

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On 23/10/2016 at 2:36 AM, laislica said:


Missed what point?


Partington talks about Science as if it were the only truth.

Science is not truth IMHO.

It is an opinion based on certain criteria.

Small changes in criteria may mean massive differences in the outcome of the experiment.

Perhaps you are too young to know about the thousands of deformed babies, born without arms/legs etc.

All because it was prescribed to pregnant women with morning sickness.

Recently there was Vioxx:

26 May 2016 - Within weeks of the Vioxx recall, injured patients across the nation were seeking justice in court. Up to 38,000 people died from heart attacks or ...

The long post listed dodgy drugs which I think were scientifically proven to be OK.....

The difference between science and other stuff is that science corrects itself, whereas in the realm of alternative "medicine" they happily chug along peddling "cures" that either have been proven not to work or have not been proven to work, "cures" which can and do kill and harm people by the hundreds of thousands every year since ever.

Most people are quite happy to jump on the bandwagon and stick it to Big Pharma, painfully few recognize that Big Quack not only harms vastly higher numbers of people, it does so without a review of their practices and methods.

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3 hours ago, AleG said:

The difference between science and other stuff is that science corrects itself, whereas in the realm of alternative "medicine" they happily chug along peddling "cures" that either have been proven not to work or have not been proven to work, "cures" which can and do kill and harm people by the hundreds of thousands every year since ever.

Most people are quite happy to jump on the bandwagon and stick it to Big Pharma, painfully few recognize that Big Quack not only harms vastly higher numbers of people, it does so without a review of their practices and methods.


 Disagree with 100% of this!!


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Lucky 11

I was quoting a Dicken's character,that at the time when London was beset by unemployment and poverty,prostitution and Hogarth Characters,Slums,child labour and open sewers.This person from a Dickens novel,is asked for money from a charity.To which he replied,"if i do not give,surely it will help to decrease the surplus population,etc,etc.

Ans as Thailand,in this modern age is suffering from most of these problems,the same answer would apply.

I hope that answers your question.


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1 minute ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Lucky 11

I was quoting a Dicken's character,that at the time when London was beset by unemployment and poverty,prostitution and Hogarth Characters,Slums,child labour and open sewers.This person from a Dickens novel,is asked for money from a charity.To which he replied,"if i do not give,surely it will help to decrease the surplus population,etc,etc.

Ans as Thailand,in this modern age is suffering from most of these problems,the same answer would apply.

I hope that answers your question.



It just seemed much more appropriate to big pharma, Bill Gates, Ted Turner and the billionaire's club. It is what they have in mind regards population control.

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4 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Lucky 11

I read your reply.Thank you for the political info.I shall read up on the names of the people you have mentioned and use them in any further acidic criticisms,i would wish to make.

Its all a game aint it?


 You do that!! I can save you the bother if you want by attaching a video of him suggesting this. He has a morbid fascination with vaccines 'doing the dirty deed' along with healthcare, that is rather disturbing.

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Lucky 11

Yup! just watched it.I have to say that i can see the reason for a decrease in the worlds population is necessary for the survival of the future super brains and the rich.There will come a time when it will be a seelctive population that exist due to the need for them.

I am somewhat shocked st the blase way this lecture was delivered though.

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8 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Lucky 11

Yup! just watched it.I have to say that i can see the reason for a decrease in the worlds population is necessary for the survival of the future super brains and the rich.There will come a time when it will be a seelctive population that exist due to the need for them.

I am somewhat shocked st the blase way this lecture was delivered though.


 Are you volunteering to be one of the expendables? Believe it or not there is a Billionaires club (BG, Oprah Winfrey, Ted Turner and a host of others that frequently meets to discuss this subject. I can see the reason why he mentions healthcare (oxymoron) as being one of the means of achieving this, as healthcare 'pharma style' is doing a pretty good job at chipping in with it. I see a statistic that stated that more people die from taking pharmaceuticals as prescribed by doctors in the US in 10 days than died in the Vietnam war!! The same amount of people died last year from vitamin over doses as your chances of winning the US national lottery!!


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Lucky 11

Nooooo,i wouldnt want to be an expendable.I'm of the old ethos,that you live,then you die.Of course there is the layer cake one that goes

"your born

you take shit

you move up in the world

you take more shit

then one day,your up in the rarefied atmosphere

and you cant remember

what shit even looked like.

No,i dont want that.

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1 minute ago, attrayant said:

Yep - modern medicine, vaccines and fluoridated water are killing us all!


life expectancy.jpg


 Of course they are, one common denominator - they are all poisons that should not be in the body - same with synthetic pharmaceuticals!! 

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2 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Lucky 11

Nooooo,i wouldnt want to be an expendable.I'm of the old ethos,that you live,then you die.Of course there is the layer cake one that goes

"your born

you take shit

you move up in the world

you take more shit

then one day,your up in the rarefied atmosphere

and you cant remember

what shit even looked like.

No,i dont want that.


 So, then, you don't agree with Billy boy then. I like the way that he says he wants to get co2 down to zero - I think the trees (that produce a vast amount of our oxygen) might have a teeny weeny problem with that!! Of course, TV's and electrical gadgets are a good thing, we want to increase that number by further reducing P. He should brush up on his maths!! If co2 drops to zero (as he wants it to) what do all of the other numbers on the other side (including P) drop to??

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16 minutes ago, attrayant said:

I guess you missed the graphic.


Your paranoid conspiracy theory is not really on topic, so I'm not even sure why you brought it up.  Why not open a new thread so can demonstrate your mastery of the subject?


 I didn't actually, the two are unrelated as Bill Gates and his mega rich friends life expectancy might go up but the number of people dying (if he gets his wicked way) also goes up. I could get completely back on topic and show you why it is perfectly believable that this herb/plant can cure cancer but I am not allowed to. If you want you can PM me and I will supply you with a massive list of cancer cures (all natural). This offer is open to anyone who is interested.

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On 10/22/2016 at 6:10 AM, aussieinthailand said:

So these guy's are a different research team from the ones that claimed the cure for Ebola virus?

And they have a little something to help resistance of H1N1.   Ahhhh LOS  the hub of everything...


But ok,  if it's true then great!!!  Then maybe 21million baht for more research for this instead of junket's too Hawaii for 38 people...!


But Ebola can be cured, so there goes your argument!!

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6 hours ago, attrayant said:

Yep - modern medicine, vaccines and fluoridated water are killing us all!


life expectancy.jpg


Very interesting but what is the source of the data?

Who is included or excluded in the study?
How big was the study

Who funded it?    etc.

Sure, the well off gain longer lives but the poor?

Is this an example of cheery picked data?


The following "Studies" raise many questions. Find them here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/us-life-expectancy/

October 26, 2016


The Penalty for Poverty Should Not Be Death

Study Finds Link Between Where You Live And How Long You'll Live

Donald Trump Is Winning Because White America Is Dying

Report Finds Dramatic Increase In Number Of American Centenarians

The Sad Reason U.S. Life Expectancy Is Stalling

Stunning Drop In Life Spans For Least Educated Americans

Americans Have Shorter Lives


Another example:

An opinion from a Forbes contributor:

 It’s being reported that among a certain section of the population in the United States life expectancy is falling.

Specifically, among white women without high school diplomas.

    Researchers have long documented that the most educated Americans were making the biggest gains in life expectancy, but now they say mortality data show that life spans for some of the least educated Americans are actually contracting. Four studies in recent years identified modest declines, but a new one that looks separately at Americans lacking a high school diploma found disturbingly sharp drops in life expectancy for whites in this group. Experts not involved in the new research said its findings were persuasive.
The steepest declines were for white women without a high school diploma, who lost five years of life between 1990 and 2008, said S. Jay Olshansky, a public health professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the lead investigator on the study, published last month in Health Affairs.



Then there's this:


Obesity cuts U.S. children's life expectancy short
January 13, 2011

For the first time in history, the next generation will not live longer than their parents.

“Diseases such as Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, heart conditions and joint deterioration - what were once considered ‘adult’ diseases - are regularly being diagnosed in children, due to the prevalence of obesity,” said Jessica Bartfield, MD, internal medicine and medical weight-loss specialist at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital, part of the Loyola University Health System.

“What is particularly tragic is that studies have suggested that obesity in children today may contribute to a two- to five-year decline in their life expectancy, shorter than that of their parents, due to obesity-related diseases that are largely preventable,” said Dr. Bartfield, who is part of Gottlieb’s medically supervised weight-loss program involving physicians, nutritionists, exercise physiologists and behavioralists.




Just who do we believe? Lies d a m n e d lies and statistics.

(or should I believe the poster who states that science is self correcting?)

(I think that was on another thread) but every time I think about the statement, I start laughing again.


I can do science me ha ha. Quote from the TV series Brainiac)



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The Centers for Disease Control, World Bank, US Census Bureau and Social Security Administration all show similar trends of increasing life expectancy.   The balance of your post is off topic here, but I'll note that some of your links are to opinion pieces or involve confounding factors (such as poverty), so I am not sure why you think they are relevant in a discussion about how medical advances have impacted life expectancy.


If you want to pursue this, why not open up a thread in the health forum?

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6 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Lucky 11

Yup! just watched it.I have to say that i can see the reason for a decrease in the worlds population is necessary for the survival of the future super brains and the rich.There will come a time when it will be a seelctive population that exist due to the need for them.

I am somewhat shocked st the blase way this lecture was delivered though.


I also watched it and I feel that we are being somewhat lead astray by the notes that scroll up the screen from time to time.

The bias in those texts is working because other posters seem to listen but from a "conditioned" POV and fail to watch it with an open mind.

Smoke n Mirrors?


The formula he uses does not IMHO, require atmospheric CO2 to be zero.

The formula wants People generated CP2 to be zero.

Co2 = People+Services/person+Energy/service+CO2/unit energy

There is no term for natural CO2.....


And whilst he says he likes vaccines, his wish is for the invention of a "thing" that halves the co2 that people create.


I can't say I like BG that much but in this case the video is quite misleading IMO.

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9 minutes ago, attrayant said:

The Centers for Disease Control, World Bank, US Census Bureau and Social Security Administration all show similar trends of increasing life expectancy.   The balance of your post is off topic here, but I'll note that some of your links are to opinion pieces or involve confounding factors (such as poverty), so I am not sure why you think they are relevant in a discussion about how medical advances have impacted life expectancy.


If you want to pursue this, why not open up a thread in the health forum?


Please forgive me, I thought this thread was about:

Thai research team discovers chemicals which can stop cancer from growing

Has the thread drifted off topic? Perhaps you should open a new thread?


My interest in your data is that without the actual source and details of the criteria of the study, it's conclusions could be totally bogus.

You now add "The Centers for Disease Control, World Bank, US Census Bureau and Social Security Administration all show similar trends of increasing life expectancy."

However, this does nothing to provide any validity to your quoted graph.

The only thing you provide is a graph and no back up data.

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