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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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11 hours ago, mommysboy said:

If the Cons. had any integrity whatsoever they would revoke Article 50, because we neither have a PM or administration that is likely to see the process through the important first two years. It is also the only strategic position the Gov. can adopt to avoid complete defeat at the next election, as there is a growing sense in the country that no deal is the worst possible deal.  It would spell the end of the Tories for 30 years or more imo.


This utter fiasco has gone on long enough and is now tangibly hurting the country.

Exactly, it was always going to be that way but too many with their head in the sand and the country has ended up between a rock and a hard place. Unlikely anyone will have the bottle to stand up and suggest pulling Article 50, it has already been reported that May and Merkel have agreed to start negotiations as planned.

The real question is how they will end up. Many are of the opinion that it is all or nothing but that is only an interpretation. Leaving the EU, the single market and the customs union are all separate issues with their own parameters.

Anyone who says the referendum meant leaving the single market is saying the the referendum was intended to stop immigration from the EU. I didn't see that in the referendum bill or the ballot paper so it is purely an interpretation. That interpretation also ignores the fact that about half of net migration is from outside the EU, something that TM failed to control as Home Secretary.

There is no immigration problem with the customs union so why leave, Turkey is in a customs union with the EU. Outside the customs union will ensure that there is a hard border involving Northern Ireland , something that is likely to upset TM's new found crutch.

The common factor between the EU, single market and customs union is the ECJ, Teresa May's pet hate, and we can only hope that more reasonable minds will prevail.

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37 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

The one thing that nauseus and Grouse have in common is their bad taste in tea. And one fears it infuses their politics as well. :coffee1:

Actually, Tetley Tea was just being Yorkshire. In fact I prefer coffee but Earl Grey is nice.

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2 hours ago, SheungWan said:

The one thing that nauseus and Grouse have in common is their bad taste in tea. And one fears it infuses their politics as well. :coffee1:

I just knew he was a Lipton Yellow Label!

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7 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Could be some tough talking today.


"The chairman of the influential Tory backbench 1922 Committee, Graham Brady, confirmed Ms May would be attending a meeting of the group on Monday, brought forward a day to address the the party’s crisis."



Wonder where this is going.


" but acknowledged policies set out in the Tory manifesto would have to be abandoned."




Tory Brexit strategy can now be summed up as follows.


Oh, The grand old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men;
He marched them up to the top of the hill,
And he marched them down again.

And when they were up, they were up,
And when they were down, they were down,
And when they were only half-way up,
They were neither up nor down

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6 hours ago, sandyf said:

Could be some tough talking today.


"The chairman of the influential Tory backbench 1922 Committee, Graham Brady, confirmed Ms May would be attending a meeting of the group on Monday, brought forward a day to address the the party’s crisis."



Wonder where this is going.


" but acknowledged policies set out in the Tory manifesto would have to be abandoned."



Suprise, suprise :saai:.

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9 minutes ago, vogie said:

Yes totally agree 100%. As I said before 4% of school leavers went to uni in the 1960s, now 46%, not realistic to pay for all.

Not only unrealistic - a large percentage are there because standards have been lowered, and the courses offered, pointless.


How did we get to the point where 'academics' are considered the 'cream of society' and those more practically skilled - unworthy??


Edit - And before anyone says anything derogatory, I'd like to point out that I'm the least practical person imaginable!

Edited by dick dasterdly
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The over-educated products of the education system are really not much use to society when one considers that the top-flight are making decisions like TM calling an election when she was already well out in front.  It beggars belief when you see the same stupid mistakes being repeated -- a sure sign of incompetence -- or a sure sign of the government overthrowing the people.  


Until UK has a decent voting system based on PR and concensus it is doomed to be divided and discontented.



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52 minutes ago, vogie said:

I am as thick as two 3inch planks, but can do anything on my car and house, I have been married to a solicitor with degrees, masters and Phd, and she wasn't exactly first in the queue when they were dishing out common sense.

Well that settles it then.

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28 minutes ago, jpinx said:

The over-educated products of the education system are really not much use to society when one considers that the top-flight are making decisions like TM calling an election when she was already well out in front.  It beggars belief when you see the same stupid mistakes being repeated -- a sure sign of incompetence -- or a sure sign of the government overthrowing the people.  


Until UK has a decent voting system based on PR and concensus it is doomed to be divided and discontented.



We need more under-educated products of the education system. Obviously.

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59 minutes ago, vogie said:

I am as thick as two 3inch planks, but can do anything on my car and house, I have been married to a solicitor with degrees, masters and Phd, and she wasn't exactly first in the queue when they were dishing out common sense.

A PhD in law no less! Surprised she didn't consider the Bar!

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

I am as thick as two 3inch planks, but can do anything on my car and house, I have been married to a solicitor with degrees, masters and Phd, and she wasn't exactly first in the queue when they were dishing out common sense.

"I am as thick as two 3inch planks, but can do anything on my car and house"


Bless! We're all assured of a bright future then!

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Just now, Grouse said:

A PhD in law no less! Surprised she didn't consider the Bar!

She was a useless solicitor, luckily it was just family law. She was also the secretary for the local Labour party, more left wing than Corbyn. But she did show me some of the cultured side of life.

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I am sure they are still saying the movement in the GBP is temporary....  I wonder how many are feeling the pinch....

Forget Brexit, forget hung Parliament, forget politics. Fact is the UK faces an insurmountable debt and demographics problem on a biblical scale. This dead cat ain't bouncin'.

Anyone here agree with Jim Rogers views on the UK?
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15 minutes ago, MJP said:


Forget Brexit, forget hung Parliament, forget politics. Fact is the UK faces an insurmountable debt and demographics problem on a biblical scale. This dead cat ain't bouncin'.

Anyone here agree with Jim Rogers views on the UK?


Probably, but please send a link and I'll comment. 

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Probably, but please send a link and I'll comment. 

I'm typing on one of these tablet things, posting links is beyond me. Just google or YouTube "Jim Rogers UK" and you'll soon get the idea. In short he says stick a fork in it, it's done.
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Just now, MJP said:


I'm typing on one of these tablet things, posting links is beyond me. Just google or YouTube "Jim Rogers UK" and you'll soon get the idea. In short he says stick a fork in it, it's done.


OK I'll take a look.

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13 minutes ago, MJP said:


Rogers often uses the phrase "basket case" when describing his understanding of the UK economy.


Plenty of interviews and gloomy forecasts but I can't find anything recent particular to the UK.

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