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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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7 minutes ago, emilymat said:

Back to topic of Brexit.


The Irish border still presents a massive problem, even though T May says it will be easily resoled.


OK then, but no-one bothers to mention Gibraltar, where we have another land border and where the vote for remain was in the 90's %.  Given Spain has been pretty firm about recent events on independence, does anyone believe they will simply say trade and movement remain the same between the mainland and Gib - particularly if there is no deal. Also of course they regard Gib as Spanish territory.


Another Berlin air-lift?



If I recall correctly, something like 40% of the Gibraltarian workforce comes from those living in Spain. Any restriction on their movements would spell disaster for the Gibraltar economy. However the Chief Minister appears to have toed the line these past few months after a very vocal spell immediately after the results were announced. I wonder has he received some form of assurance or other...

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1 hour ago, billd766 said:


He may have seen the film though.


If he bothered to do any research he may have found this site which states that 140,000 French and Belgian troops were rescued from the beaches. But that would spoil his rant though. Facts meaqn little to him.




Dunkirk evacuation, (1940) in World War II, the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) and other Allied troops from the French seaport of Dunkirk (Dunkerque) to England. Naval vessels and hundreds of civilian boats were used in the evacuation, which began on May 26. When it ended on June 4, about 198,000 British and 140,000 French and Belgian troops had been saved.


Perhaps he should also read up here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Dunkirk

for more information or here




After the last rescue boats left Dunkirk harbor on June 4, 1940, the Germans captured some 40,000 French troops who’d been left behind as well as at least 40,000 British soldiers in the Dunkirk vicinity. Theirs is a story that is often overlooked, but for the next five years, until the war’s end, large numbers of these POWs would be mistreated and abused in violation of Geneva Convention guidelines governing the sick, wounded, prisoners of war and civilians. As described in Dunkirk: The Men They Left Behind, by Sean Longden, some were summarily executed. The POWs were denied food and medical treatment. The wounded were jeered at. To lower officer morale, the Nazis told British officers that they would lose their rank and be sent to the salt mines to work. They were forced to drink ditch water and eat putrid food. As noted by Longden: “These dreadful days were never forgotten by those who endured them. They had fought the battles to ensure the successful evacuation of over 300,000 fellow soldiers. Their sacrifice had brought the salvation of the British nation. Yet they had been forgotten while those who escaped and made their way back home were hailed as heroes.”


Not too long after that the French surrendered.


Britain of course being stubborn of course, refused ANY surrender terms from the Germans.

I would take heed of Scott's words if I were you....

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8 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


Surely the above comment was the nadir ('liked' by yourself and oldhippy.....)


A tongue in cheek comment about pretty girls is lower than insinuations about historic nazi collaboration and likening that to modern day attitudes? Well, the depths are subjective, but that gives a fascinating insight into your standards. 

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20 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

A tongue in cheek comment about pretty girls is lower than insinuations about historic nazi collaboration and likening that to modern day attitudes? Well, the depths are subjective, but that gives a fascinating insight into your standards. 

Everyone to their own, but 'liking' the tapeir comment 'Wish I was Finnish, Finnish girls are hot' - followed by the post 


1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

How did this thread manage to descend to such disgustingly low standards as the above? Shame on you, Nontabury.

is a tad hypocritical to say the least.....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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9 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Everyone to their own, but 'liking' the tapeir comment 'Wish I was Finnish, Finnish girls are hot' - followed by the post 


is a tad hypocritical to say the least.....


But the important issue is that nontaburi got caught twice in a row, claiming things that are just simply not true, and using those 2 fake claims to personally attack other posters.

Either nontaburi has no shame, or he believes his own fantasies.

Not to mention the baiting pics that he likes so much to add to his hysterical posts.


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Just now, oldhippy said:


But the important issue is that nontaburi got caught twice in a row, claiming things that are just simply not true, and using those 2 fake claims to personally attack other posters.

Either nontaburi has no shame, or he believes his own fantasies.

Not to mention the baiting pics that he likes so much to add to his hysterical posts.


Oh good, the other poster that 'liked tapeir's thought provoking post ''Wish I was Finnish, Finnish girls are hot' has turned up with the incisive comment "Whatever", followed by a personal attack against a poster with whom he disagrees.....:laugh:


Again, the hypocrisy is impressive.

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5 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Oh good, the other poster that 'liked tapeir's thought provoking post ''Wish I was Finnish, Finnish girls are hot' has turned up with the incisive comment "Whatever", followed by a personal attack against a poster with whom he disagrees.....:laugh:


Again, the hypocrisy is impressive.

Probably a significant number of posts on this thread are of the more flippant, off the cuff manner, and good few are digs at others, but the line was crossed, in my opinion, with Nontabury's post - that went way beyond good humoured or even ill tempered digs. Your defense of him is your business - I have said my piece. 

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9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Probably a significant number of posts on this thread are of the more flippant, off the cuff manner, and good few are digs at others, but the line was crossed, in my opinion, with Nontabury's post - that went way beyond good humoured or even ill tempered digs. Your defense of him is your business - I have said my piece. 

How does that work then RR, if you are on the remaining side posts are "flippant" but if you are a leaver you find them offensive. I don't think anything will match what Tintin and Capt Haddock have said about Britain and the Brits, it's bordering xenophobia. (I am being flippant.)?

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9 minutes ago, vogie said:

How does that work then RR, if you are on the remaining side posts are "flippant" but if you are a leaver you find them offensive. I don't think anything will match what Tintin and Capt Haddock have said about Britain and the Brits, it's bordering xenophobia. (I am being flippant.)?

I will be honest that while I remember the posters' names, I cannot recall any specifics of their posts so cannot comment on the specifics. But (and I do regret having to labour this point) I don't recall any post that said anything similar to 'you are Finnish, the Finnish were Nazi collaborators therefore you must be happy under Germany's boot because you must have innate nazi tendencies'.


Of course, I may have misread the post and will be happy to be corrected - but I think, in the absence of clarity to the contrary, my interpretation is not an unfair one. 

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18 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

I will be honest that while I remember the posters' names, I cannot recall any specifics of their posts so cannot comment on the specifics. But (and I do regret having to labour this point) I don't recall any post that said anything similar to 'you are Finnish, the Finnish were Nazi collaborators therefore you must be happy under Germany's boot because you must have innate nazi tendencies'.


Of course, I may have misread the post and will be happy to be corrected - but I think, in the absence of clarity to the contrary, my interpretation is not an unfair one. 

"And stop all your geriatrics leaching off the Spanish and French health systems!"


Would you call that a fair and unoffensive remark, personally I find it very insulting and uncalled for.


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21 hours ago, nauseus said:

That was a story? More like a tall tale. Either that or Sandy had a senior moment. 

Of course you would find it difficult to believe that some of us were actually doing business with the Europeans back then and you are certainly not interested in how difficult and bureaucratic it was before the single market.

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Brexit mentality - make people feel unwelcome and then complain about NHS waiting times , or was that down to too many immigrants. Brexit will be a case of getting what some want and make everyone suffer the consequences.


A survey of 2,100 EEA-educated doctors conducted in February this year found 61 per cent said they were considering leaving the UK at some point in the future.

Of the doctors who said they were considering leaving, more than 90 per cent said the Brexit vote was a factor in their thinking.


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4 hours ago, taipeir said:
10 hours ago, nontabury said:
And as a Finn, you must surely know that Finland fought on the side of Nazi Germany against the brave Russians. Which I’m sure your very proud of, as now you very happy to be under the thumb of The German dominated E.U.
Could it have something to do with the fact that the E.U. Intends to form a E.U army, something the remain campaign denied in the run up to the referendum. And this at the same time as our media is trying to convince us, that the Russians are starting to flex their muscles.

I wish I was from Finland Finnish girls are hot!

O.K. I apologise, I thought from previouse post, you were from Finland.

So where exactly are you from.

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27 minutes ago, nontabury said:

O.K. I apologise, I thought from previouse post, you were from Finland.

So where exactly are you from.

Now that's a good start.

But what difference does it make whether he is a Finn or not? The problem is what you said about the Finns.....


And how about:

QUOTE: Perhaps your stance is due to you being one of those over paid parasites, working out of Brussels.

1/ If you had bothered to read my reply to one of your questions, you would know that I am a retired macro economics lecturer. OK - duck, back, water

2/ Are you aware of what technique you are using here? First you accuse me of something you completely dreamed up, next you use that fantasy to discredit my post. So 1930s Germany.



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8 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

Now that's a good start.

But what difference does it make whether he is a Finn or not? The problem is what you said about the Finns.....


And how about:

QUOTE: Perhaps your stance is due to you being one of those over paid parasites, working out of Brussels.

1/ If you had bothered to read my reply to one of your questions, you would know that I am a retired macro economics lecturer. OK - duck, back, water

2/ Are you aware of what technique you are using here? First you accuse me of something you completely dreamed up, next you use that fantasy to discredit my post. So 1930s Germany.



When I want to discuss a foreign country, in your case the E.U.

I will try to refrain. Which is very good of me, as you keep on about the U.K should remain part of your so called union. But you keep side stepping  the answer to “WHY”.




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10 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

And clearly, as a particularly insular Brit, you don't know that the USSR invaded Finland after Finland refused the USSR's demands for Finland to surrender some of its territory. And those "brave Russians" with armed forces massively greater than the Finns. performed so poorly that it encouraged Hitler in the belief that he could conquer the USSR.

"The Winter War (Finnish: talvisota, Swedish: vinterkriget, Russian: Зи́мняя война́, tr. Zimnyaya voyna)[F 12] was a military conflict between the Soviet Union (USSR) and Finland in 1939–1940. The war began with the Soviet invasion of Finland on 30 November 1939, three months after the outbreak of World War II, and ended with the Moscow Peace Treaty on 13 March 1940. The League of Nations deemed the attack illegal and expelled the Soviet Union from the League"


And once again, we have a Brexiter dragging WW2 into Brexit. Maybe you should include a link to a "Rule Brittania". WW2 has about as much relevance to the merits Brexit as does that song.


It is a Fact that during the 2nd W.W. that Finland did indeed fight with the Germans against Russia, although to be fair they did disassociate themselves and declared war against Nazi Germany in March 1945.


  After the war the Paris Peace Treaty  classified Finland as a ally of Germany.


 I made these remarks against a T.V member, who I believed was Finnish,due to previouse post by him. He now informs me that he is not Finnish, for that I have appologised to  him.

However I must admit I’ m still rather passed  off that E.U citizens continue to argue that we should remain part of their so called Union, when the British Electorate voted to leave.

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5 hours ago, aright said:


The problem for Europe is not that Hungary, Poland and Austria intend to leave, but that they intend to stay.



Yep, I think that Juncker has actually been happy to have the Brexit diversion at the moment.

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32 minutes ago, aright said:

It's interesting that when an article is published on this forum regarding problems between the Hapsburgs and the EU, Remainers  go deeper into their burrows and ignore or at least don't address the problems within the Union they venerate and want to call home.

If Remainers believe an unelected, illiberal Cabal in Brussels has the right to tell an elected Government in Poland Hungary or anywhere what they have to do, they don't believe in Democracy.  

The Brexit hole labelled "economy" is so wide, deep and dark that 51% of the population hides there whenever the subject is raised! The truth is Brexit has a single card to play and that is the so-called democracy card, there is no economy card, there is no "immigration is bad" card and there are no logic and common sense cards. So whilst the people may have voted and that is called democracy, it doesn't mean they voted for the right thing, the evidence for that is the near total absence of any useful argument to support a post-Brexit economy and a slow but certain increase in the number of voters wanting to change their minds. The Hapsburgs....it's just noise and an unnecessary deflection away from the core issues that Brexit Inc. can't successfully debate on and has no case for.

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8 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

The Brexit hole labelled "economy" is so wide, deep and dark that 51% of the population hides there whenever the subject is raised! The truth is Brexit has a single card to play and that is the so-called democracy card, there is no economy card, there is no "immigration is bad" card and there are no logic and common sense cards. So whilst the people may have voted and that is called democracy, it doesn't mean they voted for the right thing, the evidence for that is the near total absence of any useful argument to support a post-Brexit economy and a slow but certain increase in the number of voters wanting to change their minds. The Hapsburgs....it's just noise and an unnecessary deflection away from the core issues that Brexit Inc. can't successfully debate on and has no case for.

I think you just proved my point

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