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Thais have low IQ and that affects Thai economy


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I have long wondered why countries that were either ruined by wars and communism like South Korea, Japan, China or lack natural resources like Singapore have transformed into technically advanced countries (except China), but on the other hand, Thailand, without having to go through any destructive war, has remained stagnant economically and technically. The very question should be asked is how is the average intelligence level of the Thai in comparison to whose who live in Japan, Chia, South Korea and Singapore. This page https://iq-research.info/en/page/average-iq-by-country contains an excellent answer to that question.


The average IQ scores of these countries as follows:

Singapore : 108

China: 105

South Korea : 106

Japan: 105

Thailand: 91


Let's take a look at the Thai's origin. The modern Thais have diverse origins, but in general they come from 3 main roots as follows:


Austro-Asiatic people who are indeginous of Southeast Asia.

Kra-Dai speaking people who migrated from South China.

Chinese people who migrated to the present-day Thailand several centuries ago.


Among these three main groups, the Austro-Asiatics (present-day Mon, Khmer peoples), and Kra-Dai are the two most numerous and have low intelligence while the Chinese although have high IQ they compose a small portion of the total population and moreover they have mixed up with the other two groups. Therefore the presence of the Chinese does not change the overall picture of Thai economy. That also suggests that if the portion of the Chinese somehow increases, the economy of Thailand would change positively.


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I'd have said that Thai culture actively discourages critical thinking which may influence their ability to evaluate the sort of questions IQ tests typically ask. A raw comparison such as the one the OP proposes is the sort of facile thinking that leads to, among other things. poor IQ scores

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No need to talk lengthy, before critisizing me, could somebody explain to me why almost all of upper class and university scholars in Thailand are Chinese Thai. It is worth noting that Chinese are well assimilated into Thai culture. So there is no longer problems about cultural differences between Chinese Thai and other kinds of Thais.

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If you believe that research is accurate and complete, you're as unintelligent as the people in Equatorial Guinea!

I agree
I know I'm intelligent because I know that I know nothing.

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As this topic appears to have been opened for the sole purpose of denigrating Thais, and as per this forum rule:


11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.





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