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Former Thai model "Nong Nat" furious after foreign media claim turning to Buddhism landed her multi millionaire Harold


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Him good man. Him take care her. Him papaaaaa. 



Disneyland for adults but i love it. I need to investigate her arts movies a little more though as i had never heard of her before tvf. And im not too attracted to her face but she has nice body and in the end that's all that matters in such type of relationships.


She gets cash. Harold gets xxx. She's a cry for attention. Harrold is getting 2nd youth. 

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he's only 70 FCS ... he's not dead yet!
so what if she used to be a hooker?
I think ol' Harold did quite well for himself getting a skilled pretty with a great top side (and all around actually) that's ready to please him whenever he wishes!
I hope I'm still doing that well at 70, and 80!

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3 hours ago, AsiaCheese said:

<deleted> - whatever her background, whatever the age difference, it's their thing and no-one elses. Except of course the sleaze "press" is making a full meal of it, and ever so many peeps with their head up their butts need to throw in their 2 cents... sad state of affairs!



Oh please.  These so called celebrities need the paparazzi as much as they need them.


If she didn't want to be lime night then don't answer any reporter questions.


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She landed what most Thai women want, the falang with a big nest egg & he landed what most men his age yearn for, a young good looking babe, so they suite their needs, she goes around to everyone saying I have very rich falang husband (Thai status thing), just to put people's noses out of joint, and he says to everyone, yep, you would if you could too.


I only hope Harold can still give her a good serving, because life without the old fella working properly would kill me, and I dread the day, especially with a younger wife.

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Whoa, the envy and resentment! Good luck to Harold and Nong Nat! Long life to both! Their pleasure and joy is nobody else's business.  I hope they laugh long and hard all the way to the bedroom each night when they think of the pea-brains who only find pleasure in jealousy. Pathetic.

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9 hours ago, yooyoo said:

I think it is the other way round... its old Harold that did the praying ... look what he landed a gorgeous model .. plenty of experience and skills from her porn movies to make him happy .. what more can old dude pray for.... ?

Harold, my hero!

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7 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Why would anyone who saw them thing it was disgusting?  Having travelled all over the World I have seen many older men with younger women. I take little notice- it could be his daughter; a friend; a girlfriend or a wife.  I have never seen any overt affection while out in public. It is frowned upon in Thailand even between Thais.

If one feels disgusted by seeing different types of relationships amongst different people- that person needs to look in the mirror as your prejudice is showing. At the end of the day- it's none of your business so keep your animosity to yourself.

Not disgusting at all.  I agree.  I wouldn't mind seeing "her" while they were kissing/necking.  A lot better than seeing two men in San Francisco "go at it."  

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Many on here married hookers, but call them bar girls to make themselves feel better. But she actually isnt a hooker is she? Are adult movie actresses prostitutes in the real sense of the word. I would imagine the old fella would not have her hanging off him if not for the hefty bank account. This is the thai lady way of looking at life financial security.

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19 hours ago, Yann55 said:

I know nothing of Nong Nat or Harold, this kind of tabloid gossip is not my cup of tea, so frankly, who gives a sh*te ...


But when I read that part of the title in the Australian newspaper : Turning to Buddhism and 'praying' ... I have to ask why the inverted commas around the word praying ?


Actually this little typo detail very clearly and very accurately reveals how haughty, insulting and deeply condescending most Westerners can be when talking about religions other than the Christian one. These commas imply that her prayers were nothing but self-serving neo-pagan incantations ... OK, sure, but wait a minute ... don't most Christians do exactly the same thing in most of their prayers ?


Aren't the super famous pilgrimage places like Lourdes, Fatima and Compostela crammed with people who go there to ask for a personal favor ? What makes this journalist think that only in Thailand do people practise a bastardized kind of faith ? This kind of attitude is repellent, honestly.


To adress the question of religion being reduced to an individualistic instrument is interesting and totally relevant, but to imply that this problem is not a global one is a show of plain stupidity.

Could it be because most Westerner think that Buddhist don't have a divine being to pray to?



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2 hours ago, Johnniey said:

Could it be because most Westerner think that Buddhist don't have a divine being to pray to?



Perhaps that's what they think ... And then perhaps they don't realize that the way most of them envisage their 'divine being' is actually a blend of Santa Claus, Superman, and the local sheriff.


Everything in the West, and I mean everything, has by now been 'hollywoodized'. God has not escaped that tsunami and he is now a feature, a product, just like Snow White, a Smartphone or the latest popular diet. Why and how this was allowed to happen and what it will lead humanity into is a fascinating question.

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