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Trump votes in Manhattan as aides claim upset win in sight


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The polls were wrong and those of us who believed the polls were wrong, also.  The angry white, rural vote carried the day after all.  The sad irony is that their own lot in life will get worse under Repub control, not better, but they may never notice that as they enjoy the consolation of repression of blacks, women, gays, and Latinos.


The blackest day for America in my lifetime.

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2 minutes ago, somo said:


Don't be so sure. America is a crazy place. To elect Ronnie Reagan and G. Bush Jr proved that and then they both got reelected.

Things won't change too much. Trump revises his position on most things every other day. Now he is in the republican machine will take over and he will just be a front man. He will backtrack on everything remotely controversial.



Actually Trump isn't in the Republican machine. Virtually none of its leaders supported him though the RNC did. He is in a uniquely envious position where he is beholden to nobody in leadership and could work across the aisle if he so chose. i don't think he's clever enough to pull that off though. Time will tell.

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2 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Actually Trump isn't in the Republican machine. Virtually none of its leaders supported him though the RNC did. He is in a uniquely envious position where he is beholden to nobody in leadership and could work across the aisle if he so chose. i don't think he's clever enough to pull that off though. Time will tell.


 What an extraordinary day - who would imagine that I would agree with you and give you a like!! Remarkable!!

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7 minutes ago, somo said:


Don't be so sure. America is a crazy place. To elect Ronnie Reagan and G. Bush Jr proved that and then they both got reelected.

Things won't change too much. Trump revises his position on most things every other day. Now he is in the republican machine will take over and he will just be a front man. He will backtrack on everything remotely controversial.


I think that's true. As John Kasich's people claimed, Trump offered him the vice-presidency and the promise that he could run things. People who think Trump is going to upset the system don't seem to understand that to upset a system you have to understand how it works. He clearly doesn't. So he will put himself in the hands of people like Mike Pence.

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10 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

The polls were wrong and those of us who believed the polls were wrong, also.  The angry white, rural vote carried the day after all.  The sad irony is that their own lot in life will get worse under Repub control, not better, but they may never notice that as they enjoy the consolation of repression of blacks, women, gays, and Latinos.


The blackest day for America in my lifetime.

"Angry"..."white"..."rural"...can't you just call them your fellow Americans who disagree with you...if not, it's probably why your standard bearer looks to lose the election .

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Just now, OMGImInPattaya said:

"Angry"..."white"...can't you just call them your fellow Americans who disagree with you...if not, probably why your standard bearer looks to lose the elecrion.


And there's the crux of it. They are our fellow Americans and they matter too. Seems many people have never taken a drive cross country.

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8 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

The polls were wrong and those of us who believed the polls were wrong, also.  The angry white, rural vote carried the day after all.  The sad irony is that their own lot in life will get worse under Repub control, not better, but they may never notice that as they enjoy the consolation of repression of blacks, women, gays, and Latinos.


The blackest day for America in my lifetime.


Don't count on polls :smile:. This rhetoric reminds me of the painful remoaner tripe on Brexit. Continually spouting stuff like this (calling the other side dumb, racist bigots etc ) because they have a different opinion is the reason why you lose. Ordinary folks are sick of it. 

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6 minutes ago, CWMcMurray said:

All those Hillary supporter still thinking she was the better candidate in the primaries ?

Tried to tell everyone by appointing Hillary and sandbagging against Bernie by DNC and entire Democratic Party they were shooting themselves in the foot..

So hope they are all happy...

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


 Bernie would have 'cake walked' it - how ironic that they rigged their own primaries and it cost them. Trump should give Sanders a position in his government as a big thank you!!

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 Unity will be virtually impossible after the outcome, whichever way it goes.


HRC will say the right things win or lose.


It's all on Trump either way.


There certainly will not be a civil war again, but the Trump people are ugly win or lose.

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16 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

The polls were wrong and those of us who believed the polls were wrong, also.  The angry white, rural vote carried the day after all.  The sad irony is that their own lot in life will get worse under Repub control, not better, but they may never notice that as they enjoy the consolation of repression of blacks, women, gays, and Latinos.


The blackest day for America in my lifetime.

30% of Latinos voted for Trump.  You are uninformed.  No surprise there eh?

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7 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

"Angry"..."white"..."rural"...can't you just call them your fellow Americans who disagree with you...if not, it's probably why your standard bearer looks to lose the election .


The foolishness of Trump's supporters is that while they have a very valid gripe, namely that their standard of living has been declining for more than 30 years, they blame it on the wrong people: blacks, gays, Mexican immigrants, Muslim terrorists, women, etc.  So, they respond most to Trump's racist appeals.  Their economic misfortune is mostly, if not exclusively, the work of the Reagan Revolution, i.e. suppress the unions and lower taxes on the rich. 


While I have considerable sympathy for their plight, viewing their prejudice does not give me that lump-in-the-throat-proud-to-be-an-American feeling about which I have read so much.

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1 minute ago, lucky11 said:


 Bernie would have 'cake walked' it - how ironic that they rigged their own primaries and it cost them. Trump should give Sanders a position in his government as a big thank you!!


Ralph Nader's last book called "Unstoppable" made a very good case that the rescue of America lies in a coalition between conservatives and progressives who share a great many common ideals. It is the mainstream that is messed up.

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3 minutes ago, lucky11 said:


 Bernie would have 'cake walked' it - how ironic that they rigged their own primaries and it cost them. Trump should give Sanders a position in his government as a big thank you!!


There was never any chance that Americans were going to elect a Jewish socialist. 

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2 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


The foolishness of Trump's supporters is that while they have a very valid gripe, namely that their standard of living has been declining for more than 30 years, they blame it on the wrong people: blacks, gays, Mexican immigrants, Muslim terrorists, women, etc.  So, they respond most to Trump's racist appeals.  Their economic misfortune is mostly, if not exclusively, the work of the Reagan Revolution, i.e. suppress the unions and lower taxes on the rich. 


While I have considerable sympathy for their plight, viewing their prejudice does not give me that lump-in-the-throat-proud-to-be-an-American feeling about which I have read so much.

So if your party really cared a wit about their concerns, they would have nominated Sanders and not a bought and paid for Wall Street candidate. Seems like you Dems need to look in the mirror as to why you may lose the election.

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1 minute ago, CaptHaddock said:


There was never any chance that Americans were going to elect a Jewish socialist. 


I think that's nonsense. We've elected a black man. We would have elected a woman were she not corrupt. Bernie is agnostic at best and that socialist label got thrown out 30 years ago.

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2 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I think that's nonsense. We've elected a black man. We would have elected a woman were she not corrupt. Bernie is agnostic at best and that socialist label got thrown out 30 years ago.


Well shot down - the flames as he passed just scorched me!!

Edited by lucky11
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5 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Ralph Nader's last book called "Unstoppable" made a very good case that the rescue of America lies in a coalition between conservatives and progressives who share a great many common ideals. It is the mainstream that is messed up.


During the campaign I viewed the Trump supporters as potential recruits to the Dem party.  They would be better served by pro-labor, pro-family policies of the Dems, very much including Obamacare.  But they Dems are not going to make their pitch using racism, which as it turns out has an overwhelming appeal.  The Dems also support free-trade and the strong dollar, which are indeed inimical to their interests. 


The "mainstream" that is the problem is the rich with their extreme share of the national income.  While the rich have certainly influenced the Dem party,  they own the Repub leadership lock, stock, and barrel.  In the coming conflict within the Repub party, my bet is that they will continue to set the policy and the Trump voters will be further screwed.  But their racism and misogyny will be satisfied.

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1 minute ago, CaptHaddock said:


During the campaign I viewed the Trump supporters as potential recruits to the Dem party.  They would be better served by pro-labor, pro-family policies of the Dems, very much including Obamacare.  But they Dems are not going to make their pitch using racism, which as it turns out has an overwhelming appeal.  The Dems also support free-trade and the strong dollar, which are indeed inimical to their interests. 


The "mainstream" that is the problem is the rich with their extreme share of the national income.  While the rich have certainly influenced the Dem party,  they own the Repub leadership lock, stock, and barrel.  In the coming conflict within the Repub party, my bet is that they will continue to set the policy and the Trump voters will be further screwed.  But their racism and misogyny will be satisfied.

You will find out who is the real hi so blimp who cares nothing about the country when listening to Hillary's concession speech.  She should tell her supporters to now support the President elect but she is too venomous/vindictive to do it. 

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I think the Washington DC vote should tell you something. Hillary got 93 percent of the vote. It appears that the residents now see the bottom of their slop bucket and the government may see their bloated job numbers disappear. 

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2 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

You will find out who is the real hi so blimp who cares nothing about the country when listening to Hillary's concession speech.  She should tell her supporters to now support the President elect but she is too venomous/vindictive to do it. 


 I can just see her uttering the words "congrats Donald" and vomiting!!

Edited by lucky11
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4 minutes ago, Gary A said:

I think the Washington DC vote should tell you something. Hillary got 93 percent of the vote. It appears that the residents now see the bottom of their slop bucket and the government may see their bloated job numbers disappear. 


 It tells me NOTHING!!

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16 minutes ago, lucky11 said:


....but it stopped Clinton from winning!! are you disagreeing with this?


Sanders didn't spoil Clinton's election.  He campaigned vigorously for her. 

18 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

So if your party really cared a wit about their concerns, they would have nominated Sanders and not a bought and paid for Wall Street candidate. Seems like you Dems need to look in the mirror as to why you may lose the election.


The Dem party cares more about the working class than the Repubs ever have, by a long shot, but less than they used to.  The point at which the median income in America stopped growing in sync with GDP was about 1980, i.e. the Reagan Revolution.  All of the Repub candidates, very much including Trump, support a tax policy of yet further reductions in taxes for the rich, individuals and corporations alike. 


So, goodbye Obamacare, the benefits of which went to the working class, hello restrictions on pre-existing conditions and rescission.  Goodbye Roe v. Wade, but people like Trump will still send their mistresses abroad for first-class abortions while the poor will die in increasing numbers from botched attempts.  Trump has said that he opposes free trade and immigration, but the billionaire donor class very much favors both.  So, we'll see whose interests win.  I am quite sure that Trumps voters will be worse off in 4 years, but at least they will be able to look down on blacks and women with impunity.

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24 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I think that's nonsense. We've elected a black man. We would have elected a woman were she not corrupt. Bernie is agnostic at best and that socialist label got thrown out 30 years ago.

 Uh huh.  To you and me Bernie is just another secular Jew.  In the hinterland they would have viewed hime as the killer of Christ. 

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