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From Barack Obama to Donald Trump in eight years


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In the 80's i lived in Georgia USA.I was working as a design engineer on a project in Dalton Tennessee.My friends and workmates were all of the working class faction.

I have to say that Black people,jews,and American Indians,were treated very much as second class citizens.In the area i lived in(a place called Marreietta)I used to visit a variation of bars.I was just like any other white guy buying a drink.However,black couples had to ask the manager if they could come in.I also witnessed other racist Actions.Atlanta has a series of glass lifts that go up and down between the city below the city and the upper city.The American Indians(Cherokee) use to ride the escalators for fun,i witnessed several severe beatings given to these people by the security guards.

Believe me,the KKK is very much still alive in this state.There was even a radio station that used to play nothing except songs about 'hanging Niggers from the nearest tree' And on Martin Luther King day,the grand Pubar of the Clan sends a message to the faithful,telling them that MLK's birthday should not be celebrated,but the the birthday of the man that shot him should be.This and other bad shit happens on a daily basis.Like the Thais say,"it doesnt matter,it was only a felang" so do the red neck's say the same.

You see,America is great when you sre going to Disney land or the other theme parks,or seeing the sights,all the tourist places are wonderful,But i lived where there were no tourists,and i saw Americans at their worst.

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4 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Do you think Americans have bought a pig in a poke??

Of course they have! Nobody has any idea how this whole thing is gonna play out. If he gives in too much of his ideas and goes along with what "the establishment" tells him to do, he is going to disappoint a lot of voters. If he doesn't give in, he wont get anything through the House/Congress. Catch22

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5 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:

Of course they have! Nobody has any idea how this whole thing is gonna play out. If he gives in too much of his ideas and goes along with what "the establishment" tells him to do, he is going to disappoint a lot of voters. If he doesn't give in, he wont get anything through the House/Congress. Catch22

That makes Clinton's defeat even more damning.


Americans had no idea what they would get from a Trump presidency, yet they still preferred him over Clinton, knowing exactly what she would do in office.


What a savage indictment of the woman, her lack of appeal and her stated policies.

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7 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:

Of course they have! Nobody has any idea how this whole thing is gonna play out. If he gives in too much of his ideas and goes along with what "the establishment" tells him to do, he is going to disappoint a lot of voters. If he doesn't give in, he wont get anything through the House/Congress. Catch22

Somehow I think the establishment will win out. After all being president is just another job with a big pension attached not that he needs it. Why would he want to live in a drafty old house and work for a couple hundred thousand a year at age 70. Personally he is screwing his life for 4 years or as am I closing in on the end of life he wants his name in the history books. He is after all egotistical.

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1 minute ago, RickBradford said:

That makes Clinton's defeat even more damning.


Americans had no idea what they would get from a Trump presidency, yet they still preferred him over Clinton, knowing exactly what she would do in office.


What a savage indictment of the woman, her lack of appeal and her stated policies.

Rationality left the building  long time ago. Elvis where are you. 

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1 hour ago, Steely Dan said:

The electorate rejected Obama and Clinton's globalist agenda allowing Trump to reverse the damage they caused. Not only does he control congress and the House of Representatives he is also not beholding to a list of rich and often foreign donors, who care not a jot about the American people.

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We have no idea if Trump is "beholden" to someone. His business interests (and specifically, foreign interest) largely remained out of the spotlight. I would agree that in a sense Trump is not beholden to anyone, but that probably includes the electorate as well.

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2 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Somehow I think the establishment will win out. After all being president is just another job with a big pension attached not that he needs it. Why would he want to live in a drafty old house and work for a couple hundred thousand a year at age 70. Personally he is screwing his life for 4 years or as am I closing in on the end of life he wants his name in the history books. He is after all egotistical.


My idea too. As I said, "the establishment" is not going to chop off its own head.

There are a few possible reasons why he really wants to be the president at age 70. First and foremost because it pleases his ego more than anything he has ever experienced, and secondly that the Trump Corporation is going to grow exponentially.

I have difficulty believing that he really wants to help the "average American" reaching their dreams. If he does want to follow-up on his socialist policies towards jobs, healthcare, infrastructure, education, kill trade deals, etc. his job is indeed going to be an absolute nightmare. So my guess is that now that he is president he is going to chill, fill his own pockets and just follow what Paul Ryan tells him to do. And that to the chagrin of his voters of course.....

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44 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

That makes Clinton's defeat even more damning.


Americans had no idea what they would get from a Trump presidency, yet they still preferred him over Clinton, knowing exactly what she would do in office.


What a savage indictment of the woman, her lack of appeal and her stated policies.

But it was because they knew exactly what Clinton was gonna do that they voted for Trump. People are sick and tired of having no say what-so-ever in a billion USD bank bailout while they are out of a job, have their homes foreclosed, cant afford their doctors bills, etc. And both the Democrats and the Republicans have their heads so far up their asses that a man like Trump can catch on the real sentiment of the people (as did Bernie Sanders of course). Its just very interesting to see what he is going to do with the promises he made to the American public (and with promises I don't mean "building a wall" or "banning all Muslims" because my guess is that the majority of the Trump voters didnt vote for him because of these idiotic policies)

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1 hour ago, DriveByTrucker said:


My idea too. As I said, "the establishment" is not going to chop off its own head.

There are a few possible reasons why he really wants to be the president at age 70. First and foremost because it pleases his ego more than anything he has ever experienced, and secondly that the Trump Corporation is going to grow exponentially.

I have difficulty believing that he really wants to help the "average American" reaching their dreams. If he does want to follow-up on his socialist policies towards jobs, healthcare, infrastructure, education, kill trade deals, etc. his job is indeed going to be an absolute nightmare. So my guess is that now that he is president he is going to chill, fill his own pockets and just follow what Paul Ryan tells him to do. And that to the chagrin of his voters of course.....

During my 78 years on the planet I have found out one thing about politics the voters never and I repeat never win. Its all smoke and mirrors huff and puff but most importantly reading what people want to hear and Donald is an expert at this. Hillary just kept blowing Obama's horn and one did not need to look far in the rust belt to see and hear that it was not resonating. The Dems have many good and I mean good better than Hillary female candidates that have the "juice" to be president. Tammy Duckworth and that rocking gal Elizabeth Warren come to mind. Start grooming them now the call to post is not far off. 

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Trump will get more pushback from Congressional Republicans than Clinton would have ever gotten from the Democrats in Congress....which would have been zero based on the last 8 years.  This alone should be reassuring when you consider the only really important job Congress has is standing as a check against excesses by the Executive office. Getting things done requires actual dealmaking skills.....something foreign to Obama.   Otherwise, you do like Obama did and ignore Congress while signing a bunch of Executive Orders that aren't worth the paper they are written on


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14 hours ago, NovaBlue05 said:

60% -plus polled think the direction of the country is on the wrong track so why would they vote to continue that track?. They voted for "Hope & Change" 8 years ago. Then they lost hope and just voted for change.



What? The Republican candidate earned fewer votes than Romney  obtained in the last election. Where does this 60% come from as   Mrs. Clinton  had more of the popular vote that Trump. He knows it too so he is treading cautiously.

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8 hours ago, Dtrump said:

He wants term limits and that's going to be a hard one.  70% of America thinks it's a good idea but Washington rejects it. 


Stop saying Washington. All of those representatives and  senators who are opposed come from individual districts from Kansas City to Tupelo to  Reno etc. It's a cop out to  scream "Washington". The voters keep sending these people back, so the can stop their whinging and they can  live with their bad choices.

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:


Stop saying Washington. All of those representatives and  senators who are opposed come from individual districts from Kansas City to Tupelo to  Reno etc. It's a cop out to  scream "Washington". The voters keep sending these people back, so the can stop their whinging and they can  live with their bad choices.

It's a cop out to say they don't become Washington insiders more at home in DC than back in a home district that holds no meaning for them anymore.

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17 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Thats it exactly.


Republicans had better hear it this time around--their constituency wants a new paradigm. We are sick of the corruption. 


Notice to GOP leadership--Paul Ryan is not the change we are looking for. He is just a new young version of what many of us find wrong with our Party.


Paul Ryan "Nah don't want any part of Donald" to "Me too wanna be part of the success." Like one comedian put it "It's like the GOP is caught in a falling elevator and they think they're all going to die, when suddenly it slows and gently stops and opens up to a beautiful meadow with birds singing" (indirect quote) 

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" Trump has shown diabolically intelligent political. He was able to embody a new kind of leader to go against his own party, then against his democratic opponent. He was able to take on the role of a new man who was not part of the political elites who have been discredited by two catastrophes that deeply marked the American people: the war in Iraq and the financial crisis in 2008. Never mind that these were largely a result of Republican policies....those who represent the voices of protest anger, whether it be Trump or his European clones, have no idea how to solve these complex problems. They sell illusions, and Trump is the master illusionnist...




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5 hours ago, geriatrickid said:



What? The Republican candidate earned fewer votes than Romney  obtained in the last election. Where does this 60% come from as   Mrs. Clinton  had more of the popular vote that Trump. He knows it too so he is treading cautiously.


Cool your jets GK and read what I posted. I was clearly referencing polls in advance of the election on Tuesday





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14 hours ago, freebyrd said:

As a non-American, it seems that Obama has been despised from Day 1 because he's black. The land of the free is patently still the most racist in the world. You American citizens also expect miracles from your President and that just isn't possible. The old expression of 'The impossible I can do at once, miracles take a little longer' fits well.


It will be interesting to see if Trump can achieve anything like he says he can. Words come easily, let's see what the next 6 months bring.


'As the Chinese say 'Beware what you wish for'.......


I agree that DT will not be necessarily a miracle worker, but I think you're playing the race card . Obama was highly popular (53.6% at this point) and may have  won again if the system had allowed 3 terms. America is the most racist country in the world is a bit harsh. The corollary to that is that Hillary was rejected because she was a woman. Both propositions are the usual excuses that the Left seize when real reasons cannot be faced

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13 hours ago, DriveByTrucker said:


He doesnt "have" the house and congress, the GOP does. What you are saying that they will indeed sit back and chop of their own heads because Trump says so. That sounds very unlikely. Especially since a significant part of the GOP doesnt support Trump's ideas at all.




The GOP likes success, they'll be in on the lolly scramble. Can't believe their luck. Just Kasich, Bush, Romney types have been caught with their trousers down. 

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15 hours ago, freebyrd said:

As a non-American, it seems that Obama has been despised from Day 1 because he's black. The land of the free is patently still the most racist in the world. 


What a load of ****.


So by your reasoning it could be said Trump has been despised by liberals from Day 1 because he is a white and a male AND not because his political agenda does not appeal to all voters. 


Out of curiousity, are you British? 


If so, can you tell me if you reference your black community as African-British like we have our African-Americans? in America, we continue to treat blacks as a "Special & Unique" group seperate from whites. We even have legislation that provides them advantages simply due to their skin color. I have often wondered if that type of racial preference is practiced in Britain.


Thanks for any insight.

Edited by ClutchClark
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15 hours ago, freebyrd said:

As a non-American, it seems that Obama has been despised from Day 1 because he's black. The land of the free is patently still the most racist in the world. You American citizens also expect miracles from your President and that just isn't possible. The old expression of 'The impossible I can do at once, miracles take a little longer' fits well.


It will be interesting to see if Trump can achieve anything like he says he can. Words come easily, let's see what the next 6 months bring.


'As the Chinese say 'Beware what you wish for'.......



Obama was elected for two terms because he got the white vote

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15 hours ago, freebyrd said:

As a non-American, it seems that Obama has been despised from Day 1 because he's black. The land of the free is patently still the most racist in the world. You American citizens also expect miracles from your President and that just isn't possible. The old expression of 'The impossible I can do at once, miracles take a little longer' fits well.


It will be interesting to see if Trump can achieve anything like he says he can. Words come easily, let's see what the next 6 months bring.


'As the Chinese say 'Beware what you wish for'.......


Nonsense. Obama was despised because he is a communist-mentored, America-hating leftist. Many Americans had his number from DAY ONE. The race card proved to be a massive FAIL. I would urge you to take notice.

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Just now, MajarTheLion said:


I have a feeling you've been pretty busy since late evening November 8.  :)

Actually, it was MUCH busier during the primaries and early part of the election cycle.   Many members learned their lesson early on.  

.....But now you have me going off-topic!!

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13 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

In the 80's i lived in Georgia USA.I was working as a design engineer on a project in Dalton Tennessee.My friends and workmates were all of the working class faction.

I have to say that Black people,jews,and American Indians,were treated very much as second class citizens.In the area i lived in(a place called Marreietta)I used to visit a variation of bars.I was just like any other white guy buying a drink.However,black couples had to ask the manager if they could come in.I also witnessed other racist Actions.Atlanta has a series of glass lifts that go up and down between the city below the city and the upper city.The American Indians(Cherokee) use to ride the escalators for fun,i witnessed several severe beatings given to these people by the security guards.

Believe me,the KKK is very much still alive in this state.There was even a radio station that used to play nothing except songs about 'hanging Niggers from the nearest tree' And on Martin Luther King day,the grand Pubar of the Clan sends a message to the faithful,telling them that MLK's birthday should not be celebrated,but the the birthday of the man that shot him should be.This and other bad shit happens on a daily basis.Like the Thais say,"it doesnt matter,it was only a felang" so do the red neck's say the same.

You see,America is great when you sre going to Disney land or the other theme parks,or seeing the sights,all the tourist places are wonderful,But i lived where there were no tourists,and i saw Americans at their worst.


Black Lives Matter = The New KKK


Would you like to compare how active BLM has been versus the KKK recently?


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13 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

In the 80's i lived in Georgia USA.I was working as a design engineer on a project in Dalton Tennessee.My friends and workmates were all of the working class faction.

I have to say that Black people,jews,and American Indians,were treated very much as second class citizens.In the area i lived in(a place called Marreietta)I used to visit a variation of bars.I was just like any other white guy buying a drink.However,black couples had to ask the manager if they could come in.I also witnessed other racist Actions.Atlanta has a series of glass lifts that go up and down between the city below the city and the upper city.The American Indians(Cherokee) use to ride the escalators for fun,i witnessed several severe beatings given to these people by the security guards.

Believe me,the KKK is very much still alive in this state.There was even a radio station that used to play nothing except songs about 'hanging Niggers from the nearest tree' And on Martin Luther King day,the grand Pubar of the Clan sends a message to the faithful,telling them that MLK's birthday should not be celebrated,but the the birthday of the man that shot him should be.This and other bad shit happens on a daily basis.Like the Thais say,"it doesnt matter,it was only a felang" so do the red neck's say the same.

You see,America is great when you sre going to Disney land or the other theme parks,or seeing the sights,all the tourist places are wonderful,But i lived where there were no tourists,and i saw Americans at their worst.


Usually we argue ideology but this is your experience so I can't. Good post thanks 

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13 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

In the 80's i lived in Georgia USA.I was working as a design engineer on a project in Dalton Tennessee.My friends and workmates were all of the working class faction.

I have to say that Black people,jews,and American Indians,were treated very much as second class citizens.In the area i lived in(a place called Marreietta)I used to visit a variation of bars.I was just like any other white guy buying a drink.However,black couples had to ask the manager if they could come in.I also witnessed other racist Actions.Atlanta has a series of glass lifts that go up and down between the city below the city and the upper city.The American Indians(Cherokee) use to ride the escalators for fun,i witnessed several severe beatings given to these people by the security guards.

Believe me,the KKK is very much still alive in this state.There was even a radio station that used to play nothing except songs about 'hanging Niggers from the nearest tree' And on Martin Luther King day,the grand Pubar of the Clan sends a message to the faithful,telling them that MLK's birthday should not be celebrated,but the the birthday of the man that shot him should be.This and other bad shit happens on a daily basis.Like the Thais say,"it doesnt matter,it was only a felang" so do the red neck's say the same.

You see,America is great when you sre going to Disney land or the other theme parks,or seeing the sights,all the tourist places are wonderful,But i lived where there were no tourists,and i saw Americans at their worst.


And yet America voted in a black president for two election cycles.


I suppose you were quite fortunate to spend the 80's here in the US rather than back home in merry old Great Britain. I mean with all the race riots going on back there during those years. Wikipedia says there were claims it was a "Racial Civil War". 


Your time in America really was a DisneyLand in comparison. 





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It appears many leftists still don't understand what has happened.


IMHO, he won because he didn't back down to the PC crowd. Many Americans like me, who go about their lives working to provide for our families, stood by for years as leftists called us racists, Islamophobes, xenophobes, etc because we believe the United States should control who comes into our country, how many and when. Just look at how much conversation the complicated Thai visa process generates! Of course a country should control their borders and who they let in. Even Louis Farrakhan agrees with Donald Trump's policy on vetting Muslims from the Middle East. And it should also be noted that the United States has created much of the anti-American sentiment through constant meddling into others' affairs.


Barack Obama was supposed to be the anti-Bush and "hope and change". After nearly eight years, he's been unable to end the two wars he ran on ending. Now he's dragging us into Syria- after a war for oil in Libya in his spare time. He bashed Bush for running up $4 trillion in debt, but more than DOUBLED that $4 trillion he told us was "unpatriotic". His health care scam has been a disaster. Economic growth is tepid. There isn't much confidence in the economy on Main Street America.


Political correctness has reached an all-time high. Obama's racially-infused rhetoric has resulted in more division. By the way, just what is a "typical white person"? Can you imagine a white Republican referring to his black grandmother as a "typical black person"?


But I digress. America knows it got suckered. America watched and observed as anti-Trump savages attacked people for their political beliefs. America watched and observed as savages ran wild in Ferguson, Baltimore and other cities. America is tired of hearing about slavery, which ended 150+ years ago.


The bottom line is this: Hillary Clinton is the consummate DC insider and shyster. From her influence-peddling scam masquerading as a charity to her constant lying about emails, it was going to be a tough road for her. It turns out voters care more about keeping a Washington DC insider out of the Oval Office than Trump talking about grabbing women by the pu$$y and all the other ordinance dished out by.... the very same establishment-type goons Americans were sick and tired of.


To me, there is an interesting question as to leftist tactics: now that Trump has stood up to the accusations of "racism", will fellow GOPers finally grow a pair and quit slinking away the minute they're attacked by the left with the same old tricks? In fact, will the effectiveness of playing the race card be diminished, now that it failed after one man dared to not back down?


Stay tuned...


Oh and one last thing: using the lack of college education to bully people. It turns out the geniuses with Ivy League degrees and cushy jobs at MSNBC and most of the other media outlets got it completely wrong? If they have any shame at all, they'll think twice before trying that silliness again. A college degree is in no way any assurance of someone being smart or knowledgeable. In fact, given how pu$$ified our universities are training kids to be, it's becoming a liability in some ways. We now have students who need "safe spaces", want racially segregated areas and cry and ask if they can skip the midterms because they're so traumatized by Donald Trump.... GASP... winning the election.



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