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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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4 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

Based on Donald Trump's personal history and his own words spoken during the campaign he was not a viable candidate for President. That said, both major US political parties failed to provide viable candidates. Trump was elected due to being the only one left voicing the frustration/anger held by large numbers of the middle class. We will have to see, but I see nothing that suggests he will have the desire or ability to address the issue of the deep economic cause of the frustration (shared by the global community and not limited to the US).


LOL> you think Trump won by default? Where have you been? He ran a masterful campaign, worked it hard, and took it.

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9 minutes ago, tropo said:

Don't you guys ever tire of betting against Trump? He won the primaries, the election... all impossible. Now he's not going to keep promises and won't win the next elections? Smart money says you're wrong - again.

Paddy Power is the Irish bookie that paid millions on "Hillary for President" bets in October because the election was "already over." Oops.


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On 11/12/2016 at 10:12 AM, Thakkar said:

Don Jr, Ivanka, and Eric, who will run Trump biz under blind trust, are all on the Trump presidential transition team.

Thankfully those corrupt Clintons, with all their conflicts of interest, are gone from politics. 



As I post Chelsea aka Crook, Jr. is being groomed to run for Congress.  

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3 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


The questions were, how does it feel, has this ever happened before and is this good for America?  Nothing to do with Hillary nor Trump supporters.


Yeah, this is very good for America. Maybe some of these babies will grow up and learn to accept election results.


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2 minutes ago, Nasrullah said:

Where the hell are Obama and Clinton? Both should ask people to end the riots and seek to calm the nation. http://mishtalk.com/2016/11/12/anti-trump-riots-in-14-cities/ 




Agreed but the lefties are out there saying that this is Trump's role and are now blaming him for the protests.  They can't help themselves, their hate of him is so entrenched that whatever occurs, good, bad or indifferent, according to them, he will have caused.  :wai:

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4 minutes ago, Nasrullah said:

Paddy Power is the Irish bookie that paid millions on "Hillary for President" bets in October because the election was "already over." Oops.




One could think of a few Irish jokes applicable but I won't just in case it brings out the race and bigotry name callers. :wai:

Edited by Si Thea01
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On 11/11/2016 at 7:33 PM, lopburi3 said:

Regardless of our opinion on who should win; this was actually not democracy as the person with the most votes did not get elected.   That our way - and believe was justified at the time - but today it becomes a liability IMHO as just too hard to try and justify anymore.

Try to learn a little about the electoral system before commenting. 

The system was designed so that electoral fraud, say millions of ineligible votes in California only influence the result in that one state and not for the nation as a whole as would be the case if simple "popular vote" counts were used. 

I'm neither an American citizen nor a Trump supporter but he won fair and square. 

The people complaining now are behaving the same way they accused their opponents of behaving.

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36 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


We know who won the most EC votes.  The part in question would be the popular final total an the claim that Trump got  699,993 more votes, is that from the New York Times?  The figure I see is 395,595 more to Clinton.

Media figures/facts and polls the two most distrusted sources of information as this election has proven to be true. You can speculate as much as you want it will take 4 years to bear out the facts. Sorry but Trumps reputation going into the election was a real stinker and that is how I judge a person. Stinker going in stinker coming out.  Maybe I am to judgemental. He could have however taken an unbeknownst break from campaigning and flown to Thailand for a very short temple stint but at 70 years of age I doubt that would help. Its just to hard for a leopard to change his spots especially an old cunning leopard who has just be made the most important person on the planet. Will he be an ego builder or a country builder remains to be seen. For the sake of disclosure I am biased towards the former. Good luck to all you who swallowed "I will make America great again" crowd the proof will be in the pudding.  

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1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

Media figures/facts and polls the two most distrusted sources of information as this election has proven to be true. You can speculate as much as you want it will take 4 years to bear out the facts. Sorry but Trumps reputation going into the election was a real stinker and that is how I judge a person. Stinker going in stinker coming out.  Maybe I am to judgemental. He could have however taken an unbeknownst break from campaigning and flown to Thailand for a very short temple stint but at 70 years of age I doubt that would help. Its just to hard for a leopard to change his spots especially an old cunning leopard who has just be made the most important person on the planet. Will he be an ego builder or a country builder remains to be seen. For the sake of disclosure I am biased towards the former. Good luck to all you who swallowed "I will make America great again" crowd the proof will be in the pudding.  



Come on, get off the sour grapes, smile and be happy.  There is the third untrustworthy factor and that is the reason she was consigned to the woodheap.  You don't have to tell us your biases, we already know but thanks for the honesty.    :wai:

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On 11/12/2016 at 0:24 PM, Jingthing said:

He's going to  be impeached ... he will break so many laws it will make people's head spin, and he'll be replaced by a sane person, Pence, that unfortunately happens to be from the extremist far right wing that will kill social security and Medicare, among other horrors.  

You are Quite obviously an ardent socialist!

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14 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



Who gives  tinker about HRC, she is over and out now.  What occurred is the way America has voted democratically for decades and no matter how much people bleat and cry it ain't going to change a thing.  Get over it and get on with it.:wai:


What?  I was replying to a comment referencing a post with figures that appear to be incorrect.  Yes, what occurred is the way America has voted for a long time, most states since 1836, however this is only the fourth time in history that the president elect has failed to get the most votes in total.  The OP was stating that this was not true and Trump did get the most votes, using what appear to be completely made up numbers.  Nothing about Hillary or Donald, just the numbers, thanks.

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20 hours ago, tropo said:

That doesn't make sense to me. The way it is now if you vote Republican in California or New York, your vote is totally wasted. If it was one vote one value, every vote counts to the final tally. With the electoral college system, your vote is only useful in swing states or states with small margins.  


I had the same problem in Australia. My electorate was so heavily in favour of the other party it was a complete waste of time to vote. Only compulsory voting ensured the trip to the polling station. They don't have that in the US so I can understand why many wouldn't bother to vote.


The starting point is to know the state is the basic unit of government in the United States. People loosely call it America but there isn't any such place or thing. It is 50 sovereign states in an agreement of a common national unity.


Your state as the basic unit of government issues your marriage license, certificate of birth/death, driving license and vehicle registration/license, business license or license to incorporate as any entity, construction license, certificates of formal education and a license to found and operate an institution of education and to qualify as an educator, license to practice medicine, license to practice law, license be a police officer or firefighter, and so on.


The feds do not do these things. Washington can influence these ordinary matters by law or funding or both, but Washington is not the issuing authority. Washington's ability in these matters is truly limited and watched closely by everyone across the country.


Hence the Electoral College. It is by state. Again, the state is the basic unit of government in the United States. The states in a convention 1788-89 created the federal government and system to include the Electoral College.


We'd need to amend the Constitution to alter or to abolish the Electoral College. That is two-thirds of each the House and the Senate, voting separately. And three-quarters of the states.


EC will not be abolished. Perhaps it could be altered, but that is not likely either, at least not in the current millennium. 


My own notion is to at least consider balancing what cannot be abolished and which is virtually impossible to change. That is, to amend the Constitution. Assign the EC a percentage value towards the result, and assign the Popular Vote a percentage towards the result.


It almost surely would have to be something like the EC having a weight of 70% or 75%, and the Popular Vote having the much lesser weight of 30% or 35%. Then in the fourth millennium close it up as much as possible. Eventually -- China pace -- realise the fundamental change of giving the PV the much greater weight, if not the whole determination of the voting result.


In the meantime, discussion is good. Just know that it goes nowhere for at least the next several hundred years and beyond. Well beyond.

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The people who wrote the American Constitution were very smart people and the electoral system was put into place so smaller states and populations would not be ignored and the larger populated states could not control the country.


I did not vote for Trump but he won against all ods and I want him to succeed. I am concerned about some of the people who may be in hs cabinet who are very hawkish on intervention abroad and othes who want to privatize social security. However, Trump himself has stated he would no neither. If he holds true to his word on most items, it will be fine.


The campaign was ugly and played to the anger in many Americans. The fact is that we really do need each other and must unite to move the country forward. President Elect Trump's statements after the election seem to share that theme. The protesters need to stop and give the man a chance. If they don't like his agenda then they can resume peaceful protests.


There is also an opposition-the Democratic party. Mr Trump will need some of them to get his agenda passed so he needs to put together an agenda that appeals to all Americans not just Republicans.


I never thought he would get elected and he pulled off something almost impossible. If he can do that, maybe he can pull off getting America back on track.  Time will tell.

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11 minutes ago, tropo said:

Yeah, this is very good for America. Maybe some of these babies will grow up and learn to accept election results.


In four years the people that are laughing now might end up crying. Just using my 50 years of watching lying cheating politicians promise the moon. As I stated before this old leopard will not change his spots. He can legally from what I understand be a business man and president at the same time although past presidents except for Tricky Dick placed them in a blind trust. As he likes to go against the grain by not publishing his tax returns he might just fill 2 shoes at the same time. After all he claims he is not taking a salary so what do you want for nothing? He is starting off well surrounding himself with a bunch of worn out old Neo-cons. I wonder if Bob Barker is available for a position not to say that he is a Neo-con just old and probably wiser than anyone that has be tapped to serve. Shades of George Bush and Iraq. 

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9 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


What?  I was replying to a comment referencing a post with figures that appear to be incorrect.  Yes, what occurred is the way America has voted for a long time, most states since 1836, however this is only the fourth time in history that the president elect has failed to get the most votes in total.  The OP was stating that this was not true and Trump did get the most votes, using what appear to be completely made up numbers.  Nothing about Hillary or Donald, just the numbers, thanks.



Gee sorry but I thought this entire aspect was about the right person being elected.  You do not need to explain yourself, I am able to read and am also able to post a response regardless of whether or not it deals with the numbers.  So if it has nothing to do with HRC of DJT then why are you quoting numbers that directly relate to them?:wai:

Edited by Si Thea01
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3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

In four years the people that are laughing now might end up crying. Just using my 50 years of watching lying cheating politicians promise the moon. As I stated before this old leopard will not change his spots. He can legally from what I understand be a business man and president at the same time although past presidents except for Tricky Dick placed them in a blind trust. As he likes to go against the grain by not publishing his tax returns he might just fill 2 shoes at the same time. After all he claims he is not taking a salary so what do you want for nothing? He is starting off well surrounding himself with a bunch of worn out old Neo-cons. I wonder if Bob Barker is available for a position not to say that he is a Neo-con just old and probably wiser than anyone that has be tapped to serve. Shades of George Bush and Iraq. 


Given you words of wisdom, maybe you should seek a position.:wai:

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1 minute ago, Si Thea01 said:


Given you words of wisdom, maybe you should seek a position.:wai:

No I am nothing but a humble scribe sitting in the crowd watching this play called life rolling by laughing from time to time mostly crying. People have seen fit to elect a parasite looking for a host and he has found one its feeding time. I do not do well working for parasites. 

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Just now, elgordo38 said:

No I am nothing but a humble scribe sitting in the crowd watching this play called life rolling by laughing from time to time mostly crying. People have seen fit to elect a parasite looking for a host and he has found one its feeding time. I do not do well working for parasites. 


And HRC is?  Is there really any need to continue to denigrate the man?  It would be that you would not do well working, it would be that you may not have the skills and capabilities and would be rejected.:wai:

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2 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


And HRC is?  Is there really any need to continue to denigrate the man?  It would be that you would not do well working, it would be that you may not have the skills and capabilities and would be rejected.:wai:

I can see by the survey results that a good percentage are happy with the results. Yes we the ones that lived the true "golden years"  and are now retired can vote any way we

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1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

Someone stated ardent socialist. Its to bad they do not start a breeding program much like Hitler had where they could cross an ardent socialist with a progressive and throw in a pinch of humility and love for ones fellow man. Sorry just dreaming


That's not a dream, it's a nightmare.:wai:

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Just now, elgordo38 said:

And HRC is?  Is there really any need to continue to denigrate the man?  It would be that you would not do well working, it would be that you may not have the skills and capabilities and would be rejected.:wai:

There is nothing left to denigrate he has done that completely to himself during the election campaign. No I would not do well working for a parasite as I mentioned. I maybe do not possess the skills and capabilities but I think common sense over rides that. There is no rejection because I am not applying. Have a great day. 

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2 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


That's not a dream, it's a nightmare.:wai:

We are in a nightmare now with your choice not mine. It was a fun comment as as usual you took it really really seriously and out of context lighten up smell the roses get a girlfriend and get high. 

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1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

I can see by the survey results that a good percentage are happy with the results. Yes we the ones that lived the true "golden years"  and are now retired can vote any way we


Yes, about 62.50 percent are happy, which includes Americans and non-Americans.  Yep, vote any way we like but like most of us who have conservative beliefs, we would accept the results if HRC has won and I do not believe would denigrate her but accept the final result.  Shame many cannot. :wai:

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23 hours ago, Strange said:


We have a Democratic Republic or Representative Democracy with 50 states and a Federal District. All of witch need a voice. The Electoral College, while flawed I guess, it still vastly superior than a strict Popular Vote as Cali, New York, Illinois, etc would carry every election, and the rest would be left to rot. This may appeal to some people but in fairness and respect for the country as a whole, its better. 

 If popular vote decides, there would be no vote by state.

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22 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Most people who do not live in the USA do not understand "states rights" and that individual states have more autonomy to govern their affairs than they realize. The USA is a union of these states.

Not many know or remember when there were irreconcilable differences in that union before, and a line was eventually drawn. Let's hope it doesn't come to that again after gaining so much favor with Mr. Putin.

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23 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



Gee sorry but I thought this entire aspect was about the right person being elected.  You do not need to explain yourself, I am able to read and am also able to post a response regardless of whether or not it deals with the numbers.  So if it has nothing to do with HRC of DJT then why are you quoting numbers that directly relate to them?:wai:


Because they were using them as evidence that the right person was elected, those made up numbers, get it now?

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