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Immigrants demonstrate against Trump as protests continue


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Immigrants demonstrate against Trump as protests continue



NEW YORK (AP) — Immigrants and their advocates added their voices on Sunday to those who have been marching and protesting Donald Trump's presidential win.


Organizers said the protest in Manhattan was about speaking out against Trump's support of deportation and other measures. Demonstrators carried signs in English and Spanish saying things like "Hate won't make us great," and chanted, "We are here to stay."


It was the latest in days of demonstrations across the country. Other protests were expected Sunday in San Francisco, St. Louis Philadelphia, Denver and more. On Saturday, demonstrators gathered in big cities like New York and Los Angeles, as well as in smaller places like Worcester, Massachusetts, and Iowa City, Iowa.


In Los Angeles, an estimated 8,000 people marched Saturday to condemn what they saw as Trump's hate speech about Muslims, pledge to deport people in the country illegally and crude comments about women.


Protests also were held in Detroit, Minneapolis and others. More than 200 people, carrying signs, gathered on the steps of the Washington state Capitol. The group chanted "not my president" and "no Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA."


In Tennessee, Vanderbilt University students sang civil rights songs and marched through campus across a Nashville street, temporarily blocking traffic.


Demonstrations also took place internationally. A group of Mexicans at statue representing independence in Mexico City expressed their concerns about a possible wave of deportations. One school teacher said it would add to the "unrest" that's already in Mexico. About 300 people protested Trump's election as the next American president outside the U.S. Embassy near the landmark Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.


Mostly, the demonstrations were peaceful. However, in Portland, Oregon, a man was shot and wounded Saturday morning during a confrontation. Police arrested two teenagers in the shooting.


Protesters have gathered since Wednesday at Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles. Police in the city arrested five people downtown during an anti-Trump protest that wound down early Sunday.


Four adults were cited for vandalism and a juvenile was arrested on suspicion of battery on an officer.

-- © Associated Press 2016-11-14
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Migrants should get their heads on straight.Trump is against illegal immigrants as should all of us be.

 The migrants who are legal should applaud him . Legal migrants bother to go through the whole process. They show pride and dignity. Illegal immigrants show from the time they put foot on American soil that law and order mean nothing to them . They get what they can illegally. and do it blatantly. Why should illegal immigrants stay. Do you want neighbours in your neighbourhood who got there illegally. do you think their illegal attitude will stop at immigration. I personaly do not think so.

Edited by lovelomsak
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3 hours ago, dcutman said:

Got to love when people have all this enthusiasm to  protest election outcomes, but didn't bother to or were even eligible to vote.

Only 21% of eligible Latino's voted, according to exit polling.

It just shows he didn't scare all of them..

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4 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Migrants should get their heads on straight.Trump is against illegal immigrants as should all of us be.



Trump loves illegal immigrants.  His hotels and casinos were constructed by $10/hr Mexicans gathered from Home Depot lots.  If you don't think so, you know nothing about the Las Vegas labor market and how the construction industry there works.

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although i posted the dr. carol swain video about prominent democrat proponents of slavery do not mistrue it as a unique condemnation of the democratic party.


there is corruption and bs in the republican party also.    "2 party dictatorship" jesse ventura


trump is more like an independent that needed to run as a republican in order to have a chance.   look at what happened to ron paul. 

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11 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:


Trump loves illegal immigrants.  His hotels and casinos were constructed by $10/hr Mexicans gathered from Home Depot lots.  If you don't think so, you know nothing about the Las Vegas labor market and how the construction industry there works.

Having lived in Vegas for 21 years and worked on the Trump International  and most other properties on the Strip as a union carpenter. You know nothing about the Las Vegas construction industry. Trump International was built by 1700 union workers. Just as every other property that gets built on the Strip. Thats union territory and it is defended heavily.

Had you ever been to Vegas or knew anything about construction in Las Vegas you would know there is not one Mexican at Home Depot gonna work for 10 bucks an hour. Even in the worst of times.

So step away from the MSM, do some research before you make ridiculous lies and embarrass yourself.


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18 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Having lived in Vegas for 21 years and worked on the Trump International  and most other properties on the Strip as a union carpenter. You know nothing about the Las Vegas construction industry. Trump International was built by 1700 union workers. Just as every other property that gets built on the Strip. Thats union territory and it is defended heavily.

Had you ever been to Vegas or knew anything about construction in Las Vegas you would know there is not one Mexican at Home Depot gonna work for 10 bucks an hour. Even in the worst of times.

So step away from the MSM, do some research before you make ridiculous lies and embarrass yourself.


Yeah, all I did was litigate dozens of constructions cases in Vegas involving those buildings where there was evidence of the use of undocumented labor, high on meth, working graveyard shifts.  But, if you want to claim them as your unionized brethren, be my guest.

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5 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Migrants should get their heads on straight.Trump is against illegal immigrants as should all of us be.

 The migrants who are legal should applaud him . Legal migrants bother to go through the whole process. They show pride and dignity. Illegal immigrants show from the time they put foot on American soil that law and order mean nothing to them . They get what they can illegally. and do it blatantly. Why should illegal immigrants stay. Do you want neighbours in your neighbourhood who got there illegally. do you think their illegal attitude will stop at immigration. I personaly do not think so.

My mother and father immigrated to the US when they were young, the US wanted immigrants at the time and it worked out well for all.

    All countries should be able to decide, who, when, and how many immigrants they wish to take in. We have lawmakers for that. I do get a little upset when these lawmakers don't follow up on the law, like letting all these illegals run lose in our land.

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7 hours ago, dcutman said:

Got to love when people have all this enthusiasm to  protest election outcomes, but didn't bother to or were even eligible to vote.

Only 21% of eligible Latino's voted, according to exit polling.

I think that may have been because they may be left leaning but they don't like illegals either. So they just stayed home. Most the ones protesting are just scum bags from all walks of life.

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3 hours ago, silent said:

Mr. President, when was the last time ill eagle immigrants were eligible to vote

In the USA, many places require only an ID, such as a driver's license, to register and vote...so YES, illegals can vote if they have a driver's license, which many do

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2 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:


Trump loves illegal immigrants.  His hotels and casinos were constructed by $10/hr Mexicans gathered from Home Depot lots.  If you don't think so, you know nothing about the Las Vegas labor market and how the construction industry there works.

If the government is going to allow hiring of illegals then would you not want to play on a level ground with your competitors? When was the last time a company got busted and meaningfully punished for hiring illegals?

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For everyone in the USA that wants to relocate to Canada...you are hypocrites...over a 6 year span, Canada had about 35,000 illegal immigrants enter the country...the USA had about 1 million LAST YEAR...if you are liberal and truly value diversity, stay home...or better yet, buy a home in an immigrant neighborhood...and sop up a big dose of the diversity.

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Illegal immigrants seem to think that doing something illegal conveys special rights on them. 


We see illegal immigrants in France demanding this that and the other. Illegal immigrants across Europe doing the same. Now in America.


Chilling argument for those countries who do have very tough visa and immigration procedures not to relax them. Never hear of illegal immigrants protesting and demanding their HR's in the ME, Russia, China, India, etc.

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The thread says immigrants, not illegal immigrants, ah duh. To those that actually drink the right wing Kool-aid and believe illegal immigrants vote, there is no, none, zip, nada evidence of that. No evidence  of voter fraud, except on the Republican side. There is however plenty of evidence of voter suppression of minorities, students and poor people by the Republicans and they brag about it. Comprende' ese'?


The people protesting the coming of a fascist government have every right and in fact obligation to do so. Those that are protesting peacefully are right and I hope the never stop until the fascist orange monster and his cabal are forced from office. As far as the "violence-riots", most are police incited and/or COINTEL Personally, you try to hit me for doing my patriotic duty peacefully I'm going to fight back and so should all.

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1 hour ago, sgtsabai said:

The thread says immigrants, not illegal immigrants, ah duh. To those that actually drink the right wing Kool-aid and believe illegal immigrants vote, there is no, none, zip, nada evidence of that. No evidence  of voter fraud, except on the Republican side. There is however plenty of evidence of voter suppression of minorities, students and poor people by the Republicans and they brag about it. Comprende' ese'?


The people protesting the coming of a fascist government have every right and in fact obligation to do so. Those that are protesting peacefully are right and I hope the never stop until the fascist orange monster and his cabal are forced from office. As far as the "violence-riots", most are police incited and/or COINTEL Personally, you try to hit me for doing my patriotic duty peacefully I'm going to fight back and so should all.

You're trying to give the impression that you're a patriot when in reality you're a left-wing facist.


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No, I'm a left wing radical militant true patriot who hates fascists left and right. I know all about COINTEL from my days as a Vietnam Veteran Against the War. Spent my time in jail for speaking truth to the power until release by the then Supreme Court. I swore an oath to protect the Constitution, not the government or the president. What are you qualifications, none? The demonstrators are exercising not only their right but their Constitutional duty as patriots.


Semper Fi

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15 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

A reminder, this thread is NOT about illegal immigrants but about immigrants. Are you by chance Native American? If not get out of America!


Oh so it is only immigrants protesting, no illegals will be taking part. :)

That's all right then,  sorry my mistake.  

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2 hours ago, hdkane said:

In the USA, many places require only an ID, such as a driver's license, to register and vote...so YES, illegals can vote if they have a driver's license, which many do

Thank-you. I can't believe it. :sorry:

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4 hours ago, hdkane said:

In the USA, many places require only an ID, such as a driver's license, to register and vote...so YES, illegals can vote if they have a driver's license, which many do


You're sure about that? I have a habit of accepting that I might not know as much as I think, but if you can read my lips in the avatar, run into a lot of people that have a different habit. This is the majority opinion of what I found. Plus like everything ill eagles don't think voting is worth the risk of getting caught and in that case deported.

"Illegal immigrants are not allowed to vote. Only U.S. citizens are given that privilege. At the polling place, we have lists of voters in our district and check each off when they arrive to vote.

People not on the list have to fill out a “provisional ballot”. We accept it, and send it to the county for verification and tabulation. As an election judge, I don’t get into disputes with potential voters, but let the process play out. We don’t have the resources or time to confirm a person’s eligibility."

Edited by silent
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8 hours ago, atyclb said:

" In Tennessee, Vanderbilt University students sang civil rights songs and marched through campus across a Nashville street, temporarily blocking traffic. "


vanderbilt university student social justice warriors might want to watch vanderbilt university black professor of law dr. carol swain recount a little about their democratic party



I loved this video. It says it all. The trash the demonstrating street rioters are  mislead by Democrat leaders and media.Let us all hope Tump goes on to be a leader whose name can be mentioned as a champion for peace and race equality. .

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Got a little story to tell about illegal immigrants.

  I worked with a Canadian once that went to California for a holiday when he was young. He ran out of money but wanted to stay longer. He got a job and stayed for 4 years. He said he got a driver's license,social security number the whole citizen thing in 3 months. He said it was to easy. Just go get the forms fill them out give them back.Appears no one checks any thing. It is just paper crossing their desk.

  He did it with false name and had no problem.

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