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Foreigner Activities


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Hello All


I'm in Chiang Mai for a few months and i seem to remember there was a foreigner bowling afternoon and some other things when I was here several years ago.


I would love the bowling answer (if that's still going on) and any other events.


Thank you!

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36 minutes ago, ChiangraiTony said:

Unless someone says different, I believe that there is no longer bowling in CM. The old place closed about 1-2 years ago.

Yes things are in constant flux. Great city to live in and pass on in I know I will. When I look at all the crap in the world passing on no longer has that feeling of termination for me. Sadly my young g/f must move on and the fate that awaits her scares me more than dying. I hate to discuss it with her she is such a happy go lucky lady. 

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A very enjoyable and fairly inexpensive afternoon / evening can be spent in one of the boardgame cafes:


The Enjoy Café is a little out of town in Sansai Noi (near to Meechok Plaza) - they have over 100 great boardgames that customers can play in a nice air-conditioned room, and you can buy drinks and food at the café - minimum 100Baht order allows you to play games for free. They also have a very good pool table. 5pm-Midnight.


The Chubby Cat is more of a student games place in a back-alley near to CMU. You must take your own food and drinks but they have many games in an air-con room - they charge 30 Baht per hour to play there. Mid-afternoon until Midnight.


Meerkatto is a coffee shop / café at the First Avenue Plaza also near to Meechok Plaza - they are open during the daytime, have a good selection of games, snack-style food and drinks. Their air-conditioned room upstairs has a nice view of Doi Suthep. They also have the minimum 100 Baht order to play their games. 10:00am - 6:00pm


Open Box is a small Boardgames Café also out of town - I don't know what their menu or prices to play are. Opening hours not known.


The Golden Goblin Games shop is out at Mae Jo. They supply most of the Cafés with games, but you can also go there and play samples which are available prior to purchasing games from them. A small selection of food and drinks are available and they have some nice tables set up in an air-conditioned room. 2pm - 8pm (Weds-Fri).


All information about the organised Meetups for the Chiang Mai Board Games Group is here.

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