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Trump agrees to $25M settlement to resolve Trump U. lawsuits


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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

The more 'hits' a false-news story gets, the more money is generated for the perpetrator.  

I think we are out numbered on TV the Trumpeteers are getting more likes than the anti T's.We will need to wait for 4 years for them to eat humble pie until then tolerate them and bear them no malice. As my old grandmother used to say. "Forgive them their transgressions for they know not what they say"

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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Some people have done that, and the ratio of false stories about HRC compared to the same about Trump are about 78 to 19

The thing about a lie is that if you repeat it often enough people actually get to believe it. Pavlov theory maybe. 

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On 11/19/2016 at 4:04 PM, freebyrd said:


I doubt it, but why post this except for the purpose of deflecting? This topic is about Trump and his out of court settlement.


Because Trumpeteers have learned from the thatched one, don't answer a question about Trump, deflect to Clinton every time. They will likely still be doing this BS in 4 years time.

Yes your right its the same as an old battle years ago. The Romans picked the side with the sun shining on them and then polished their shields to a mirror like finish. When advancing on the enemy they raised their shields and blinded their opponents. I think the Trumpster might be a history buff. 

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On 11/19/2016 at 8:34 AM, rooster59 said:

If the proposed settlement is approved by a federal judge, about 6,000 students covered in two-class action lawsuits in San Diego would share $21 million, and Trump will pay $4 million to settle a complaint filed by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in 2013. Under the terms, Trump admitted no

Patterned after one of those big bank settlements. No jail time or admission of guilt. Just pay them off and make em go away. He is pretty safe on this settlement as it would be a miracle to find a federal judge that would go against a president elect. In fact if he makes the right decision there is a empty position on the Supreme Court that sits empty looking for an unbiased suitor. Unbiased? HA HA HA. 

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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Whomever thinks HRC has more legal baggage or lies more than Trump, has been believing the cavalcade of false news for the past 17 months.


Don't kid yourself. We know Trump is no angel. The difference is that Hillary's lies and legal baggage was always against the American people and cost good American's lives. She had a responsibility to America and she disgraced it.


Trump's lies and misdeeds were in business and that rulebook is different. You don't see Republicans defending Trump's University scams in a similar fashion as Dems need to deny/defend Hillary's many wrongdoings.


Republicans know we don't vote angels into the WH. Its not the issue to us you assume.



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5 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Patterned after one of those big bank settlements. No jail time or admission of guilt. Just pay them off and make em go away. He is pretty safe on this settlement as it would be a miracle to find a federal judge that would go against a president elect. In fact if he makes the right decision there is a empty position on the Supreme Court that sits empty looking for an unbiased suitor. Unbiased? HA HA HA. 


Trump intended to stall this settlement as long as possible while it was profitable to do so. It was never a question of him thinking he would win. The most he could do is wear the other side down until they agreed to a lower settlement. Its the unfortunate way that big business works. Its the way corporate attorneys work. Its ugly. Its life.




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          It looks as thought there won't be any Floridians getting compensation from being ripped off by Trump's fake U.   Florida's AG made sure there wouldn't be a lawsuit against Trump U - right after being given a fat check from Trump.  And he used his Foundation checkbook to pay the bribe to her!     The next day, the attractive FL AG was being feted at Trump's Mar-A-Lago resort.   Everyone at Trump's lavish party were laughing and happy, except Floridians who were ripped off by Trump's fake U - but they wouldn't have been invited, so they don't matter.  


        Incidentally, campaign funds for Trump were used to pay rents for his lavish properties in Florida, NYC and elsewhere.  Funds were also used for his very expensive jet trips around the country.   He shouted long and loud last year, about being self-funded, but alas, just more of the his forked tongue lies.   Plus, why is he paying rents on properties?   If he's a billionaire, he would buy them outright, would he not?   What numbskull is going to pay rents or even pay-over-time with %?  Even a burger flipper at McD's knows that if he buys a used car, it's better to cash out, rather than wind up paying double by monthly payments with %.   And Trump is who 40% of Americans want running their economy ......into the ground.  


            But why would Trump care?   He thinks he's the greatest at making money deals.   Five bankruptcies hasn't lessened his image of himself.  He's already hinted that foreign countries which own trillions in US T-bills (Treasury Bills, long considered very safe) might have to consider "taking a haircut."   That's slang for;  'taking less than the face value of their investments, if they cash out.'  That statement by Trump is not a confidence builder.  Money managers should not be surprised if China and other foreign countries decide to cash out their T-Bills.   Should be interesting.

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

I wouldn't mind a bit of status quo …. now that the old status quo has been up-ended.

The trend of cutting deals to benefit corporate donors, pals and fellow globalists has been short circuited for a while….allowing mr trump to try something new….I'd like to see how he gets on with it….he may not succeed in exactly the way it has been presented but I am curious to see.

Already, China and mexico are crying foul….for them to get so riled up is interesting.


If you think Trump is 'an outsider' who hasn't made deals with wheeler dealers, than you drank the cool-aid.

He's the poster boy for the Status Quo.   For further proof, look at most of the white men he's appointed to powerful positions in the past week.  Mostly Beltway insiders.  Right of Right wing.  Joseph McCarthy must be smiling from his grave.

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         How similar is Trump's ruling style to South Africa's despotic Jacob Zuma?  Zuma wants to sue all his rivals, but he doesn't control the appointment of judges.  Trump wants to do the same, yet Trump DOES control the nomination processes for judges to higher courts.   Trump also said he would appoint a Special Prosecutor to force HRC to go to prison.   You decide which of the two above-the-law big shots is more vindictive and corrupt . . . . . 



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14 hours ago, d123 said:


2. The Trump case relates to an intentional fraud, an act of deceit.


'An act of deceit" something akin to electioneering rhetoric. 


No an act where purchasers of the product were told that  instructors were qualified and "hand picked" and vetted. The NY attorney general investigation  revealed that there were convicted felons hired, and that there was no verification or vetting of  "instructors". It was a scheme that involved bait and switch practices and the selling of a service that was not provided.


This is not electioneering. These are what was  identified as core issues. Back to you to  try and cover this up and to excuse the  deceitful practice.

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4 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

         How similar is Trump's ruling style to South Africa's despotic Jacob Zuma?  Zuma wants to sue all his rivals, but he doesn't control the appointment of judges.  Trump wants to do the same, yet Trump DOES control the nomination processes for judges to higher courts.   Trump also said he would appoint a Special Prosecutor to force HRC to go to prison.   You decide which of the two above-the-law big shots is more vindictive and corrupt . . . . . 



Rubbish. Federal court appointments must be approved by the U.S. Senate. Checks and balances.The proposed AG  Jeff Sessions was once blocked from his appointment as a federal judge by the Republican Senate because of  past allegations. Believe it or not, the system does work.   Yes, Trump can appoint a special prosecutor and waste millions on a bogus investigation. The reality is that if there is no  evidence of wrongdoing that will support a case, then charges cannot be brought.  Judges do not have to accept charges proffered by a special prosecutor.  If Trump believes that there was wrongdoing then he has an obligation to appoint that special prosecutor. 


Please educate yourself on how the US political system operates.


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On 11/19/2016 at 0:42 PM, Emster23 said:

"He was willing to sacrifice his personal interests, put this behind him, and move forward," Petrocelli said.

What a kind and generous self sacrificing good man he must be, besides fact he was guilty.

 So now apologists, excuse makers start up with "But but but HILLARY" as if that has anything to do with this.

 I wonder how long (if ever) his backers will take to wake up and realize " He conned us too. Why did we ever think just this one time he might mean what he says?"

His backers are well aware of how "The Donald" works. They have been through the films "Weekend At Bernies" and "Weekend At Bernies 2" several times to learn how to keep a corpse looking lively. They are running into a problem though Bernie in the movie was a lot lighter and more malleable than Trump. They have had some success making his mouth move and coiffeuring his hair but the rest not so much. A work in progress. 

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11 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

I think we are out numbered on TV the Trumpeteers are getting more likes than the anti T's.We will need to wait for 4 years for them to eat humble pie until then tolerate them and bear them no malice. As my old grandmother used to say. "Forgive them their transgressions for they know not what they say"

I doubt we will have to wait 4 years.  I think that in a few months, many who voted for trump will be cursing the day he was born.  

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9 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Rubbish. Federal court appointments must be approved by the U.S. Senate. Checks and balances.The proposed AG  Jeff Sessions was once blocked from his appointment as a federal judge by the Republican Senate because of  past allegations. Believe it or not, the system does work.   Yes, Trump can appoint a special prosecutor and waste millions on a bogus investigation. The reality is that if there is no  evidence of wrongdoing that will support a case, then charges cannot be brought.  Judges do not have to accept charges proffered by a special prosecutor.  If Trump believes that there was wrongdoing then he has an obligation to appoint that special prosecutor. Please educate yourself on how the US political system operates.


        Lighten up.  Maybe you missed a key part of my post, so I'll quote it; ".....yet Trump DOES control the nomination processes for judges to higher courts. "


       He's the top banana in deciding who gets nominated.  There are Republican majorities in both houses.  Connect the dots.   


      Trump has proven many times, how he's very subjective about judges, and how he plays the system to influence who's picked, and he influences their decisions.  Not long ago, he railed about how a judge (assigned to one of his thousands of legal cases) was Mexican.  The judge wasn't Mexican, but to Trump fans, it doesn't matter at all when their hero lies.   It's the joyful jangling of their prejudices which the fans enjoy.  They think Trump is tough when he denigrates everyone except whites.  

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On 11/20/2016 at 3:39 AM, Andaman Al said:


Well lets hope the Judge considers the settlement to low and he calls Trump to trial. These 6000 people have been the subject of an intentional fraud and the US system is normally far more generous to such victims than to give them 'almost' their money back. They should be on a million dollars each on normal scales. Remember Judge, Trump despises you because you are a Mexican rapist drug dealer who cannot be fair because you are biased by your Mexican heritage. Show Trump what fair is, let him have his day in court!


I imagine Trump will pay the 25 Million of of the Trump foundation or from the leftovers of the campaign funds.


The judge was never accused of being a "Mexican rapist drug dealer".

But he does belong to an organization that officially recommended and advertised the boycotting of Trump products. Also the same judge hired a law firm to take the case who also was a large Clinton Foundation donor and one whom hired Bill Clinton to speak to for a fee. The judge should have recused himself but refused. Trump guilty or not I know not because it never entered court,  but if he did not think it wise as President to get embroiled in lawsuits of duration and complexity then he did the right thing regardless of the blowback as well demonstrated on TVF and the automatic assumption that to settle means a guilty plea.

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7 hours ago, alfalfa19 said:

I doubt we will have to wait 4 years.  I think that in a few months, many who voted for trump will be cursing the day he was born.  


how do you know all this? you thought hillary was going to win by a landslide.



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47 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

That's about what it would have cost him in costs and lost income from taking a few days of his time to attend court to testify...so better to just pay-off the silly plaintiffs and get on with his presidency.


Why do you call them " silly plaintiffs" ?


Maybe they just believed his ads and promises ... and finally were disappointed by the delivery  ?

Are they silly because they believed him or because they complain? Both?

7.000 or so plaintiffs .. that's a quite lot of "silly" people 


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4 hours ago, Opl said:


Why do you call them " silly plaintiffs" ?


Maybe they just believed his ads and promises ... and finally were disappointed by the delivery  ?

Are they silly because they believed him or because they complain? Both?

7.000 or so plaintiffs .. that's a quite lot of "silly" people 


B.T. Barnum said it best...

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45 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

B.T. Barnum said it best...


I see !  "“[G]oodness knows how they live, it’s mighty hard times with the most of them; in the season they make a bit on base ball, or on the races, and then, you know, ‘there’s a sucker born every minute,’

there might be millions of them now

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5 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


how do you know all this? you thought hillary was going to win by a landslide.



yes, i did.  and i was wrong, and i admit it.   but i still feel that trump will wreak destruction on this country.   prepare for increased taxes on the middle and lower middle classes,  cuts in social security,  increased tax breaks for the already obscenely rich,  increased hate crimes and openly violent racism (this is already happening).    

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Have we all noticed how the utterly insignificant Hamilton/pence thread has overshadowed this far more important issue of Trump University? The same thing is happening in the general press and it isn't an accident. Trump is fueling the former to bury the latter and the press and all of us are falling for it.


here is a chart of the news coverage of the two issues




BIll Clinton paid 850k to Paula Jones (most of it legal fees) so he must be guilty. Tump pays 25 million in settlement for a fraud case it's because he loves the country so much and wants to concentrate on presidenting. 

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9 hours ago, Linzz said:

and the automatic assumption that to settle means a guilty plea.


But that is exactly what Trump said about Bill Clinton, to settle implies there was guilt! He said it himself several times. As a snippet here is Trumps campaign manager on 'settling claims'.



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4 hours ago, alfalfa19 said:

increased hate crimes and openly violent racism (this is already happening).    


Do you have any proof to back this claim up?


I mean any proof from a Law Enforcement Agency...not some liberal organization that is in the Business of Hate Crimes.


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20 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


But that is exactly what Trump said about Bill Clinton, to settle implies there was guilt! He said it himself several times. As a snippet here is Trumps campaign manager on 'settling claims'.




Sadly, politicians are not nice people. They are not honest people. They are not even good people.


I think you would have to go back to Jimmy Carter to find a President that was actually motivated by a desire to do good and who was an honest person...and he was completely ineffective.


That is the sorry state of US politics and from the constant BBC headlines it appears to be a global problem. 


Wish I had an answer to fix it.


Meanwhile, I vote for the party that offers me the least damage. Please note, I said the least damage and not the most good.

Hopefully, I will lose less under the Republicans than I did under Obama.

The Dems used to be a party for the working man and back then they had my support. These days they are the party for the wealthy and the chronic non-contributors who are looking for free programs. The Republicans are also a party for the wealthy but atleast they are not out there giving hand-outs to the chronically unemployed.

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