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Donald J Trump sees Climate change as a Chinese hoax


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On 11/24/2016 at 1:46 PM, boomerangutang said:

Deniers seem to have a problem with time frames.  Let me try to make it simple enough that even they might understand:


Imagine there's a nice clean lake.  Small tribes of humans have been living along its shores for millenia, and things are pretty good.   Then, there's a population explosion.  Whereas for thousands of years, there were dozens of people residing around the lake, catching fish, peeing and pooping in the lake, .....within 50 years , there are now thousands of people trying to catch fish and dumping tons of trash into the lake.


The lake would soon be fished out and too polluted to be of any use.


If you can't see the comparison with the current CC/GW issue, then I'll try to make it clear:


Just as climate has been changing for hundreds of millions of years (not one person denies there have been climate changes since the moon formed), the lake provided food for the relatively few people who resided nearby.   Similarly, when the lake region became overpopulated with people, then the lake became problematic.


IT'S THE CURRENT SITUATION AND NEAR FUTURE WHICH ARE RELATED TO CC/GW IMPACT ON HUMANS.  Try to understand, even if it's a strain on your brain, that the tumultuous weather changes of the past 3 billion years are not relevant to the discussion.  


What has been going on with the Earth's Atmosphere for 3 billion years IS what is going on with the Earth's Atmosphere NOW and is the primary force 99.9% of the active climate change .. The effects of humans on climate change is less than 1%... and cannot easily be countered by humans without totally unbalancing the economic systems of the entire world and even then the net reversal would be hardly measurable.

 The effects of the Sun, Cosmic Rays, The Moon and Tides and Volcanoes and many other Natural Occurrences is the driver of nearly ALL aspects of Climate Change... You have it backwards and only parrot the hard core control freaks who call themselves scientists.  To say that the hugely dominating natural occurrences of 'mother nature' is not relevant to the discussion is a ridiculous statement of sheer arrogance and is part and parcel of why the Anthropomorphic cause of Climate Change FAILS totally.

NATURAL OCCURRENCE DENIERS - NODs --- Are nothing but Control Freaks who want to micromanage the activities of humans because such mania is embedded in their Liberal/Leftist/Progressive brains..     


Edited by JDGRUEN
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1 hour ago, JDGRUEN said:


What has been going on with the Earth's Atmosphere for 3 billion years IS what is going on with the Earth's Atmosphere NOW and is the primary force 99.9% of the active climate change .. The effects of humans on climate change is less than 1%... and cannot easily be countered by humans without totally unbalancing the economic systems of the entire world and even then the net reversal would be hardly measurable.

 The effects of the Sun, Cosmic Rays, The Moon and Tides and Volcanoes and many other Natural Occurrences is the driver of nearly ALL aspects of Climate Change... You have it backwards and only parrot the hard core control freaks who call themselves scientists.  To say that the hugely dominating natural occurrences of 'mother nature' is not relevant to the discussion is a ridiculous statement of sheer arrogance and is part and parcel of why the Anthropomorphic cause of Climate Change FAILS totally.

NATURAL OCCURRENCE DENIERS - NODs --- Are nothing but Control Freaks who want to micromanage the activities of humans because such mania is embedded in their Liberal/Leftist/Progressive brains..     



What a great call: did you term that word, (NODs) if so congratulations, if not, it is still a brilliant call.?   Why is it that many can see and have known this for years, yet others, who are not unintelligent, cannot and go on with all the hype about the doomsday predictions, which have, time and time again, been proven to be false by true scientists.


We accept that man has to clean up his act in many ways but we do not lie or fabricate to get our points across, we do not twist the data, make models that can be manipulated to give falsehoods, we rely solely on true science to prove that we are being sold nothing but a money making scam and the NODS cannot see this.


I've often heard that GW, CC, the Ozone layer (CFCs scare) CO2, carbon or whatever else they want to call it after they change it when caught out, is the new religion.  Then the models must be the false gods they worship.  It's such a shame that there are so many gullible people who allow themselves to be hoodwinked by others who are living the high life, growing richer and richer everyday through their doomsday prophecies and appear to give one thought or show any concern for their fellow man.


There are even some on here who are advocating that the world would be better off with a reduced population.  I wonder how they contemplate achieving this, their explanation would be most interesting? Again, a good call and done without any form of denigration. :wai:

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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:

.....but we do not lie or fabricate to get our points across, we do not twist the data, make models that can be manipulated to give falsehoods, we rely solely on true science to prove that....


Says the guy who was using a glass of water and some ice cubes to model the melting of the worlds ice.


1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:

we rely solely on true science to prove that we are being sold nothing but a money making scam and the NODS cannot see this.


It seems Nasa have also abandoned 'true science'.

Who to trust? An organisation who put a man on the moon and a robot on mars... Or some idiots on Thai visa who would fail an elementary, high school science class.

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4 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:


What has been going on with the Earth's Atmosphere for 3 billion years IS what is going on with the Earth's Atmosphere NOW and is the primary force 99.9% of the active climate change .. The effects of humans on climate change is less than 1%... and cannot easily be countered by humans without totally unbalancing the economic systems of the entire world and even then the net reversal would be hardly measurable.

 The effects of the Sun, Cosmic Rays, The Moon and Tides and Volcanoes and many other Natural Occurrences is the driver of nearly ALL aspects of Climate Change... You have it backwards and only parrot the hard core control freaks who call themselves scientists.  To say that the hugely dominating natural occurrences of 'mother nature' is not relevant to the discussion is a ridiculous statement of sheer arrogance and is part and parcel of why the Anthropomorphic cause of Climate Change FAILS totally.

NATURAL OCCURRENCE DENIERS - NODs --- Are nothing but Control Freaks who want to micromanage the activities of humans because such mania is embedded in their Liberal/Leftist/Progressive brains..     



So you dont think the real scientists, Nasa, scientific community, IPCC, world goverments etc, who crunch the data and publish peer reviewed papers on the subject of AGW... have not included natural phenomena in their calculations?... Lolz!


Can you explain why industry, organisations with vested interests, eg fossil fuel companies etc, who have large armies of scientists and engineers on their books and bottomless pockets for funding research.... Have failed to produce studies which pass peer review to show AGW is unrelated to human activity and is instead naturally ocuring, that is the climate change we're seeing now would happen anyway if humans existed or not?

Edited by onthesoi
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1 hour ago, onthesoi said:


Says the guy who was using a glass of water and some ice cubes to model the melting of the worlds ice.



It seems Nasa have also abandoned 'true science'.

Who to trust? An organisation who put a man on the moon and a robot on mars... Or some idiots on Thai visa who would fail an elementary, high school science class.



A leading NOD I see and one that has to resort to calling others with opposing views idiots.  A true gem of a person.  At least ice cubes in a glass of water is more realistic in regards to floating ice than the models and other aspects you so fervently deny.  We only deny he BS and scams, not many other matters that we realise are real and are capable of being rectified by man.  We do not resort to scaremongering, or calling others names, unlike yourself and some of you high priests. :wai: 

Edited by Si Thea01
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While it may strictly true that at a given temperature the melting of sea ice won't contribute to rising seas, the thing is that the seas are growing warmer. As they grow warmer, the water expands in volume.  So that contributes to rising sea levels.

In addition, as Greenland and Antarctica lose glaciers, they lose mass.  Which decreases their gravitational pull on the water. So water that tends to congregate at or near the poles will flow back towards non polar regions where most humans are located.




On 11/25/2016 at 7:18 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

That's ice cap ( Antarctica ), singular. If the arctic melts no sea level rise happens. Yes, if the Greenland ice melts we are in trouble.


Pity they won't stop cutting down all the trees, isn't it?

Actually Exxon did lots of studies through 1988 showing that global warming was a fact.  They never published the results of their research.

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