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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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The bookies have lost a huge amount of money and the countries that have paid in advance will be very disappointed. It is quite obvious that the rabid democrats are now also miserable bitter people. I think refunds will not be available. Read em and weep.

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They gave a guy a chance back in Germany, how'd that turn out?

"Make america great again." I believe the correct phrase is Make America White Again.


All one has to do is look at his picks so far. If one cannot understand the meaning of the racist homophobic, bigoted, war mongering, anti-Constitution picks then, hmmm that person must believe the same way.


And yes, the government needs to fear us, but they have feared the left for many, many years. Anybody remember COINTELPRO? I damn well do, all to well.


"Remember Kent State (nevermind, before your time)."

I damn well do. I gave an anti-American War in Vietnam speech there not long after. Talked to many of the students involved, including Vietnam Vets that were on the receiving end of the murders. Those guardsmen should have been prosecuted for murder and whoever really gave the order to murder should have also, but I'm afraid that went just a bit too high up the ladder. Are you saying the military needs to start shooting us again? Sounds like it. USMC Sgt-Vietnam 1966/67-Vietnam Veterans Against the War.

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2 hours ago, connda said:

If any of the cultural Marxists haven't noticed yet, Trump isn't in office and has not issued any orders executive or otherwise.  For those hoping for a revolution, I'm thinking that perhaps it's wise to be careful what you wish for.  Free speech is protected; violence is not.  But however it sorts itself out, I'm quite happy to no longer live there.  Enjoy playtime kids.  Remember Kent State (nevermind, before your time).  :sleep:




Minorities and minority voices are continually being executed and suppressed by armed State officials. Nothing new there since Kent State. Besides the protests were an expression of public feeling and was a major factor, if not the major factor in ending America's involvement in the Vietnam War.


But hey, why not advocate for protestors to be shot. Beats having to deal with their issues I guess.

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4 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

Yes, and these are the guys that got upset when Trump said he may not like the outcome if he thought it was rigged. Now the shoe is on the other foot and the liberal hooligans and elitist thugs are all upset because they didn't win. Well they should have done a better job of rigging. Four years they'll get another shot at it. There wasn't this much rioting when the first black got elected president.

Follows in the same vein as Brexit. The next day people in America woke and said "My God What Have I Done" Oh well the next four years should be exiting. If the Donald does not deliver its goodbye to all 3 houses forever. And then there is this.  The assassination of Julius Caesar was the result of a conspiracy by many Republican senators. Funny how Trump seems to resemble Caesar. 

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2 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

People are blaming Trump for everything while forgetting that he does not become President until January 20th.  Forget both Hilary's and Trump's rhetoric during the campaigning and give the guy a chance.  If things go belly-up in the first few months, then you can start to complain.

First few months?  He'll be testing the waters then.  Expect hell and fury later in 2017.  Hope the hell and fury is reserved for the gullible white trash in the mid west and those dumbed down pockets of the U.S.A and not so much for those of us in the rest of the civilised world.

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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

What does that mean? What era do you dream of regressing back to?


The era when nobody was called a racist or hateful during a simple debate. 


It makes any logical discussion impossible. 

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Note, I had changed the word resistance which I knew in my heart was what was happening now, to opposition, to soften it, because some people were spinning the word resistance to necessary connote violence. It does not. Resistance can be NON-VIOLENT.


The word resistance can't be avoided any longer. It's cropping up EVERYWHERE to describe this new movement, that started the moment the absurdly unfit for president demagogue trump crossed the 270 mark. It's the only word that fits and is true. 


President trump? Yes, tragically, we need to get used to it.

Resistance to President trump, yes, HOPEFULLY, we need to get used to that TOO.




Why Jews have a special obligation to resist Trump


Half a century ago, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote, “Let us yield no inch to bigotry, let us make no compromise with callousness.” As leaders of Jewish organizations committed to human rights, we believe that if ever there were a moment to commit to making no compromises with callousness, that moment must be now.


Our history has taught us that autocracy does not arrive all at once, but through the slow erosion of individual liberties and the pitting of one group against another. We cannot look away or hope for the best when politicians promise to assault our civil liberties and threaten human rights.






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I am trying to wrap my head around a typical member of the Resistance.


Is it someone who soends all their time unemployed and camped out on a forum such as this collecting subsidized Obamacare (or hoping to when they arrive in the US) ?


I don't understand who all these protesters are and why they are not at a job "earning" a living.


Why do they have time to "Resist" but no time to have simply voted?


Can someone from the Resistance please enlighten me?


I am trying to see if I have any common ground with them at all.



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In America, the term "Elite" is used to mean "intellectually and morally superior" to YOU, deplorables.  But surprise - America was created partly to get rid of the aristocratic elite.  Lafayette, who fought in America on behalf of the Americans, was a promoter of the concept of the dignity of the common man and later returned to France to play a pivotal role in the French Revolution.  What is being lost in the interpretation of the victory of Donald J. Trump over the liberal elites is that it is a victory for the common man despite its other aspects.  It is a triumph for the common man who is sick of being told that he is deplorable in comparison to the politically correct cognescenti.  It is truly a victory from the heart of America and is in concord with deeply held American ideals as set forth in the Declaration of Independence.

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Some more interesting musings about the anti-trump resistance, this time in the context of the Hamilton thingie.

As I've said, it's not focused yet.

It may never be.

But it's early days.


A phrase worth emphasizing from the link:

this is going to be a very long and ugly fight





The Hamilton-Pence Incident Was More Than Just a Distraction


But to me, the more interesting divides exposed by the Hamilton flap are those within a left that, less than two weeks after Election Day, is still staring at the smoldering crater and trying to figure out what kind of resistance can grow along its fringes. If the big divide right now among progressives is between those who feel that the Democrats should be primarily concerned with economic populism and those who believe that a coalition based on identitarian concerns can’t be left by the wayside, the intra-left split over Hamilton reflected that. There has always been a portion of the left that shares with a portion of the right a fundamental mistrust of Hollywood, of art, of pop culture. The right may think it is all  degenerate — a word Trump has used about art that offends him — but the left thinks it's all frivolous, insubstantial. An opiate for the masses, and a way of not looking at real issues.


You can do two things if you’re on a stage: Show or tell. There are those who feel Hamilton should have stuck with the first; instead, the cast and production team chose, for one night, to do both. While this is going to be a very long and ugly fight, I'd award them a narrow victory-by-decision in Culture Wars, Round One.



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The result of the US election was recently said to result from the "Revolt of the Deplorables".   Clinton called Trump supporters "The Deplorables" as we may all recall.   That single line, along with the constant barrage of sexist, and sexual assault claims, programmed to emerge one a week, did her in.   She may just have sneaked over the line if it hadn't been for those two points.  It would have been obvious to anybody with an IQ barely into double figures that the women making allegations were programmed to emerge, and probably paid to do so.   Disgusting conduct, but what we had come to expect from Clinton.   

The last of the "sexual assault victims" to come forward was allegedly groped by Trump on a flight 37 years ago!!!   At the time she didn't report it to the airline, nor the police.  She didn't tell any members of her family, yet 37 years later she comes forward and makes the allegations, just coincidentally during an election campaign in which Trump has a good chance of winning, and as history will record, went on to win with a huge majority.  Give me a break!!!


Well the left may say that Trump was the worst presidential candidate in US history, but it was touch and go who it really was, Trump or Clinton!!!  There was no more than a hair's breadth in that competition, unlike the actual result of the election which was a landslide.


I'm I little like Dirty harry right now having forgotten how many rounds he's squeezed off, and the purpose, if there is a purpose, of the Democrats' bad behaviour, has been lost to me, so can somebody tell me what they are raising hell about?   Or is it nothing in particular?  I guess when you're on welfare payments, funded by the democrats, attending a demonstration against a future administration that may threaten those payments seems like a worthwhile way to spend a day???


Is it just that they didn't like the result?   Do they want another election?  Please don't tell me that Clinton gained a majority of the popular vote, because that is irrelevant.   Is there something more sinister?   Do they want to destabilize the entire country?   Are they just sore losers, and that would appear to me to be what it is?  Do they want the electoral system changed so that the winner of the popular vote wins?   That could work against the democrats in the future, and then there will be another round of poor behaviour, protesting the result.


The election was won by Trump in a well established, and time honored, democratic process, and that should be the end of it, except for.....the democrats, who are still abusing, harassing, threatening.


It seems that the left of politics doesn't vary much from country to country.....we're seeing it in the US right now, we saw that in the Brexit vote (where the left losers demanded another vote!), and we see it in Australia time and again, and no doubt other countries.

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5 hours ago, DogNo1 said:

In America, the term "Elite" is used to mean "intellectually and morally superior" to YOU, deplorables.  But surprise - America was created partly to get rid of the aristocratic elite.  Lafayette, who fought in America on behalf of the Americans, was a promoter of the concept of the dignity of the common man and later returned to France to play a pivotal role in the French Revolution.  What is being lost in the interpretation of the victory of Donald J. Trump over the liberal elites is that it is a victory for the common man despite its other aspects.  It is a triumph for the common man who is sick of being told that he is deplorable in comparison to the politically correct cognescenti.  It is truly a victory from the heart of America and is in concord with deeply held American ideals as set forth in the Declaration of Independence.


Elite now means holding power or influence and/or filthy rich. 9 figures and up. There's no intellectual or moral superiority about it. Trump is an elite and you would be hard pressed to find anyone he is intellectually or morally superior to.

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1 hour ago, F4UCorsair said:

The result of the US election was recently said to result from the "Revolt of the Deplorables".   Clinton called Trump supporters "The Deplorables" as we may all recall.   That single line, along with the constant barrage of sexist, and sexual assault claims, programmed to emerge one a week, did her in.   She may just have sneaked over the line if it hadn't been for those two points.  It would have been obvious to anybody with an IQ barely into double figures that the women making allegations were programmed to emerge, and probably paid to do so.   Disgusting conduct, but what we had come to expect from Clinton.   

The last of the "sexual assault victims" to come forward was allegedly groped by Trump on a flight 37 years ago!!!   At the time she didn't report it to the airline, nor the police.  She didn't tell any members of her family, yet 37 years later she comes forward and makes the allegations, just coincidentally during an election campaign in which Trump has a good chance of winning, and as history will record, went on to win with a huge majority.  Give me a break!!!


Well the left may say that Trump was the worst presidential candidate in US history, but it was touch and go who it really was, Trump or Clinton!!!  There was no more than a hair's breadth in that competition, unlike the actual result of the election which was a landslide.


I'm I little like Dirty harry right now having forgotten how many rounds he's squeezed off, and the purpose, if there is a purpose, of the Democrats' bad behaviour, has been lost to me, so can somebody tell me what they are raising hell about?   Or is it nothing in particular?  I guess when you're on welfare payments, funded by the democrats, attending a demonstration against a future administration that may threaten those payments seems like a worthwhile way to spend a day???


Is it just that they didn't like the result?   Do they want another election?  Please don't tell me that Clinton gained a majority of the popular vote, because that is irrelevant.   Is there something more sinister?   Do they want to destabilize the entire country?   Are they just sore losers, and that would appear to me to be what it is?  Do they want the electoral system changed so that the winner of the popular vote wins?   That could work against the democrats in the future, and then there will be another round of poor behaviour, protesting the result.


The election was won by Trump in a well established, and time honored, democratic process, and that should be the end of it, except for.....the democrats, who are still abusing, harassing, threatening.


It seems that the left of politics doesn't vary much from country to country.....we're seeing it in the US right now, we saw that in the Brexit vote (where the left losers demanded another vote!), and we see it in Australia time and again, and no doubt other countries.


Well said. 



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yep , he legally won . You can be very proud of yourselves . Just by myself , I think that this will be the most dangerous American presidency for the world , ever .

he's an thin - skinned egomaniac , who is trying to surpress the media and reacts paranoid towards anything and anybody remotely opposing him . He's trying to seclude his country and he has control over nuclear weapons , which everybody is just hoping not even he's crazy enough to use them . Kim - Jon Trump ?

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9 minutes ago, Watchout4 said:

He's trying to seclude his country and he has control over nuclear weapons , which everybody is just hoping not even he's crazy enough to use them .


Could you calify what you mean by "seclude his country"?


I am not at all concerned he will press a red button. 



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1 minute ago, Watchout4 said:

oh , I forgot : he thinks global warming and climate change is a hoax . yes , I would feel extremely confident that your surpreme leader is going to try his best to make this world a better place for your children 


My children will do best if Daddy has a job. 


Figuratively speaking...I have great-grandkids these days; however, they will do best if their daddy has a job as well ;-)

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5 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Could you calify what you mean by "seclude his country"?


I am not at all concerned he will press a red button. 



well, he's going to abolish trade agreements and he want's to build a wall . He's saying that Islam is an ideology rather than a religion, which not many other countries are going to agree with . Is that not seclusion ?

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13 minutes ago, Watchout4 said:

well, he's going to abolish trade agreements and he want's to build a wall . He's saying that Islam is an ideology rather than a religion, which not many other countries are going to agree with . Is that not seclusion ?


Can you name any countries that do not protect their borders with some type of barrier? Perhaps some EU Countries but as an American I cannot just sneak into the EU and find a career or any other country that I am aware of.


Do you know of any? 


I think they all practice this "seclusion".


As for "religion" vs "ideology", I happen to think they are all "ideologies" and should not grant any type of special privilege to its members. That goes for tax breaks and special considerations for Christians as well. It is a personal choice and should be treated no differently that the person who chooses no religion.

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17 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

You gotta wonder what the protests would have been like if Hilary had won. 


There would have been some grumbling at the morning coffee break.


Republicans are too busy working for a living to protest.


How many street protests took place with the passage of the ACA?

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