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Nigel Farage would be 'great' UK ambassador to US, says Donald Trump


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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's not my impression that Farage really represents the political diversity of the UK very well, but of course, up to y'all who to pick. 


He's never made any secret of his stand on our membership of the EU so he could never represent political diversity in whatever political role he may play in the future.

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's not my impression that Farage really represents the political diversity of the UK very well, but of course, up to y'all who to pick. 


probably not, never mind that,

the UK ambassador to US is not there to represent any political diversity, not the portfolio


mebbee Trump could have Jeremy Clarkson, might help parts of the ailing auto industry



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19 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Just like Obama thought he could tell the British public which way to vote in the referendum.


I totally ignored Barry and went with my gut instinct.  Suffice to say my bank balance is a hell of a lot healthier thanks to my total disregard of Barry's waffle.

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's not my impression that Farage really represents the political diversity of the UK very well, but of course, up to y'all who to pick. 


The comedic value of this observation is the underlying notion that any ambassador of Great Britain is in ANY way reflective of its "political diversity".

Edited by blazes
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I think Trump would be wise to offer HRC one of the plum jobs in the ambassadorial world.  How about the Ambassador to Outer Mongolia.  I hear there are some excellent gold mines located not too far from Ulan Bator.

Just not locking her up or grabbing her kitty kat will do nicely .... thank you very much indeed.
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Understandably on this thread we have many undemocratic Remoaners spouting their usual rubbish, ignoring the fact that Nigel Farage has not only been the most successful British politician over the last 10yrs, in addition to being the most popular.




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17 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Understandably on this thread we have many undemocratic Remoaners spouting their usual rubbish, ignoring the fact that Nigel Farage has not only been the most successful British politician over the last 10yrs, in addition to being the most popular.


I thought that Farage was fundamentally opposed to foreign politicians interfering in British political matters? 


It's interesting that you think he is Britain's most popular politician. I wonder why, if that was the case, has he fought in five UK general elections and lost them all.

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As well as UKIP Vote Leave campaign claimed that membership in the EU cost the U.K. £350 million a week, "enough to build a brand new, fully staffed ... hospital every week." ,

Farage will explain D.Trump that saving on Obamacare costs will finance the wall to protect USA from Canadian invasion.  

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9 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


When i gaze at the visage of teresa may i see a woman who hasnt had a bowel movement for months....so i daresay she would prefer her us ambassador to be in her own likeness. 

Ah yes, well put, the Poor Old Dear (Tessa) looks very like a Constipated Chook (Aussie for Chicken/Fowl.)

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5 hours ago, nontabury said:

Understandably on this thread we have many undemocratic Remoaners spouting their usual rubbish, ignoring the fact that Nigel Farage has not only been the most successful British politician over the last 10yrs, in addition to being the most popular.





Most popular? Laugh? I nearly did!


I believe it took TM slightly less than 5 seconds to kick the idea into touch


Popularity? With whom? He couldn't get elected and is widely despised. Of course he's the numpties' champ but that's about it.


Ambassador? Good god man, we're British ?

Edited by Grouse
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7 hours ago, blazes said:

I think Trump would be wise to offer HRC one of the plum jobs in the ambassadorial world.  How about the Ambassador to Outer Mongolia.  I hear there are some excellent gold mines located not too far from Ulan Bator.

Ambassador to the Vatican...so she can do penance 24/7?

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8 minutes ago, smudger1951 said:

Nigel is a free agent looking for his next career opportunity where he can disrupt the liberal leftie take over of the world. A seat in the UN would be great but it wont be as a UK ambassador.


Well after Brexit, he will  need to find another group of taxpayers to suckle from, and the UN is certainly filled with the sort of labyrinthian, unaccountable bodies that he has been living large on for years, so it would be perfect for him.

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