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Trump disavows alt-right conference after online video of Nazi salutes in his honour – New York Times


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1 minute ago, DriveByTrucker said:


If Trump has literally nothing to do with White Supremacists, why doesn't he publicly and explicitly denounce them immediately after they use his name in a Nazi salute, while at the same time Trump cannot stop bashing a bunch of actors who "lecture" Pence?



Actors don't live in our real world. They live in Fantasy Land and play the parts of invented characters in stories. Not much different to the lives lead by people portrayed in Fairy Tales. They're mostly millionaires who live in a pink and fluffy Cuckoo Land.


Surely you can have no interest in what actors come out with!

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6 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:


In most European countries anything "Nazi", ie salute, flags, propaganda, etc. is illegal and punishable by law. In the US this is perfectly legal, in Chicago there actually is an annual gathering of these morons where they walk around in Nazi uniforms.

Yes, Americans have the right to freedom of speech and expression, which is severely curtailed in many European countries (and other beacons of liberty like Saudi Arabia).

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38 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

deflecting deflecting denying.... up to you..after all you will make America great again


Im not deflecting or denying anything you want me to agree with you and I'm not. You want to put words in my mouth and I won't allow it. 


Its my country of birth and Im still proud of it and don't care what you think. If you want to judge 300,000,000 people or 60,000,000 million + voters a certain way based on a fringe group that might, maybe, be able to fill a best western hotel banquet hall then thats entirely your problem. 

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31 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:

If Trump has literally nothing to do with White Supremacists, why doesn't he publicly and explicitly denounce them immediately after they use his name in a Nazi salute, while at the same time Trump cannot stop bashing a bunch of actors who "lecture" Pence?


They weren't 'actors' lecturing pence, they were activists that cornered him while they were on stage and he came to view their show. A publicity stunt. 

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4 minutes ago, Strange said:


Im not deflecting or denying anything you want me to agree with you and I'm not. You want to put words in my mouth and I won't allow it. 


Its my country of birth and Im still proud of it and don't care what you think. If you want to judge 300,000,000 people or 60,000,000 million + voters a certain way based on a fringe group that might, maybe, be able to fill a best western hotel banquet hall then thats entirely your problem. 

I am quite sure there is more than a western  hotel banquet neo nazi un USA but this is another topic.

I am not trying to put words in your mouth, in fact I am quite happy of the drama unfolding in the USA right now and I am sure it is only the beginning..time to open the popcorn to watch the "America becoming great again"

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27 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

Yep I know that...part of their Free speech...That's why I am quite glad to not be american...I couldn't stand to have those racists morons parading in the street


You realize that you are creating a prejudice for 300,000,000 people based on a fringe psycho group and there by being the exact same as said psycho group? 

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6 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

I am quite sure there is more than a western  hotel banquet neo nazi un USA but this is another topic.

I am not trying to put words in your mouth, in fact I am quite happy of the drama unfolding in the USA right now and I am sure it is only the beginning..time to open the popcorn to watch the "America becoming great again"


You are "Quite Sure" of nothing. 


Its posts like this that utterly disgust me. 


Its clear that your distaste for americans and america clouds any rational thought. 

It takes a certain kind of person to hope for the demise of a nation just because you think you are better. 


Later dude.

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1 minute ago, Strange said:


You realize that you are creating a prejudice for 300,000,000 people based on a fringe psycho group and there by being the exact same as said psycho group? 

What I realize is that  the USA, a country who fought Nazism let morons parading in the streets with swastikas, and allow KKK who have an history of burning black people to give money to a POTUS candidate...

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Just now, Strange said:


Its posts like this that utterly disgust me. 


Its clear that your distaste for americans and america clouds any rational thought. 

It takes a certain kind of person to hope for the demise of a nation just because you think you are better. 


Later dude.

sorry but I don't think that at all...you re now the one trying to put words in my mouth..and I am quite sure you bet you re above the rest of us. If you can't accept discussion about the Original Post, you should avoid TV

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6 hours ago, DriveByTrucker said:


These fascists might be totally meaningless to you, but the civilized world is appalled by these creeps.

This guy is only Trolling to get people to react. Don't bother, you are wasting your time.

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28 minutes ago, Strange said:


They weren't 'actors' lecturing pence, they were activists that cornered him while they were on stage and he came to view their show. A publicity stunt. 


As I said, a bunch of actors that cant even fill a the washroom at a best western baquet hall deserve a couple of hours tweeting time by the president-elect, while he cannot find the moral decency to denounce a group of fascists who use his name in a Nazi salute.

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5 hours ago, jaidam said:

Thank you for the video, so i stand corrected they were not trying to ask a question, but my point about this being civilized and non violent stands. There is also no sign of Trump in that room, and nor is there any sign or evidence that this was supported or sponsored by Trump in any way, shape or form. Pure media bias this story. Now, do you want me to find some videos of Clinton or Obama supporters behaving in an untoward fashion? 


It really does beggar belief that anyone can try and normalize white supremacist neo nazi activity in this day and age. Anti PC has now become a safe space for such creatures who believe and espouse such things. I guess if you want to be an apologist for Nazis then that is your decision.


Your position is entirely unsurprising.

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2 hours ago, Strange said:


We don't have a monarchy or a PM. 


I dont care what other countries do. 


I don't know what you are talking about with the "Rise of Racist attacks" this isn't the UK. If you mean a couple loonies spray painting swastikas and some tweets and illegal mexicans being worried about being deported then thats hardly a rise in racist attacks and your going overboard with the sensationalism. 


This discussion is going off topic but I feel compelled to remind you that the riots on the streets of the USA causing property damage and injuries to people and police officers is entirely the radical left throwing a hissy fit and its 100% not trump supporters doing it. 


I am wondering what is an illegal Mexican. It seems to me that such a concept cannot exist in nature. How can a person be illegal? I understand how a person can be Mexican. I have been there a few times and met many but I really don't know how someone can be both Mexican and illegal.


Is there some state of being where an individual is disenfranchised of their right to life? Certainly in the racist Trump's America, there is a state of being where an individual is now to be denied any right to dignity as a person.


When people use such terms as Illegal Mexican, they give aid and comfort to those misbegotten, awful and selfish people giving the Hail Trump Sieg Heil salute.


It is racism. It emboldens the worst in the supremacist-inclined. It is shameful. It is not surprising from seeing your posting history.

Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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10 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

Because it is totally meaningless and perpetrated by microtesimal percentage of the population.

Seems like the same was said in Germany years ago. A drop of water turned into a tsunami. I think it states in the bible that one shall come forth and rule the land and his name shall be? Stumps me at the moment but it will eventually come back to me. 

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3 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

I am wondering what is an illegal Mexican. It seems to me that such a concept cannot exist in nature. How can a person be illegal? I understand how a person can be Mexican. I have been there a few times and met many but I really don't know how someone can be both Mexican and illegal.


Is there some state of being where an individual is disenfranchised of their right to life? Certainly in the racist Trump's America, there is a state of being where an individual is now to be denied any right to dignity as a person.


When people use such terms as Illegal Mexican, they give aid and comfort to those misbegotten, awful and selfish people giving the Hail Trump Sieg Heil salute.


It is racism. I emboldens the worst in the supremacist-incluined. It is shameful. It is not surprising from seeing your posting history.


An illegal Mexican is a Mexican National in the United States of America illegally. 


Im not even the slightest ashamed and I got nothing to hide I'm my posting history. I know you really REALLY want to label me a racist but I'm not. Does not matter what you say.


As for the rest of your rant, I have no idea. 

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9 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Seems like the same was said in Germany years ago. A drop of water turned into a tsunami. I think it states in the bible that one shall come forth and rule the land and his name shall be? Stumps me at the moment but it will eventually come back to me. 




Room full of idiots = to a speck of sand and OMG WWII again. 

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The alt-right is who HRC was referring to when she said deplorables. Richard Spencer (who is hailing Trump here) founded the term alt-right. Now the big problem here is that Stephen Bannon was the executive chairman of Breitbart, which is the alt-right publication, until joining Trump's team in August, and will serve as Trump's top aide. David Duke (former head of the KKK) had this to say about Bannon being given this position, “You have an individual, Mr. Bannon, who’s basically creating the ideological aspects of where we’re going, and ideology ultimately is the most important aspect of any government.”


Trump did come out and speak against this today after pressure. But I'm not sure how genuine he is.  He gave three quick tweets making a huge deal of the Hamilton speech to Pence, but only after coming under heavy pressure did he say that he speak out about this.


The fact that he has filled his cabinet with these individuals is alarming. Michael Flynn (his proposed National Security Adviser) called the islamic faith a "vicious cancer inside the bodies of 1.7 billion people on this planet" and said that it "must be excised". He also has said that "fear of islam is rational". Jeff Sessions is up for Attorney General, but he once said that he thought the KKK was okay until he found out that their members smoked pot. He was also denied a federal judgeship because of that and other racist incidents. Sessions is not only against illegal immigrants, but wants to see legal immigration fade out. That should be of particular note to anyone who has a Thai family. 


So none of this should be surprising. The writing has been on the walls for some time now. Certainly not all Trump supporters fall into this category, I'd say a minority of them do. But this is exactly what people were warning leading up to the election. Electing Trump has emboldened and legitimized these extremists.

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1 hour ago, DavidVincent said:

What I realize is that  the USA, a country who fought Nazism let morons parading in the streets with swastikas, and allow KKK who have an history of burning black people to give money to a POTUS candidate...


You should be aware that Henry Ford received the Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle for his contribution to the Nazi War effort. Ford and GM engines powered many German army vehicles in their conquest of Europe and the Soviet Union. GM were also on a good earner from Adolf and his pals for supplying the parts for those same vehicles.


It was Germany that declared war on the USA, not the other way round so don't get too carried away about America's fight against Nazism.

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3 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Even the most left leaning liberals have got to give Trump a bit of credit.


He took on the establishment of the USA. 

He took on the Clinton dynasty.

He also took on the media not just in the US but most of the media in the Western world.

Nearly all the British and all the mainstream EU politicians slagged him off.

He took on the pollsters.

He took on the book makers and the gamblers.

He even took on his own party the Republicans even although many of them turned on him and advised that their own people vote for Clinton.

They were all against him and spewed hatred and contempt in his direction for months.


Yet he beat 'em all.


All because he promised to put his own people first which is pretty unique in modern politics. Most folk are natural born nationalists at heart. Look at Thailand and the way it's run, there's no immigrants not handouts for foreigners in the LOS!.


It was great listening to all the lefties and liberals on the BBC and LBC in the UK weeping and wailing when Trump won. Boris Johnson looked like he'd just swallowed a bucket of diarrhoea when the news came through and I'd have paid good money to have seen David Cameron's face. But those two clowns are what passes for Conservatives in the Britain of 2016.


So the man has got something going for him, you should support him and stand by him even if it's only for his determination. He's got the makings of a fine leader as long as he looks after the working man and keeps his nose out of the Middle East.

Obama and the Labor dept instituted a new regulation that raised the limit of what people could earn before they could be officially declared management and not subject to hourly wage rulels.  Before Obama made the change the amount was 23,600 per year. For a 40 hour week that comes to the princely amount of $11.35 per hour.  In otherwords if you made $11.36 cents per hour, or about $453 a week, you could be made to work for 60 hours a week with no extra pay. Trump was against the ruling. Now a judge in texas agrees with trump and has ruled against it.  Donald Trump, the friend of the working man. 

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Trump's campaign rhetoric was very much fodder for the racist fascists.  Of course he will attract the far right thugs and he was well aware of that.  Now he has to live with the consequences of being the KKK poster boy.  If he didn't want them in his gang then he wouldn't have preached the line he knowingly did.


It is OK to keep blaming the media but they are reporting what is openly there to see.

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29 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Obama and the Labor dept instituted a new regulation that raised the limit of what people could earn before they could be officially declared management and not subject to hourly wage rulels.  Before Obama made the change the amount was 23,600 per year. For a 40 hour week that comes to the princely amount of $11.35 per hour.  In otherwords if you made $11.36 cents per hour, or about $453 a week, you could be made to work for 60 hours a week with no extra pay. Trump was against the ruling. Now a judge in texas agrees with trump and has ruled against it.  Donald Trump, the friend of the working man. 

Completely off topic, but hey I am sure you already got yesterdays news where the House Republicans are already plotting an Obama introduced overtime rule, requiring companies to pay time-and-a-half to workers who make less than $47,000 a year? Since this will effect 20million working Americans, you might question if this supports employees or employers. I hope what you say is true ie. Trump is a friend of the working man, but the House Republicans for sure don't give a sh*t about them.....and honestly I doubt Trump does either!


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58 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Obama and the Labor dept instituted a new regulation that raised the limit of what people could earn before they could be officially declared management and not subject to hourly wage rulels.  Before Obama made the change the amount was 23,600 per year. For a 40 hour week that comes to the princely amount of $11.35 per hour.  In otherwords if you made $11.36 cents per hour, or about $453 a week, you could be made to work for 60 hours a week with no extra pay. Trump was against the ruling. Now a judge in texas agrees with trump and has ruled against it.  Donald Trump, the friend of the working man. 


Did the Judge and Trump come out in favour of the blokes on over $453.36 a week being made to work for 60 hours a week with no extra pay or did they condemn it. I do not believe that you can make people to work a 60 hour week without paying them accordingly. 


They simply could not get away with that even in Thailand. Certainly no worker in Europe could be made to do it! The firm or factory would be burnt to the ground!


'Oi you',

'Yes Boss'

'You're working an extra 20 hours this week and you're not getting paid extra for doing it'

'You go and funk yourself Boss, where's the petrol!'


I did not get the impression that you were a fan of Trump yet in this instance you seem to be praising him.

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2 hours ago, Strange said:


An illegal Mexican is a Mexican National in the United States of America illegally. 


Im not even the slightest ashamed and I got nothing to hide I'm my posting history. I know you really REALLY want to label me a racist but I'm not. Does not matter what you say.


As for the rest of your rant, I have no idea. 


An action is legal or illegal. A person is not. You may or may not be racist but your views certainly give comfort to those who are. That was the point in the rest of my post which clearly went far over your head.


You feel no shame. No doubt. It is still shameful.

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14 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

An action is legal or illegal. A person is not. You may or may not be racist but your views certainly give comfort to those who are. That was the point in the rest of my post which clearly went far over your head.


You feel no shame. No doubt. It is still shameful.


Sorry, don't care. Im not even trying to filter what I say and pander to your nonsense. 



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According to the racists, they are not racists but nationalists.  According the nationalists they are not racists they are just misunderstood. When ever Trump backtracked on his statements he said it was because he was misunderstood.


If it walks like a duck...  

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16 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

According to the racists, they are not racists but nationalists.  According the nationalists they are not racists they are just misunderstood. When ever Trump backtracked on his statements he said it was because he was misunderstood.


If it walks like a duck...  


What does that make you then? Perfect? 

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45 minutes ago, Strange said:


Sorry, don't care. Im not even trying to filter what I say and pander to your nonsense. 




Clearly you do otherwise you would not protest so much. Fake bravado. You defend these supremacists and call Mexicans illegal people in the context of a discussion about how these neo nazis are emboldened by Trump and Trump supporters.


I repeat. Shameful.

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10 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

Clearly you do otherwise you would not protest so much. Fake bravado. You defend these supremacists and call Mexicans illegal people in the context of a discussion about how these neo nazis are emboldened by Trump and Trump supporters.


I repeat. Shameful.


Go on, tell me how you really feel.

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9 minutes ago, Strange said:


Go on, tell me how you really feel.


How do I really feel?


"In the wake of Trump’s victory, there has been an uptick in reports of hate crimes and race-fueled attacks. The Southern Poverty Law Center reportsthat there were more than 700 “hateful incidents of harassment around the country” between Nov. 9 and Nov. 16. And last Monday, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey launched a hotline for people to “report bias-motivated threats, harassment, and violence,” which received more than 400 calls within the first week, WBUR news reports. The response from the Trump team to reports of such incidents has been minimal, however."



'Normalising' such activity as the white supremacists denying Jews are people and giving the hail Trump salute through either saying nothing, giving pro forma tepid denunciations or, even worse, acting as apologist seems to be the way that Trump and his supporters have decided to respond. Thus giving aid and comfort to the supremacists.


The quote "The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing" seems to have originated with the Irish statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke wrote about the need for good men to associate to oppose the cabals of bad men. From his work houghts on the Cause of the Present Discontents 1770.


 When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.




That is how I really feel. It is shameful.


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