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With recounts looming, Trump adds new administration picks


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7 hours ago, Guitar God said:

It's mathematicians and statisticians whose discoveries were the impetus for the recounts. The "sore losers" didn't start talking about recounts until after the returns in those states were analyzed. 


...she received 7% less of the votes she statistically should have received in areas where electronic voting machines were used.


It is technically possible, the statisticians are saying the results are suspicious and their analysis shows it is plausible. 

The recount is being done to see if it actually happened. 




These are the same statisticians and mathematicians whose polls that predicticted a Hillary win at 98%...their work doesn't seem worth a pile of cow dung to me.


Hillary "received...less votes than she should have," what does this even mean...maybe people in those areas just wanted Trump to be president! Why don't these people just say what they mean...that Hillary "should" have won the state because they favor her for president...not because they have any evidence that she actually won it.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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12 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


The reality is that illegal voting almost never happens. 30 times in a billion, you work it out, and that DOES mean there are NOT thousands or tens of thousands more. The figures are accurate.


As you know, each state sets its own rules for voter registration, but almost all require some proof of citizenship at some point in the process (or inherited from a previous registration.)


Using a passport is a non-starter since that would identify you as a non-citizen, and thus ineligible. Other means might scrape through, but it would drastically heighten formal scrutiny of one’s status, something most undocumented residents are very, very anxious to avoid since it risks them being exposed and deported. Attempting to register fraudulently is also a felony, which would raise the urgency of deportation even more.


So, at the end of the day,  no undocumented resident would try this unless they were crazy - it is a self-controlling problem. They prefer to stay in the USA and work under the radar than to risk exposure for an attempt at voting.


The only dedicated, proven attempt at influencing an election using fraudulent means was in fact a case by the Republicans when Rep Tom Feeney hired Clint Curtis a computer programmer to write a program to swing the result of an election in which ever direction he chose. Here is Curtis under oath, testifying to the fact.



Democrats are experts in conducting voter fraud, going back to at least the Nixon vs. Kennedy election, which just about all historians agree was stolen by them through voting shinanigans in Illinois, that denied Nixon the election. I wouldn't trust anything a Democrat said on this issue. 

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20 hours ago, Strange said:


What do you think Jill Steins motivations are? 


According to reports   by various news outlets;


Stein has cited "statistical anomalies," the differences between exit polls and actual results, and the possibility that election machines were hacked as the reasons for her recount effort. She says she wants voters to "be sure we have a fair, secure and accurate voting system.” many people including Trump in previous years claimed that the  election system is not secure and could  be compromised.

I believe it is a legitimate concern based upon  the undisputed  hacking by Russians  and the actual close vote tallies.

Michigan: Trump ahead 10,704 votes. 
Pennsylvania: Trump ahead 70,638 votes.
Wisconsin: Trump ahead 22,177 votes.





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46 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


According to reports   by various news outlets;


Stein has cited "statistical anomalies," the differences between exit polls and actual results, and the possibility that election machines were hacked as the reasons for her recount effort. She says she wants voters to "be sure we have a fair, secure and accurate voting system.” many people including Trump in previous years claimed that the  election system is not secure and could  be compromised.

I believe it is a legitimate concern based upon  the undisputed  hacking by Russians  and the actual close vote tallies.

Michigan: Trump ahead 10,704 votes. 
Pennsylvania: Trump ahead 70,638 votes.
Wisconsin: Trump ahead 22,177 votes.


It was a personal opinion question. Im perfectly clear on what Jill Stein is 'saying' and what the MSM is reporting. 


Sheesh with arguments like that, I find it incredulous that people will dismiss the idea of fraudulent voting, but Russian hacking is perfectly understandable. 


Can someone please refer me to a legitimate link that shows 'undisputed hacking by the Russians'?

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5 minutes ago, Strange said:


It was a personal opinion question. Im perfectly clear on what Jill Stein is 'saying' and what the MSM is reporting. 


Sheesh with arguments like that, I find it incredulous that people will dismiss the idea of fraudulent voting, but Russian hacking is perfectly understandable. 


Can someone please refer me to a legitimate link that shows 'undisputed hacking by the Russians'?


I don't believe anyone can as state election officials have made it clear that none of the electronic voting machines are connected to the internet.

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1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:

I don't believe anyone can as state election officials have made it clear that none of the electronic voting machines are connected to the internet.


Maybe it was Russian mind control technology that influenced thousands of voters to push a different button than what they originally wanted to?

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On ‎26‎.‎11‎.‎2016 at 9:39 PM, Strange said:
21 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

For crying out loud! ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS CANNOT VOTE, DEAD PEOPLE CANNOT VOTE. Can everybody start using what they have between their ears. In the last 10 elections in the USA totalling almost 2 Billion votes there have been 30 (that is THIRTY) cases of vote fraud that would fall in to this category.


Once again TVF software stuffs up. I'm only replying to Al.


WRONG. Illegal immigrants CAN vote. Sanctuary states like California issue driving licences to illegals and that AUTOMATICALLY makes them registered to vote.


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7 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I don't believe anyone can as state election officials have made it clear that none of the electronic voting machines are connected to the internet.


Without getting into the question of proof, what does being connected to the internet got to do with it?

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:


According to reports   by various news outlets;


Stein has cited "statistical anomalies," the differences between exit polls and actual results, and the possibility that election machines were hacked as the reasons for her recount effort. She says she wants voters to "be sure we have a fair, secure and accurate voting system.” many people including Trump in previous years claimed that the  election system is not secure and could  be compromised.

I believe it is a legitimate concern based upon  the undisputed  hacking by Russians  and the actual close vote tallies.

Michigan: Trump ahead 10,704 votes. 
Pennsylvania: Trump ahead 70,638 votes.
Wisconsin: Trump ahead 22,177 votes.






The polls were 100% wrong in predicting the election results and she is using "polls" as a basis for requiring a recount. I couldn't make this stuff up.


The hacking thing was addressed before the election happened.

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Just now, Morch said:


Without getting into the question of proof, what does being connected to the internet got to do with it?


Logically speaking, how could they have done it without being connected to the internet? Manipulating individual machines in select states? 

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15 minutes ago, Morch said:


Without getting into the question of proof, what does being connected to the internet got to do with it?


I believe what is known as an "air gap" disallows for the compromising of computers from a remote location. I think it can still be hacked but I think one would need to do it on site as opposed to doing it through outside networks.



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3 minutes ago, Strange said:


Logically speaking, how could they have done it without being connected to the internet? Manipulating individual machines in select states? 


We've had previous topics dealing with supposed state sponsored hacking of secure systems. Some of these involved infrastructure and research systems which were supposedly not connected to the internet. As long as the devices themselves are connected through a net, it's not necessarily a question of tampering with individuals nodes.

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1 minute ago, mania said:

All these hacking stories from those that usually call others tin foil hatters :smile:


Nothing more than.....





The way I recall it, quite a bit of Trump's campaign was based on materials resulting from hacking.


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3 minutes ago, Morch said:


The way I recall it, quite a bit of Trump's campaign was based on materials resulting from hacking.



True that & sadly perhaps if that Hillary did not have a unsecured illegal mail server to transmit such

it would not have fallen prey.....Ah well I think she learned a valuable lesson don't you?


Cannot help but notice this election is like a chew toy for you...Did not know you were a US citizen

(not that you need to be one to discuss it) But you do seem very unhappy with it. I would think given your

usual cheer leading for Israel you would be pretty happy with it....Either way on-wards eh?

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11 minutes ago, Morch said:


The way I recall it, quite a bit of Trump's campaign was based on materials resulting from hacking.



6 minutes ago, mania said:


True that & sadly perhaps if that Hillary did not have a unsecured illegal mail server to transmit such

it would not have fallen prey.....Ah well I think she learned a valuable lesson don't you?


Cannot help but notice this election is like a chew toy for you...Did not know you were a US citizen

(not that you need to be one to discuss it) But you do seem very unhappy with it. I would think given your

usual cheer leading for Israel you would be pretty happy with it....Either way on-wards eh?

I believe it was hacked from Podesta's computer, not hers, but it goes to show that the probability of her unsecured server being hacked is probably over 99%.

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4 minutes ago, mania said:


True that & sadly perhaps if that Hillary did not have a unsecured illegal mail server to transmit such

it would not have fallen prey.....Ah well I think she learned a valuable lesson don't you?


Cannot help but notice this election is like a chew toy for you...Did not know you were a US citizen

(not that you need to be one to discuss it) But you do seem very unhappy with it. I would think given your

usual cheer leading for Israel you would be pretty happy with it....Either way on-wards eh?


I'm not sure that there was direct evidence of HRC's insecure private server being hacked - but even the issue of potential damage was enough to play a big part in the campaign. The other instance was the materials released by Wikileaks - which were a result of DNC and Podesta being hacked. The point made was that dismissing possible hacking concerns on partisan grounds is not much of an argument.


I can't help but notice that you're back with personal nonsense in lieu of a proper argument. Not altogether surprising, and of course, you misrepresent my views with regard to Israel. Carry on. 

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41 minutes ago, Morch said:

We've had previous topics dealing with supposed state sponsored hacking of secure systems. Some of these involved infrastructure and research systems which were supposedly not connected to the internet. As long as the devices themselves are connected through a net, it's not necessarily a question of tampering with individuals nodes.


Sooooooo its not the Russians but an inside job? Talking about the Russians here and not previous alleged tapering in prior US elections by lone knuckleheads. 


Are we really going to beat this horse? I mean voter fraud is so much more likely but, no, thats all tinfoil hat & stuff. 

Edited by Strange
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52 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


The polls were 100% wrong in predicting the election results and she is using "polls" as a basis for requiring a recount. I couldn't make this stuff up.


The hacking thing was addressed before the election happened.

Do you know what an 'exit' poll is?


Yes the 'hacking thing' was addressed before the election and all of you Trumpet blowers on here were supporting Trumps unsubstantiated claims that the elections were rigged. What a change of heart you have all had.

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4 minutes ago, Strange said:


Sooooooo its not the Russians but an inside job? Talking about the Russians here and not previous alleged tapering. 


I wasn't making any specific allegations, or even claiming that there was any wrongdoing.

If a state level party is involved, no reason to exclude access - they all have services intended for these purposes.

But again, I doubt this is the case. Hacking email accounts and spreading propaganda is one thing, going the extra mile is quite another. Can't see the Trump as representing enough of a return on an investment to justify the risks involved.

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On 11/26/2016 at 7:39 PM, acid thunder said:


That'll be less than the electorate that voted Trump then?


Huge resonation with Brexit here. 


       Spot on .

 Brexit  was just an opinion poll .  Parliament  will decide .


                Triumphant  Trump, he has broken  the  cartel .

                    God bless  America .

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4 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Do you know what an 'exit' poll is?


Yes the 'hacking thing' was addressed before the election and all of you Trumpet blowers on here were supporting Trumps unsubstantiated claims that the elections were rigged. What a change of heart you have all had.


Rigged is not the same as hacked homeboy. 


MSM Bias, hypothetical 'polls', biased 'polls'....

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59 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Once again TVF software stuffs up. I'm only replying to Al.


WRONG. Illegal immigrants CAN vote. Sanctuary states like California issue driving licences to illegals and that AUTOMATICALLY makes them registered to vote.


And true to form you blame anyone but your own incompetence.


Do California illegals get a social security number as well?


Here go try it out, see if you can vote or register to vote as an illegal in California. hint - You CANN NOT!





While it's true that undocumented people in California can obtain a driver's license, the state has not passed any laws which also gives them the right to vote. The New Motor Voter Act was passed in an effort to improve voter turnout, and while this law does automatically register citizens to vote when obtaining or renewing a driver's license, this only applies to citizens who are already eligible to vote.


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According to reports   by various news outlets;


Stein has cited "statistical anomalies," the differences between exit polls and actual results, and the possibility that election machines were hacked as the reasons for her recount effort. She says she wants voters to "be sure we have a fair, secure and accurate voting system.” many people including Trump in previous years claimed that the  election system is not secure and could  be compromised.

I believe it is a legitimate concern based upon  the undisputed  hacking by Russians  and the actual close vote tallies.

Michigan: Trump ahead 10,704 votes. 
Pennsylvania: Trump ahead 70,638 votes.
Wisconsin: Trump ahead 22,177 votes.




Brah they already said it wasn't hacked multiple times.

Primo Michigan dont even use electronic voting but paper ballots. They not connected to internet so how could be hacked.

Security experts join Jill Stein's 'election changing' recount campaign

Russia probably didn't hack US election – but we still need audits, experts say



And then there are states where Hillary won by smaller margin like 7000 votes, why dont count there?

Security experts join Jill Stein's 'election changing' recount campaign

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8 minutes ago, PattayaBoy said:


Brah they already said it wasn't hacked multiple times.

Primo Michigan dont even use electronic voting but paper ballots. They not connected to internet so how could be hacked.

Security experts join Jill Stein's 'election changing' recount campaign

Russia probably didn't hack US election – but we still need audits, experts say



And then there are states where Hillary won by smaller margin like 7000 votes, why dont count there?

Security experts join Jill Stein's 'election changing' recount campaign



You and the video boy you quote are lying concerning the Michigan voting system.




"Russia probably didn't hack US election – but we still need audits, experts say" - "probably"  :shock1:  Doesn't that word by experts raise some issues?


"And then there are states where Hillary won by smaller margin like 7000 votes, why dont count there?" - Because there are no anomalies in the EXIT polls. Do people not understand what an exit poll is? These states are being recounted because there are anomalies that do not make sense, therefore it is legally and constitutionally correct to recount. What is the issue with recounting, if Trump is confident then he should welcome the recount.


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17 minutes ago, Strange said:


Rigged is not the same as hacked homeboy. 


MSM Bias, hypothetical 'polls', biased 'polls'....

Do not refer to me as 'Homeboy', I will never be your close friend. Trump was not referencing MSM bias in his 'elections are rigged' statements and you know it.

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45 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Do not refer to me as 'Homeboy', I will never be your close friend. Trump was not referencing MSM bias in his 'elections are rigged' statements and you know it.


Edit - nvm - no point. 



You have yourself a very nice day. 


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