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German Loan Shark Suspect Fined And Freed


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German Loan Shark Suspect Fined And Freed

By Asaree Thaitrakulpanich, Staff Reporter -



Officials search the home of German loan shark Wolfdieter Werner Mueller on Thursday afternoon in Nong Khai province.


NONG KHAI — Police said Tuesday they had fined and released a German man accused of running a loansharking operation who claims he was wrongly implicated by his ex-wife.


Police searched Wolfdieter “Max” Werner Mueller’s house Thursday after residents went to police complaining he charged exorbitant interest rates for illegal loans. Mueller had flown to Phuket earlier in the day, but said the trip had been scheduled long ago.


Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/crime-crime/2016/11/29/german-loan-shark-suspect-fined-freed/

-- © Copyright Khaosod English 2016-11-29
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The issue is that he broke the law in loaning out money in his name, and working without a work permit,” police Maj. Theerapong Prajukjit said Tuesday. “Foreigners can’t loan out money in their name.”

So a foreigner can not lend money without a corresponding work permit.
Next time, if friends, relatives or extended family members of your GF/Gig/Wife/Mia Noi want to lend money, tell them you can not.
This is forbidden and illigal without a work permit.

Edited by tomacht8
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" The issue is that he broke the law in loaning out money in his name, and working without a work permit,” police Maj. Theerapong Prajukjit said Tuesday. “Foreigners can’t loan out money in their name.”


Breaking news for all Thai girlfriends.

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14 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

" The issue is that he broke the law in loaning out money in his name, and working without a work permit,” police Maj. Theerapong Prajukjit said Tuesday. “Foreigners can’t loan out money in their name.”


Breaking news for all Thai girlfriends.


I reckon the Thai girlfriends consider it more a gift than loan.

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2 hours ago, tomacht8 said:
 “Foreigners can’t loan out money.”

So a foreigner can not lend money without a corresponding work permit.
Next time, if friends, relatives or extended family members of your GF/Gig/Wife/Mia Noi want to lend money, tell them you can not.
This is forbidden and illigal without a work permit.


  PMSL.....i can't wait for some feedback on that one.


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2 hours ago, tomacht8 said:
The issue is that he broke the law in loaning out money in his name, and working without a work permit,” police Maj. Theerapong Prajukjit said Tuesday. “Foreigners can’t loan out money in their name.”

So a foreigner can not lend money without a corresponding work permit.
Next time, if friends, relatives or extended family members of your GF/Gig/Wife/Mia Noi want to lend money, tell them you can not.
This is forbidden and illigal without a work permit.


can pay a fine to forget about almost any crime here.

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12 hours ago, tomacht8 said:
The issue is that he broke the law in loaning out money in his name, and working without a work permit,” police Maj. Theerapong Prajukjit said Tuesday. “Foreigners can’t loan out money in their name.”

So a foreigner can not lend money without a corresponding work permit.
Next time, if friends, relatives or extended family members of your GF/Gig/Wife/Mia Noi want to lend money, tell them you can not.
This is forbidden and illigal without a work permit.



What we probably have here is a German man who financed his ex wife to loan money.

He was probably enforcing or trying to enforce the collection of debts not paid

back to her, or just carrying on her business.

My friend gave his wife a million BHT and said that's it, this was for  her to loan money.

She lent money to a policeman, he paid back first time,  then borrowed again- (the old con) then when he did not pay back the second time she gossiped about him being a bad man not pay back.


Mysteriously a few days later a motorbike drove past my friends house and shots were fired into the house.

The debt was never recovered.

The German deserves a medal for bravery in the course of duty.

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The the cooperatives of sick buffaloes in the Northeast of Thailand were very unhappy to hear the news.

They meanwhile have asked all their members (against B500 a day inconvenience fee plus free food, drinks and entertainment) to participate at the long march to the government house to protest against the drying up of the decade-long flow of money which brought zillions of Thai Baht to their fields; mostly without interest nor repayment that is :shock1:

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21 hours ago, Don Mega said:


I reckon the Thai girlfriends consider it more a gift than loan.

The word "borrow [me]" as used by Thais does not correspond to the word 'borrow' as defined in dictionaries. A better translation would be 'gift me'

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46 minutes ago, mokwit said:

The word "borrow [me]" as used by Thais does not correspond to the word 'borrow' as defined in dictionaries. A better translation would be 'gift me'


Luckily the person I was replying to is not a Thai lady then, would hate to have confused him.


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German loan shark - opposing point of view
My name is Wolfdieter Werner Mueller, I'm living in Nong Khai since 3/10/2010.
I am accused, that I'm searched for police and currently on the run, because I have lend money
to Thai people to an interest rate of 200%.
That's the truth…
I had booked a flight to Bangkok already on 3 November 2016.
How could I know that the police and the military will attack my house 3 weeks later ?
1. The police did not searched me !
2. I was not on the run !
3. When the police and the military attacked my house on 11/25/2016, they called me in Bangkok
and I have cooperated, I said, on Sunday I'll be back home. Since Sunday afternoon I stay in my
house in Nong Khai, and not on the run.
Yes it is true, I have lend money to Thai people, to help these poor people. But it is a big lie,
spread from my exwife and her cousin, I take an interest rate of 200%.
Please note: nobody of these people I lend money (amount between 1.000 and 20.000 Baht)
has shown me to the police, just my exwife, her cousin and some of her friends did it. 
Because my exwife she want to kick me out of Thailand, and the easiest way to do that, is…
to tell the police I'm working with no work permit, and to give this conspiracy more power
she said I'm a loan shark…
8 years ago I built my house, bought a lot of land, bought a new pick up, bought motorcycles,
built a big house to play snooker (bought 7 tables), built a warehouse for my rice and so on... 
when I had finished, then I married my lovely girlfriend. 
Believe it or not, on the next day the hell on earth started for me…
I was sleeping, she woke me up and has threatened me with a long kitchen knife on my neck, 
she screamed at me: you want to die or do you want to live ? Give me your money !!! 
I gave her 2.000 Baht and she left. I went to the police, and they was laughing and said: Farang go home !
To make it short..., I applied for a divorce and went to the court in Nong Khai, because my wife
she wanted everything I bought. 
In the meantime, she sold my car, the motorcycles, a new tractor…
 but I did not know, my wife sold all my land too. 
 The court told me, the land of my house has no title deed, please note: 
before I started to built my house, my wife recommended me
to buy the land of her sister including a very small house. I asked my wife, does that
land have a title deed, and she said YES of course ! - I said: please can I see the papers, she 
showed me a title deed, I'm sorry - 8 years ago I could not read the papers, but I could see the outline
on the paper, and it looked very similar to the real land. So I bought the land of her sister and
the small house for 150.000 Baht, and started to built my house.
The mayor of my village, my girlfriend, her sister and me signed the contract.
Today I know, She has borrowed the title deed from a friend.
8 month later the court has dicided, it is my house !!! My wife had now finally leave my house.
And my wife was very angry and gave me a call, she will buy a guy from Pattaya he will shoot me… I
I was afraid and rented a room in Udon Thani for 6 month. 
After 2 month I came back to see my house, opend the door and was shocked ! 
There was no bed, furniture was missing, no kitchen… my lawyer and the police said to me,
she is my wife she can do whatever she wants.
She disagreed with the court's decision, and called the court in Bangkok. That court said 50:50.
I disagreed and called the Supreme Court of Thailand, and was successful, the court said
it is my house, and I can stay in my house as long as I want. 
So, if you think now I can relax - sorry I can not.
Now, my exwife want to talk to court again, she said: You are the owner of the house - BUT - 
you are NOT the owner of the land. Her sister is the real owner of the land. 
The lawyer of my exwife sent me a mail, I must go out of my house immediately.
Soon we'll talk to the court.
My wife's cousin has borrowed 20,000 Baht from me 2 years ago, and has not given me the
money back yet. So, 2 month ago, I called the court in Nong Khai, she said to the court, long time ago 
she gave me the money back already, and many friends of her can attest it.
The court asked her, why do I have the original contract, and why do I talk to the court
when she paid the money back already? She could only reply stupidly, so on 8 December 2016
the court in Nong Khai will declare the verdict. 
She knows already, she 'll lose so she is also very angry with me, and want me to kick out
of Thailand too. 
Some years ago, my exwife stole my tractor and sold it, 
she damaged my house, smashed my windows, has destroyed water pipes, 
doors have entered and destroyed, has shit at night on my terrace and and and…
I called the court, and she was sentenced to pay me 200,000 Baht, but she did not pay yet,
because she have no money, she said. 
In December last year, my neighbours told me, that the sister of my exwife gave her the
small house on my land. They told me, that the name of my exwife is in the blue housebook.
So, my exwife is the new owner of the small house on my land. 
I went to the community of my village, and asked for a copy of the blue housebook of my exwife.
No problem, 5 min later they gave me the copy !!!
I went to the Legal Office in Nong Khai and shortly afterwards, they impounded the small house.
Please listen carefully !!!
The next day, my exwife and her sister, went to the community. 
The community of my village have destroyed the blue housebook of my exwife, and they gave
her sister a new blue housebook in the name of her sister.
My exwife said to me: <deleted> YOU ! Now - the Legal Office can do nothing at all, because
the small house is not her house anymore. The new owner is her sister, and I can do nothing.
4 month ago I called the court in Nong Khai, on 14 December 2016 the court will declare the
She told some friends already, she expects to lose again…
So please listen, everytime when I talk to the court, she lose… 
She think, if she can kick me out of Thailand, then my house will be her house and she can sell it.
That's all she want: MONEY - MONEY - MONEY !!!
And she is afraid of nothing, she lied to the court, she lied to the police, she lied to everyone…
but right now - I am the bad man. All the newspapers want to sell a dirty story about a very bad
german loan shark - no one of all these newspapers editors asked me before...
they believe what the police say - and the police believe what my exwife her cousin and her
friends say - no one was asking me !!! That's a very sad story…
I came to Thailand to live in peace and harmony, and when some poor neighbours ask me
for small money, of course I like to help. Even some policeman ask me for money !!!
Believe it or not, I did not know, I do illegal to help the Thai people. 
Even I did not know, to help some Thai people I need work permit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some years ago on christmas time, I went to the school in my village, and I asked the principal
how can I help the kids ? He wrote a big list, I went to Udon Thani and bought all these things he wanted,
my Pick up was full, I paid more than 20.000 Baht… - but no comment in the newspapers... 
5 years ago the mayor of my village, he is a family member of my exwife, he asked me for
10.000 Baht, he promised me: Tomorrow he wants to pay the money back, 
I made a contract, and after 2 years he still paid nothing. I went to the police, they said I must
go to the community, the community said, they can not help me. So I made a date with the
big boss of the Province-District. When the mayor heard about that date, he came to my home
shouted to me, insulted me very hard, spat on me - thrown the money on the ground.
Since then he is very angry with me, and denied any help (yellow housebook)
So this guy he also want to kick me out of Thailand.
So... be careful, the same bad story can happen to you too…
Wolfdieter Werner Mueller
P.S. I do not talk bullshit - I have all the documents, pictures, videos…
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