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Foreigners Advised To Avoid Southern Thailand


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Britons advised to avoid unnecessary visits to southern Thailand

LONDON : Britain on Wednesday advised its nationals not to visit the southern provinces of Thailand, where clashes between government forces and Muslim insurgents have left more than 100 people dead, unless their trips were essential.

"On April 28 there were attacks on security forces in 10 locations in the far southern provinces of Pattani, Yalan, Narathiwat and Songkhla," the Foreign Office said on its Internet site.

"More than 100 militants and five members of the security forces are reported to have been killed. We recommend against all non-essential travel to these four provinces."

Earlier the Danish government issued similar advice.

On April 9 the Foreign Office called on visitors to Thailand to be vigilant because of the threat of terrorist attacks, warning that Britons and other Westerners could be the target of such attacks.

Thai army commander General Chaisit Shinawatra said 107 attackers were killed in total, six were injured and 17 were arrested while two soldiers and three police were killed and another 15 security forces injured.

The attacks were the latest in a series of bombings, raids and murders in Thailand's southern provinces, which in the past four months have claimed the lives of some 65 security forces, government officials and Buddhist monks.

The southern provinces are among the poorest parts of the country and the violence there has been variously attributed by the government to organised crime, separatist movements or radical Islamists with links to international networks such as Jemaah Islamiyah (JI).

-- AFP 2004-04-29

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we all know that these are official advices. If a gvt does not act that way it can easyly be sued for not doing so as it happened already. Most of the western embassies do warn their connationals now from southern Thailand. Germany even specificly warned about Phuket.

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we all know that these are official advices. If a gvt does not act that way it can easyly be sued for not doing so as it happened already. Most of the western embassies do warn their connationals now from southern Thailand. Germany even specificly warned about Phuket

We know that the advisories are official! The vitual Government of Michelonia was recently sued in vitual court by one of our virtual members. We lost but are filing a virtual countersuit in the virtual Appeallate Courts of Michelonia. All damage awards will go toward our projects.

Go and visit http://www.michelonia.com and see what it is all about!!

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The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) on the 21st April issued two travel advisories regarding travel to Thailand, warning of the risks associated with travelling to the south AND some other areas of the country. The two adcisories were issued about four hours apart on the same day.

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Reference the most recent bloodshed in the South:

Not precisely on topic, but it is remarkable how few prisoners were taken relative to casualties and the high proportion of dead to wounded. This particularly as the attacks were reported as being made by 15 - 20 year old youths.


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The Swedish embassy has issued a similar warning, but stresses that this pertains only to the three "problem provinces" in the far south, and has nothing to do with e.g. Phuket. The ambassador also said that some analysts fear a retaliation, but that Swedish citizens are as yet not adviced to exercise special caution in other parts of Thailand.

(Source: www.dn.se, a major Swedish daily.)


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The ambassador also said that some analysts fear a retaliation
That retaliation might come from Thai authorities because Pulo is thought to have its headquarters in southern Sweden! :o
The Swedish embassy has issued a similar warning, but stresses that this pertains only to the three "problem provinces" in the far south, and has nothing to do with e.g. Phuket.

Pulo has warned Swedes in the daily "Aftonbladet" to stay away from Phuket and Krabi! :D

  Svenskar varnas av terrorgruppen

"Åk inte på semester till Phuket eller Krabi"

Svenska turister varnas för att resa till de populära turistorterna Phuket och Krabi, kan Aftonbladet i dag avslöja.

  Bakom varningen står

  terrorgruppen Pulo, som kan ha legat bakom gårdagens attacker där över hundra dödades.

  - Folk här är livrädda för att gå ut, säger en svensk i södra Thailand.

  Pulo tros ha sitt högkvarter i Sverige, troligen i Skåne, där organisationen leds av thailändare i exil.

  Överst på Pulos hemsida stod det i går, under rubriken "Warning": "Personer som planerar att besöka Thailand NU varnas för att resa till Patani Raya-regionen eller grannprovinserna."

  I uppräkningen ingår Phuket och Krabi. Två platser dit tiotusentals svenska turister reser varje år.

  Uppmaningen avslutas: "Efter den här varningen är befolkningen i Patani inte ansvarigt för något som händer dig."

Basically,Pulo says that the people of Patani aren't responsible for anything that happens to Swedes and others if they travel in southern Thailand after this warning!


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Britons advised to avoid unnecessary visits to southern Thailand

LONDON : Britain on Wednesday advised its nationals not to visit the southern provinces of Thailand, where clashes between government forces and Muslim insurgents have left more than 100 people dead, unless their trips were essential.

The Government is brilliant. Who would have figured that out without a government warning? Not I.

Tax dollars put to good use.

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The Government is brilliant. Who would have figured that out without a government warning? Not I.

I agree it seems like common sense. However, consider the case of the Japanese government, which after the return of the Japanese hostages from Iraq, was criticized for not wording its travel advisories strongly enough and not making the advisories more well known.


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OLD ED; ell what you expect,they said that the insurgents were young,and you know that a young junkie with a knife ain't gonna give up. and if they said they was,well you know how a hop head will lie,so ya just gotta shoot him. :o

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EU members issue travel alerts

European Union member states are warning their nationals to avoid travel to three predominately Muslim provinces in Thailand.

Ambassador Klauspeter Schmallenbach, EC head in Thailand, said yesterday that each EU country had issued an alert based mainly on information received from its Bangkok embassy on how serious the situation was here.

Netherlands Ambassador Gerard JHC Kramer said most EU nations had informed their citizens to refrain from unnecessary travel to regions at risk from terrorism.

The EU published information on violence in Thailand on its website a few weeks ago. It also warns tourists and businessmen to avoid visiting those three high-risk provinces.

--The Nation 2004-04-30

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Thai separatists warn foreigners to stay away from Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi

Outlawed Thai separatist groups have warned foreigners to stay away from Thailand's top tourist destinations after violence in the country's south that claimed 112 lives.

The warnings include the resort islands of Phuket and Phi Phi, and the popular Krabi region.

Meanwhile Thai politicians have been discussing Wednesday's incident.

The Thaksin Government has used an obscure constitutional power to bar the media and public from attending a closed door session of Parliament called to debate the southern violence.

The Defence Minister said the decision was taken to allow MPs to speak openly without fear of implicating foreign powers.

Analysts say it was a veiled reference to the possibility that some of the separatists involved in attacks on police and army checkpoints in the country's south may have received training by radicals in other countries.

There are fears that young Muslims opposed to Thailand's despatch of troops to support the US occupation of Iraq are becoming more supportive of regional terror groups, including Jemaah Islamiah (JI).

--abc.net.au 2004-04-29

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Thailand’s reputation as safe tourist destination threatened by rising violence

BANGKOK—Thailand’s reputation as a safe tourist destination could be jeopardized by violence in the kingdom’s south, which has claimed 112 lives in bloody scenes beamed worldwide, analysts are warning.

Britain and Denmark have reacted to the clashes between security forces and separatists with warnings advising citizens not to travel to the region and the United States also expressed its concern over the violence.

The unrest is the latest body blow for the industry, which has struggled to overcome the effects of regional outbreaks of the SARS virus and bird flu, which killed eight people here.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) said arrival numbers would be affected if the troubles continued in the south, which has been the scene of an upsurge of unrest since the start of the year.

“It will be affected if the unrest is not over soon,” said Napasorn Kakai, a TAT official in the resort island of Phuket, one of Thailand’s premier tourism destinations.

“We are concerned that if the unrest continues it will finally affect Phuket and Krabi,” he told AFP, adding the strife threatened to trigger cancellations at hotels and resort.

Napasorn said that while Phuket and the other popular islands of Samui and Krabi were several hundred kilometers from the crisis-hit provinces bordering Malaysia, they were all technically “in the south.”

The potential for confusion, and erroneous press reports that Phuket had been affected by separatist violence this year, was already causing problems, he said.

Violence in the south has already seen Malaysian tourist numbers fall by up to 30 percent according to TAT figures, which show Malaysians account for 10 percent of the almost 10 million tourists who visit Thailand each year.

“There is bound to be a decline in tourism, especially from Malaysia, which generates roughly 10 percent of Thailand’s total visitor arrivals, most of it cross-border,” Imtiaz Muqbil, Bangkok-based travel editor, said.

“That has already happened in the first quarter of this year,” he said.

Tourism officials in the deep south, which hosts the majority of the Malaysian market, say the industry there would be completely devastated by the latest attacks.

“Who will come to those three provinces after this incident has happened,” said Uthai Varaonasukul, TAT assistant director for the region, adding that tourists had only just begun to return after earlier troubles this year.

“We cannot talk about tourism in the south for a while as long as the unrest is still going on,” he said, adding hotel cancellations were as high as 100 percent in some areas.

“People here live with fear, particularly Thai Buddhists . . . no one really wants to leave their home if they don’t have to,” he said.

Tourism officials have been anxiously monitoring the south since January, when an attack on an army base marked the beginning of a fresh wave of violence in the region plagued by sporadic separatist struggles for decades.

But commentators said they were hopeful that the industry, backed by Thailand’s reputation as a democracy with a stable government, would cope with the latest shock.

Arrivals dropped 3.3 percent in 2003 to 9.7 million owing to the regional outbreak of SARS—the atypical pneumonia known as severe acute respiratory syndrome, which caused panic around the region and claimed nearly 800 lives.

The government predicted in January that with the SARS crisis behind it, tourist arrivals would bounce back in 2004 to a record high of 12 million.

-- Agence France-Presse 2004-04-30

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Thai separatists warn foreigners to stay away from Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi

Outlawed Thai separatist groups have warned foreigners to stay away from Thailand's top tourist destinations after violence in the country's south that claimed 112 lives.

The warnings include the resort islands of Phuket and Phi Phi, and the popular Krabi region.

Of course, that's one of the goal,...

Hopefully, the tourists are smarter than that,...

Not sure :o

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Australians warned off Thailand

THE Australian Government warned its citizens not to travel to violence-wracked southern Thailand, where more than 100 Islamic militants have been killed by security forces in fierce fighting this week.

In an updated travel warning issued yesterday, the government warned travellers to avoid the provinces of Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla.

Australians also were warned to "exercise particular vigilance in Satun province, including during overland travel to and from the Malaysian border."

Islands such as Phuket and Koh Samui off the coast of southern Thailand have long been popular destinations for Australian tourists.

In the travel warning posted on its website, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade says violence has been endemic in this region for many years, but that that the intensity and coordination of the incidents has been on the increase since early 2004, including the placement of bombs in shopping districts, armed attacks on security forces and the torching of schools.

The warning added that Thai authorities have expressed concern that explosives recently stolen in southern Thailand could be used in attacks.

Police and soldiers gunned down more than 100 machete-wielding Islamic militants on Wednesday after they stormed more than a dozen security outposts in Thailand's Muslim-dominated south.

The Government also advised Australians "to exercise particular care when traveling in the Malaysian state of Sabah, including coastal resorts and islands off the coast of Sabah, due to the threat of kidnapping posed by insurgents, criminals and terrorists from the southern Philippines."

The Malaysian advisory also warned against traveling overland from Malaysia into southern Thailand.

Australia came under fire in the aftermath of the Bali bombings for issuing a string of travel warnings that Southeast Asian nations said were hurting their lucrative tourist trade. However, the Government also was criticized at home for not warning travellers against going to Bali before the October 12, 2002, bombings that killed 202 people, including 88 Australians.

--AAP 2004-04-30

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Australians warned off Thailand

THE Australian Government warned its citizens not to travel to violence-wracked southern Thailand, where more than 100 Islamic militants have been killed by security forces in fierce fighting this week.

In an updated travel warning issued yesterday, the government warned travellers to avoid the provinces of Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla.

Australians also were warned to "exercise particular vigilance in Satun province, including during overland travel to and from the Malaysian border."

Islands such as Phuket and Koh Samui off the coast of southern Thailand have long been popular destinations for Australian tourists.

In the travel warning posted on its website, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade says violence has been endemic in this region for many years, but that that the intensity and coordination of the incidents has been on the increase since early 2004, including the placement of bombs in shopping districts, armed attacks on security forces and the torching of schools.

The warning added that Thai authorities have expressed concern that explosives recently stolen in southern Thailand could be used in attacks.

Police and soldiers gunned down more than 100 machete-wielding Islamic militants on Wednesday after they stormed more than a dozen security outposts in Thailand's Muslim-dominated south.

The Government also advised Australians "to exercise particular care when traveling in the Malaysian state of Sabah, including coastal resorts and islands off the coast of Sabah, due to the threat of kidnapping posed by insurgents, criminals and terrorists from the southern Philippines."

The Malaysian advisory also warned against traveling overland from Malaysia into southern Thailand.

Australia came under fire in the aftermath of the Bali bombings for issuing a string of travel warnings that Southeast Asian nations said were hurting their lucrative tourist trade. However, the Government also was criticized at home for not warning travellers against going to Bali before the October 12, 2002, bombings that killed 202 people, including 88 Australians.

--AAP 2004-04-30

Since Bali Australia has jumped at every shadow.

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Australians warned off Thailand

THE Australian Government warned its citizens not to travel to violence-wracked southern Thailand, where more than 100 Islamic militants have been killed by security forces in fierce fighting this week.

In an updated travel warning issued yesterday, the government warned travellers to avoid the provinces of Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla.

Australians also were warned to "exercise particular vigilance in Satun province, including during overland travel to and from the Malaysian border."

Islands such as Phuket and Koh Samui off the coast of southern Thailand have long been popular destinations for Australian tourists.

In the travel warning posted on its website, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade says violence has been endemic in this region for many years, but that that the intensity and coordination of the incidents has been on the increase since early 2004, including the placement of bombs in shopping districts, armed attacks on security forces and the torching of schools.

The warning added that Thai authorities have expressed concern that explosives recently stolen in southern Thailand could be used in attacks.

Police and soldiers gunned down more than 100 machete-wielding Islamic militants on Wednesday after they stormed more than a dozen security outposts in Thailand's Muslim-dominated south.

The Government also advised Australians "to exercise particular care when traveling in the Malaysian state of Sabah, including coastal resorts and islands off the coast of Sabah, due to the threat of kidnapping posed by insurgents, criminals and terrorists from the southern Philippines."

The Malaysian advisory also warned against traveling overland from Malaysia into southern Thailand.

Australia came under fire in the aftermath of the Bali bombings for issuing a string of travel warnings that Southeast Asian nations said were hurting their lucrative tourist trade. However, the Government also was criticized at home for not warning travellers against going to Bali before the October 12, 2002, bombings that killed 202 people, including 88 Australians.

--AAP 2004-04-30

Since Bali Australia has jumped at every shadow.

downer should've jumped before the shadows formed Doc, he was informed in the clear light of day. :o

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Well Australia has a twit of a prime minister so what do we expect. I am still in shock from the last time he was re-elected. I realised I was surrounded by more idiots !! he has single handedly been responsible for taking Australia into dangerous waters.

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UN staff in Thailand warned away from tourist spots, public transport

BANGKOK: -- The United Nations has warned its staff working in Thailand to avoid tourist spots and public transport and to stay away from the kingdom's Muslim south after violent clashes this week.

Australia, Britain, Denmark and New Zealand have also advised their citizens not to travel to the southern provinces where 113 people died in clashes between militants and security forces Wednesday, but the UN warning is the first nationwide alert.

"UN personnel should exercise great caution while moving about in the city (Bangkok). Avoid places normally identified with foreigners and avoid using public transport," said an internal security memo obtained by AFP Friday.

The UN did not give any indication as to whether there was a specific threat against public transport and tourist destinations, but said the warning was a direct response to the bloodshed in the south.

"The security situation in the southern provinces of Thailand has further deteriorated following violent clashes between the 'armed militants' and the security forces," it said.

Thai authorities were meanwhile investigating a warning issued Thursday by outlawed separatist group Bersatu telling foreigners to stay away from top tourist destinations including Phuket and Krabi.

"Patani people are not responsible for anything happens to you after this warning," the group said in a message posted on another separatist group's website.

In its travel advisory, Australia said it continued to receive "reports that terrorist elements in the region are planning attacks".

Security forces in the south were on high alert Friday after Defence Minister Chettha Thanajaro said he expected revenge attacks and ordered two battalions -- some 1,000 men -- to reinforce the military presence there.

--AFP 2004-04-30

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Well Australia has a twit of a prime minister so what do we expect. I am still in shock from the last time he was re-elected. I realised I was surrounded by more idiots !! he has single handedly been responsible for taking Australia into dangerous waters.

As they say timing is everything, his boat arrived in time.

Immigrants shown throwing children over board, they just forgot to mention the fact that the boat they were on was sinking, Howard was told but he forgot too.

jonnies latest problem, allan jones and John Laws's accusations,it just won't go away, he has already recinded one of his statements. A senior female liberal minister sent a message of support to jonesy, only problem she sent it to the wrong radio station, 5555, now thats out in the open. :o:D:D

off topic again, but you get that on big jobs :D

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I receive via eMail Travel warning from following Embassies where I am listed in the Newsletter subscription:

Germany, USA, Austria, Switzerland, England, Irland, Canada, Australia, Turkey, Israel.

All of them warn to travel to south Thailand especially to Yala Patani Songkhla and also warn to be very alert in Koh Samui, Koh Samet, Ko Pipi, Puket, Pattaya, and Bangkok especially at places with tourist attractions.

In addition those Embassies warn for travel in the Border Area of Malaysia, Burma, Laos and Cambodia, because in those areas exist continuously report of robbery from Tourist.

It is advised to travel to those areas ONLY with TAT Licensed Agents and Guides.

Lord, please give me the strength to change what I can Change and the patience to accept what I can not Change! And Lord, please give me the wisdom to realize the difference! Thanks God!

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