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Trump salutes Carrier _ and himself _ for saving jobs


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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

Just a coincidence the tax-giveaway takes place in Pence's home state. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


" Although some details behind the deal remain unclear, the state of Indiana offered Carrier $7 million in tax subsidies over 10 years to stay. "



Average Indiana Carrier employee wage per hour = $30.91

Weekly wage = $1236.40

Yearly wage = $64,292.80

Yearly wage of 1,000 employees = $64,292,800.00

Ten year wages for 1,000 employees = $642,928,000.00

I think $7 million tax subsides over 10 years is a drop in the bucket as to the money earned and put back into the local economy by 1,000 employees.

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1 minute ago, Pimay1 said:

Average Indiana Carrier employee wage per hour = $30.91

Weekly wage = $1236.40

Yearly wage = $64,292.80

Yearly wage of 1,000 employees = $64,292,800.00

Ten year wages for 1,000 employees = $642,928,000.00

I think $7 million tax subsides over 10 years is a drop in the bucket as to the money earned and put back into the local economy by 1,000 employees.

So that bit makes zero sense then, so what else are they hiding. One thing for sure the decision made by Carrier would have been made on commercial grounds only. Trump has opened pandora's box. No why don't you comment on real job news in that OBAMA created 170 000 jobs in the USA last month, how he has created 16 million jobs in his Presidency. You are going to find Trump a monumental disappointment!

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25 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

So that bit makes zero sense then, so what else are they hiding. One thing for sure the decision made by Carrier would have been made on commercial grounds only. Trump has opened pandora's box. No why don't you comment on real job news in that OBAMA created 170 000 jobs in the USA last month, how he has created 16 million jobs in his Presidency. You are going to find Trump a monumental disappointment!

Of course the decision would have been made on commercial grounds. I expect the potential cut in corporate tax rates plus the threat of a 35% tax on products brought back into the US had something to do with it. The real jobs you are talking about seem to be low paying jobs according to the MSM. Good for Obama for creating even these jobs. Give credit where credit is due.

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The New Yorker:


Trump Warns That Companies Shipping Jobs Overseas Will Be Slapped With Enormous Bribes




“If you think you’re going to get away with sending jobs out of the U.S., think again,” Trump said. “You are about to be bribed, big league.”


He raised the cautionary example of Carrier Corporation, which this week decided to keep a few hundred jobs in the U.S. in exchange for a seven-million-dollar government incentive. “I warned those boys at Carrier: we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, where you get seven million dollars,” he said. “They backed down so fast—it was terrific.”



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7 minutes ago, attrayant said:

The New Yorker:


Trump Warns That Companies Shipping Jobs Overseas Will Be Slapped With Enormous Bribes




“If you think you’re going to get away with sending jobs out of the U.S., think again,” Trump said. “You are about to be bribed, big league.”


He raised the cautionary example of Carrier Corporation, which this week decided to keep a few hundred jobs in the U.S. in exchange for a seven-million-dollar government incentive. “I warned those boys at Carrier: we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, where you get seven million dollars,” he said. “They backed down so fast—it was terrific.”




It's pathetic. All Trump had to say was "Hey Carrier, you had 6 Billion USD of defence contracts this year. Move location and we will have to review your defence contracts. - Job done, no tax concessions. Do people think Carrier have backed down for 7 Million USD over 10 years? They are more gullible than they were to vote for Trump.

Edited by Andaman Al
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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

So that bit makes zero sense then, so what else are they hiding. One thing for sure the decision made by Carrier would have been made on commercial grounds only. Trump has opened pandora's box. No why don't you comment on real job news in that OBAMA created 170 000 jobs in the USA last month, how he has created 16 million jobs in his Presidency. You are going to find Trump a monumental disappointment!


Obama doesn't run the economy, the FED runs the economy. Everyone's still waiting on Obama's "shovel ready" jobs. Instead he gave the stimulus money to the financial sector.

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8 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Obama doesn't run the economy, the FED runs the economy. Everyone's still waiting on Obama's "shovel ready" jobs. Instead he gave the stimulus money to the financial sector.

Funny how the USA has abdicated the running of the economy to a non Government organisation. Obama has reduced unemployment levels significantly and created 16 Million jobs. Fact. Sorry they are not all Rocket Scientists jobs - but the foreigners take all those.

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Just now, Andaman Al said:

Funny how the USA has abdicated the running of the economy to a non Government organisation. Obama has reduced unemployment levels significantly and created 16 Million jobs. Fact. Sorry they are not all Rocket Scientists jobs - but the foreigners take all those.


I don't find it funny at all.

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9 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I don't find it funny at all.

Well the USA have accepted it since the 1930's. Dust the guns off, this is what the second amendment is for. But be cautious, the last President that said he was going to do away with the Fed was John F Kennedy, and then ...whoops! Of course Ron Paul would have declared the Fed unconstitutional, got rid of it and got rid of 70% of US Debt in the process. Fortunately for his Grandchildren he will hang around a bit longer as he was never elected. There is something ironic though about the worlds superpower having it's economy driven by a private cartel of European Banking families.

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4 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Well the USA have accepted it since the 1930's. Dust the guns off, this is what the second amendment is for. But be cautious, the last President that said he was going to do away with the Fed was John F Kennedy, and then ...whoops! Of course Ron Paul would have declared the Fed unconstitutional, got rid of it and got rid of 70% of US Debt in the process. Fortunately for his Grandchildren he will hang around a bit longer as he was never elected. There is something ironic though about the worlds superpower having it's economy driven by a private cartel of European Banking families.


America has become nothing more than an economic engine and the World's designated attack dog. Practically every institution is compromised at this point. Still you can carve out a good life here. I'm less certain my children can.

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        What about Carrier's competitors?  By giving Carrier a big tax break, Trump is playing favorites.  To be fair, he should give the same break to all companies which manufacture similar items.  


        And is Trump going to use the same gambit for makers of: Windshields, brakes, stoves, tires, windows, motorbikes, golf clubs, toasters, shoes, snow shovels, ......you get the picture?  Half the companies in the US are now probably thinking, "hey, I'll tell Trump I'm planning to switch jobs overseas.  He'll shower me with tax breaks of millions of dollars.  Sounds good to me!"

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Trump again hires foreign workers for Mar-a-Lago — little change in payBUSINESS

As the presidential campaign heated up, Trump won approval to hire 64 foreign workers through the federal government’s H-2B visa program, according to newly released data from the U.S. Labor Department.

CareerSource Palm Beach County, a nonprofit job placement agency, says it knows plenty of American citizens willing to work at Mar-a-Lago.

“We have hundreds of qualified candidates and hundreds of job orders for various hospitality positions such as servers, chefs, cooks, bartenders, housekeeping, guest services, spa services, recreation, maintenance and more,” CareerSource spokesman Tom Veenstra said."


Donald Trump may feel for struggling American workers, but not enough to actually hire them.


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Oh Dear oh dear!


Trump just can't help himself. Now after being called out for what he is...........a liar, Trump fires tweets back at a citizen - the Union leader, for pointing out that Trump lied about the number of jobs being saved at Carrier. The man is a total menace and is going to crash and burn.


Do you Trump supporters actually advocate this type of behaviour? I mean really?






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There was an interview with the CEO of Carrier. I think it was on Bloomberg.com. Anyway he said that at the Carrier Plant that remains in the USA, Carrier will be devoting lots of resources to automating, i.e. roboticizing the plant to reduce the number of workers there. The loss of manufacturing jobs is overwhelmingly die to automation. And the notion that bringing back manufacturing jobs will also bring back good paying jobs is nonsense. It's not for nothing that the Carrier plant has a union to represent its workers. Republicans have consistently worked hard to destroy unions. And they've largely succeeded.  They're just a Supreme Court appointment of 2 away for destroying them entirely.

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Oh, and some of those jobs that Don the Prez "saved" will probably disappear due to automation. So those over-inflated numbers (that were lied about by Don the Prez) of 1,100 jobs that were actually closer to around 800 (or less by some counts) will drop some more in the future. Looks like that $7M of taxpayer money to a company that is making a profit is being well spent. United Technologies Corp. (Carrier's parent company) earned $5 billion in after-tax profits in 2015 guess they needed another $7M boost.


Carrier to ultimately cut some of jobs Trump saved



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43 minutes ago, attrayant said:

I guess $7M wasn't enough.  Trump needs to come back with an even bigger bribe.

The 7 mill is irrelevant particularly as the CEO was paid around 110 million.  They will now use the 7 million towards the cost of automation so that the jobs can be taken away permenantly. Trump lied about the entire thing to make himself look good. Obama meanwhile made no ego boosting anouncement about the 176000 jobs they created last month. The USA are about to trade a President for a reality TV clown!

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27 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

The 7 mill is irrelevant particularly as the CEO was paid around 110 million.  They will now use the 7 million towards the cost of automation so that the jobs can be taken away permenantly. Trump lied about the entire thing to make himself look good. Obama meanwhile made no ego boosting anouncement about the 176000 jobs they created last month. The USA are about to trade a President for a reality TV clown!


One doesn't have to be a Trump lover to understand that Obama has never created even one job. He inherited an economy at its nadir and there's really only one way it can go from there. Never has it gone that way so slowly than under President Obama. Never!


He never introduced even one economic policy that I can recall. If deficits have narrowed you can mark it down to the sequester and somewhat enhanced receipts from years upon years of ZERO interest rates. He absolutely slaughtered savers, who it turns out, decided to vote in this last election, and rewarded all those who destroyed the economy.


When the electorate, in the greatest grassroots move I have ever witnessed implored their representatives to not fund the stimulus bill, Obama assured everyone that the first priority of those funds would be "shovel ready " jobs. That turned out to be a blatant lie and he funneled every bit of that money to financial institutions. The ones he said he was protecting "from the pitchforks of the citizens". Boy, did he. That's what the Democrat party became, the protector of the oligarchs. And the rank and file Democrats never minded as long as their stocks went up. Pure idiocy.


The corollary to that is of course Trump inheriting an economy due for a recession given historical precedent. And that, given the significant bounce his mere election has created during the Obama presidency is that even if he does OK in his term the market numbers will look so so at best.

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  • 7 months later...

"Trump came in there to the factory last December and blew smoke up our asses. He wasn’t gonna save those jobs. And, if that’s the case, he would have saved us and Rexnord, a company around the corner from us that makes parts. We had a mix of Trump supporters and Clinton supporters at the factory, I’d say. The ones that really supported him are quiet right now.. In May of this year, Carrier announced its time line for eliminating what will ultimately be six hundred and thirty-two Indianapolis-based jobs.."




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                        Thanks Opl for the update.  Trump got in front of all the assembled workers and promised them at least 1,100 new jobs, while saying that was just the tip of the iceberg, and that actually a many more jobs were going to be created there at Carrier.  He knew at the time it was a big fat lie.  It so happened, Carrier lost over 600 jobs in the following weeks, while none were created.  Trump is not only a liar, he's a heartbreaking, career-ending liar, who gets workers' hopes floated up on hot air of lies. 



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