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Fiber-Optic 100-200 MB / New Provider


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Good afternoon

I want to replace one of my 2 Fiber-Optic providers with a new-one or add a third one to my load-balance-router. I am presently with 3BB & TOT. Looking for comments from people who have any other providers with min. 100 MB down. Mostly interested in stable and better international conncetions / bandwidth. Thank you.  MS>


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The best is CAT, but you would probably balk at the cost 100/5 is 7,500 plus VAT per month, which is a bit lot in upload speed. 200/50 is 26,900 plus VAT.


I know True and TOT offer a lot more for much less, but I'm sticking with CAT due to service and reliability. It's hard to experiment because you have to pay the connection fees and sign contracts.

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36 minutes ago, naidraw66 said:

Absolute rip off, thats 25,000 baht a month more than 3BB's 200/50 service. Yes its good but not that good :-)



That's with your own IP's, but how would you know how good that is? I doubt any members have that service, which is obviously tailored to business/office use. Obviously, expats are not in business, so they don't have to worry about interruptions as much, but as a CAT customer of 10 years, I can say their service is superb. I have direct contact by email and phone with my account manager, and problems, although infrequent, get sorted out very quickly.

Edited by tropo
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I have TMN Hi-speed internet fiber service. If I have a problem, I phone CAT service. I believe CAT service comes through Superhispeed Internet Company Limited, which is the provider for TMN Cable fiber service. You'll have to do the research for price plans and verify the backbone provider .

Edited by Banana7
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