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Thai youth born in Japan set to be deported because Thai mum worked illegally


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Thai youth born in Japan set to be deported because Thai mum worked illegally



Picture: Daily News


BANGKOK: -- A 16 year old Thai youth faces deportation from Japan despite being born in the country and living his whole life there.


The country's supreme court upheld a lower court decision Tuesday that Yuthanan Wan must be deported because his Thai mother was an illegal immigrant working without a permit, reports Daily News.


Mother and son have been separated for many years. The son was brought up by a Thai man at first but is now under the care of a Japanese national.


However, the court decided that because his birth arose from an illegality he cannot live in Japan any more.


The mother, Lansarn Praphakdee, has said she is willing to go to Japan to help her son but it is not clear whether this action would result in any change to the ruling.


Yuthanan and his guardians are deciding whether to appeal the case that has caused widespread interest due to the youth's background in the country.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-12-07
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Nothing racist about this, illegal is illegal period...There's no messing with the Japanese.

I agree. So long as the case was handled in accordance with current Japanese law and relevant case law, then I support the decision.

I do have empathy for him, largely because his "issue" was largely not of his own doing or really controllable by him either.

So, to that extent I have empathy... however, regardless of how Thailand handles theses issues, so long as the law was followed, then I support the outcome.

Additionally, I think the notion of being born in a country where you are the child of two (or even one) non-citizens, and then being entitled to citizenship in that foreign country, it is understandable to me that the government would want to have controls/regulations in place to insure only those who are properly/legally in country at the time of birth, can then be entitled to citizenship of that foreign based on that birth from one/two non-citizens.

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1 hour ago, jaltsc said:

“…must be deported because his...mother was an illegal immigrant working without a permit…”


This should be understandable to Thais. 

Some may choose not to understand so when will the nationalists have their say ?

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This is not the kid's fault, He should absolutely be allowed to stay. His mum is at fault for working illegally, but all he did was be born. 


The Japanese need to apply common sense here. Sure, they don't want people coming over and having anchor babies, but that doesn't mean cases can't be looked at on an individual basis.


Japan is an extremely developed country, but they still have this silly notion of an homogeneous society (I'm not talking about the kid in this story). Like it or not the world is changing. People are moving all over the world and it's time to realise that this one nation one race can't be maintained with the way the world is moving. Some people might find it endearing or a matter of deep routed culture, but the fact is Japanese people are having babies with other races, and a lot of these children living in Japan can made to feel like outsiders purely because of how they look. Yes, it happens in the West also, and it's equally as cavemen esque. You're 1 in 7 billion. You're not special - get over it. 


If the kid is deported, I'd like to think Thailand could learn from something from this. 

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1 hour ago, Nerone said:

a country more racist than thailand...

Absolutely nothing to do with race. It contravenes the laws of the country, which the mother intentionally broke and this is the result. The same rules apply in Thailand and would be enforced if the roles were reversed. If my children were born in Thailand they would have to comply with the countries immigration laws and would not be considered Thai or be given any special dispensation what so ever. I feel enormous sympathy for the young lad who has only ever known Japan and its culture and no doubt has no wish to leave the country of his birth and who is completely blameless in the whole sordid affair. The only people who are to blame and if any fingers are to be pointed or nasty comments levelled should be towards the parents of the child who placed him in this situation. If his father was Japanese there would be no issue and he would already be holding a Japanese passport.

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And who is the father? Is he Japanese? If mom was being "comfort" woman, probably not know who father was, but with DNA and all, could possibly push that issue. Loss of face for biological father if Japanese would be immense, I would imagine....

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1 hour ago, fruitman said:


Nothing racist about this, illegal is illegal period...There's no messing with the Japanese.

unless  youre  a  Thai  high  ranking  policeman  departing  with  a  gun in your  hand  luggage

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Having lived in Japan for over 5 years and having permanent residency there, I can only say that Japan is a very accepting country towards other nationalities. The court just not wants to make an exception, because an exception can become a very dangerous precedent. To work in Japan is actually not so difficult to do it legally. Even bloggers, freelancers etc can get a work permit if all documents are presented.


I got my PR pretty easily by working in Japan for 5 years, I automatically was selected for PR. A process which took not more than a couple of months and costed absolutely no money. 

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perhaps he should have petitioned to stay in japan to complete university studies since japanese schools are well rated and grads sought after internationally.


he could return to thailand and open a japanese language school for thermae cafe girls

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17 minutes ago, JoeW said:

Having lived in Japan for over 5 years and having permanent residency there, I can only say that Japan is a very accepting country towards other nationalities. The court just not wants to make an exception, because an exception can become a very dangerous precedent. To work in Japan is actually not so difficult to do it legally. Even bloggers, freelancers etc can get a work permit if all documents are presented.


I got my PR pretty easily by working in Japan for 5 years, I automatically was selected for PR. A process which took not more than a couple of months and costed absolutely no money. 


One one level that's true. Without some migration Japan is on a path to extinction. The population will halve within a hundred and twenty years. That doesn't change the fact that the systems are rigid and inflexible for kids like this one: born there, being raised there, wants to stay, is of good character...and they want to kick him out because of the sins of the mother. Pathetic.

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24 minutes ago, kannot said:

unless  youre  a  Thai  high  ranking  policeman  departing  with  a  gun in your  hand  luggage


He also went to jail for a week or so. The japanese do everything according the book, always!  That's why there products are higly wanted but lately they make lower quality products unfortunately.

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16 minutes ago, AlQaholic said:

Yes, now it is time to deport all those hill tribe people who have been staying in them hills for generations upon generations, without being Thai at all!! Send them to Japan where they belong!!

Theyd  be better treated

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4 minutes ago, fruitman said:


He also went to jail for a week or so. The japanese do everything according the book, always!  That's why there products are higly wanted but lately they make lower quality products unfortunately.

wow a  whole  week, wonder what id get for a bazooka....thanks for the  tip, just a  week

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If only the usa would get rid of the anchor babies. 

US immigration law has made very similar rulings against Khmer kids who were born in the US but whose parents had failed to obtain citizenship. The kids, who only spoke English, and who were now adults, were deported to Cambodia where they live as outcasts. And just a few months ago an adopted Korean man whose adoptive parents failed to get him citizenship was deported back to Korea where of course he understands neither the language nor the culture.

And although the Japanese may not be racist in the sense of some Trump supporters, they certainly have some idiosyncratic ideas about their superiority and uniqueness. I remember when the Hawaiian Akebono became a sumo Yokozuna (master) and the more conservative Japanese argued to end sumo altogether.

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Japan is not wrong. Make no mistake over this. If they allow the child to take up citizenship then there would be chaos in their imigration process. Unlike Thailand where money can buy your way through but not in Japan! 

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US immigration law has made very similar rulings against Khmer kids who were born in the US but whose parents had failed to obtain citizenship. The kids, who only spoke English, and who were now adults, were deported to Cambodia where they live as outcasts. And just a few months ago an adopted Korean man whose adoptive parents failed to get him citizenship was deported back to Korea where of course he understands neither the language nor the culture.

And although the Japanese may not be racist in the sense of some Trump supporters, they certainly have some idiosyncratic ideas about their superiority and uniqueness. I remember when the Hawaiian Akebono became a sumo Yokozuna (master) and the more conservative Japanese argued to end sumo altogether.

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The Korean-born adopted adult is a slightly different matter..

As I see it, the driver to his deportation was his combined adult criminal history.. that is what, IMHO, dove his removal proceedings.... not his non-citizen status.

As I understood his case, absent his criminal actions, he would not be facing removal proceedings....

The Japanese-born Thai person in this article does not appear (from what's written) to have a criminal issue that then drives, in part, his immigration status.

His issue is largely external in that his parent(s) actions are the genesis to his removal action.

The two as I see it, are materially different

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While I have respect for Japan and the Japanese, and yes this type of thing does happen elsewhere, they do tend to get up themselves a bit... and don't get me started on their finger to the world regards whaling. Just so long as they accept this type of carry-on when they get shown the door in another country because of a technicality.


Bow gracefully and thank them for taking care of you all these years, then come on over here, son, where you belong. You'll have a better life here among your OWN blood.

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