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Thai man who beat woman with a barbell is a suspected murderer


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47 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

You should read Rawbone Funksta's post ID: 49...

Fact is many people in an abusive relationship just don't have the self esteem left to take the action needed and get outa Dodge.

I read it and view it as nothing more than excusing violence against women.


Like his previous post, it is quite nauseating to read.

Edited by Bluespunk
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20 hours ago, sandemara said:

Rawbone Funksta: You've made some extraordinary claims based on ridiculous statistical evidence (eg, lesbian households the most violent in western culture). I understand that some men have not been well-armed in their family up-bringing to cope intelligently with the radical concept that females are entitled to be respected, even treasured, for their gender and the responsibilities it imposes on them.  I don't think you need to fear them; they're human, just like men. They're entitled to their foibles and personalities, same as men.   If men truly 'suffer' in a relationship with a particular female, why would they want to continue to maintain that relationship? There are millions to choose from out there. Absolutely no need to punish a female (or "teach them a lesson" through violence). Respect yourself as well. A real man can avoid imposing violence as a resort in dealing with any female.  It's a test/challenge to his humanity, not his manhood.


I agree. No man is demonstrating anything resembling manhood, by beating up a woman. Now, if she was a 6 degree aikido sensei, or a MMA fighter, maybe that would be a fair fight. And I agree about leaving. I do not care how low your self esteem gets, just muster up the energy and ambition to get the hell out. 


But, where I disagree is that some men have not been well armed to deal with what you describe. That is not really the issue. Most of us respect women. Most of us love them. It is the militant feminists, the ones who deny their womanhood, the ones who absolutely refuse to behave like women, or manifest any of the wonderful feminine qualities that make women so special. Those are the ones many of us are refusing to acknowledge or pay any heed to, much less respect. They do not deserve my respect. 

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On 09/12/2016 at 9:49 AM, spidermike007 said:



Not sure how to even respond to that quote. No amount of verbal abuse deserves a beating. It begs the question. Why on earth would a man remain with a woman who berates him daily? What gives? Sounds like a horrific relationship. If there is not kindness an support, why be there? We have too many choices. If it ever disintegrates to that level, just get the hell out. Tomorrow. Don't wait. Just leave. Goodbye woman. You used to be a decent person. You have become a witch. See ya, but I wouldn't want to be ya. 


Just wondering if it is Love?

Maybe the line between love and hate is very thin?


If you care about someone, you may challenge their behaviour.

If you don't love them, you don't care?

Like, not pushing back?


At what point this turns to aggression, I have no idea, but for sure;

If you don't care for your woman, she will know that soon enough and vice versa?

Then you will walk away!






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9 hours ago, laislica said:


Just wondering if it is Love?

Maybe the line between love and hate is very thin?


If you care about someone, you may challenge their behaviour.

If you don't love them, you don't care?

Like, not pushing back?


At what point this turns to aggression, I have no idea, but for sure;

If you don't care for your woman, she will know that soon enough and vice versa?

Then you will walk away!








I completely disagree. There comes a point in some relationships, where no matter how much you care about the person, you see that it is just not a healthy relationships and it will not work out. If you have enough self respect, and self esteem, at that point you just walk away. Quickly. Without hesitation. And never come back. Over, done, out of here. See ya, but I would not want to be ya. 

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While I do not condone anything beating another person, I suggest that we all stop criticising him and wait till he is caught and listen to his side of the story. I know a lot of the old geriatic keyboard warriors here like to show off their macho and and "white knight in shinning armour" stances etc but really, have you also studied the behaviour of a lot of thai women these days? Let us know both sides of the story first before judging and understand  human beings , when provoked or when facing shocking revelations, can sometimes just "burst" and do things erratically. I am sure if some of you caught your wife cheating, or if your wife continually belittles or nags at you, or another TV member continually attacks you online or continually reports your postings, you might snap too one day. PS: he looks kinda cute by the way.

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50 minutes ago, Canceraid said:

While I do not condone anything beating another person, I suggest that we all stop criticising him and wait till he is caught and listen to his side of the story. I know a lot of the old geriatic keyboard warriors here like to show off their macho and and "white knight in shinning armour" stances etc but really, have you also studied the behaviour of a lot of thai women these days? Let us know both sides of the story first before judging and understand  human beings , when provoked or when facing shocking revelations, can sometimes just "burst" and do things erratically. I am sure if some of you caught your wife cheating, or if your wife continually belittles or nags at you, or another TV member continually attacks you online or continually reports your postings, you might snap too one day. PS: he looks kinda cute by the way.


You did get the bit about beating her with a steel bar, right?


assualt with a deadly weapon, and all that... aggravated assault maybe.


perhaps off topic, I heard on the radio thingy in my car (hearsay?) that woman in the US are trying to have a law repealed whereby if a raped woman, marries her rapist, the rapist cannot get charged with rape.


why these conditions (laws) exist, in this day and age, is beyond me.


whatever... you can't just get about beating people within an inch of their lives, for whatever reason, with a deadly weapon.


i know this is Thailand... is that an excuse?


Especially when the good general is trying to drag Thailand into the 21 st century, and out of the third world


maybe they should consider tackling real crime instead of beach umbrellas.

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