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Trump cruises to Electoral College victory despite protests


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36 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Everything was thrown at him, including the kitchen sink, all failed like the Democratic wonder woman, HRC.  They then tried to have the electoral college change their votes, absolute idiots, as many states, are required by law, to vote for the person their state voted overwhelmingly for.  So what is this impeachment, the last throw of the dice?  You wish.  Why can't you just get over it? 


Collusion for what?  Conflict of Interest, does not apply to the president in such aspects, treason, or some other serious matters, such as lying like BC did, may cause that to happen but all your wishing will be for nothing, the same as what you are on about, nothing.  Yeah, let the games begin and watch how 4 years will turn into 8.  If I'm still around and your are too, you will probably be drinking that JHolmesJr's Christmas whine, which it appears you've given a good serve to recently.:wai:


I am already figuring it at 16 years, with Ivanka. 

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6 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:
9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Impeach ASAP.


Is that your next security blanket. :cheesy:


I'll add it to the list:






Electoral college process (Trump -2, Clinton -5 giggle.gif)








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36 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:


Is that your next security blanket. :cheesy:

555555555 that seriously made me laugh out loud.


Wait for all of Barry's crapolo to be struck down and or sent to the State level and then watch the lefties start to jump from tall buildings - no loss IMO

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The right result.  He has the seat so let him have a shot at it.  If he then crashes and burns he will have to take it on the chin. No point in having a process and then going against it.

That position assumes that Trump is a legitimate politician. And perhaps from some perspectives he is. But all I see is a con man that was able to beat a system designed to cater to politicians, arguably also cons, but of a different breed altogether.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
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5 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


You'd like to think so, but you can't debase an honest man. As Hillary discovered, shit only sticks to shit.


Too Easy: How Republicans Would Tear Apart an Unvetted Bernie Sanders in the General Election



I'm aware it's just a blog article, and I don't that all bits included are fact. But as we learned, this is not much of an obstacle these days.

Perhaps not to be taken too seriously, but just showing how such things can be done.

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2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


Everything was thrown at him, including the kitchen sink, all failed like the Democratic wonder woman, HRC.  They then tried to have the electoral college change their votes, absolute idiots, as many states, are required by law, to vote for the person their state voted overwhelmingly for.  So what is this impeachment, the last throw of the dice?  You wish.  Why can't you just get over it? 


Collusion for what?  Conflict of Interest, does not apply to the president in such aspects, treason, or some other serious matters, such as lying like BC did, may cause that to happen but all your wishing will be for nothing, the same as what you are on about, nothing.  Yeah, let the games begin and watch how 4 years will turn into 8.  If I'm still around and your are too, you will probably be drinking that JHolmesJr's Christmas whine, which it appears you've given a good serve to recently.:wai:


Care to offer any facts related to your grand pronouncements of what the American President may or may not do? Or you jus content to parrot the gabble from the alt right.


Always good to hear from the cheap seats.

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555555555 that seriously made me laugh out loud.
Wait for all of Barry's crapolo to be struck down and or sent to the State level and then watch the lefties start to jump from tall buildings - no loss IMO
What a fascist thought. People who oppose trump should just be dead A great example of the mentality of trump thought. This must be resisted. It's hateful and yes this is how the Nazis started. You normalize that at the peril of the world.
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Donald Trump's sons behind nonprofit selling access to president-elect


A new Texas nonprofit led by Donald Trump’s grown sons is offering access to the freshly-minted president during inauguration weekend — all in exchange for million-dollar donations to unnamed “conservation” charities, according to interviews and documents reviewed by the Center for Public Integrity.




The family canceled an auction for coffee with Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump last week after ethics experts said it was ethically questionable, according to the New York Times. The proceeds of the auction would have gone to the Eric Trump Foundation, an existing nonprofit whose mission is to support a children’s hospital.


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13 hours ago, Silurian said:

Good...now that all that messy electoral stuff out of the way congress can concentrate on impeaching Comrade Donald for a variety of reasons such as colluding with a foreign government or any of the multiple conflicts of interest due to his world wide business dealings or heck even his DC Hotel conflict of interest. Spin the wheel...pick a reason.


Get him fattened up for the impeachment slaughter and subsequent humiliation. Then after he is ceremonially booted from office he can slink his way into obscurity taking with him any semblance of value to the "Trump" name. Let the game begin!!!


Except that is not ever going to happen with a Republican house and senate. Maybe the next election in two years will usher in Democratic majorities in both houses of congress. If you are a leftist I would suggest you invest in companies that make tissue in order to soak up all those tears when your hopes are dashed (again)  in 2018.

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10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

There is no logic to your assertion that winning the election means he is fit to actually BE president. But, I have accepted that the clown had WON long ago. Pay attention. 

Being fit to be President is actually a very, very low bar. You need to be born in the USA and 35 years old. Like it or not, Mr. Trump defeated a large field of 16 Republican presidential hopefuls, and then he defeated possibly the most "qualified" but absolutely worst presidential candidate we have seen in my lifetime. Hillary lost because she was a horrible candidate, much worse than Trump.  Which is why he won over 300 electoral votes.

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1 hour ago, Ahab said:

Being fit to be President is actually a very, very low bar. You need to be born in the USA and 35 years old. Like it or not, Mr. Trump defeated a large field of 16 Republican presidential hopefuls, and then he defeated possibly the most "qualified" but absolutely worst presidential candidate we have seen in my lifetime. Hillary lost because she was a horrible candidate, much worse than Trump.  Which is why he won over 300 electoral votes.


Reminds me of the Weakest link ... constantly spitting on HRC who - by the way- won the popular vote - still does not prove by defect that D. Trump is qualified to be : POTUS + Commander in Chief + Leader of the Free World.

Let's see if denying to skip problems makes America great.

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30 minutes ago, Opl said:


Reminds me of the Weakest link ... constantly spitting on HRC who - by the way- won the popular vote - still does not prove by defect that D. Trump is qualified to be : POTUS + Commander in Chief + Leader of the Free World.

Let's see if denying to skip problems makes America great.


Hillary knew the rules when she decided to run, if she didn't like it, she should have said something before she lost. She carried California by 4 million votes, and her over all total, by less than 3 million. Seems to me, they knew what they were doing when they created the Electoral College.


Let's see if denying that Hillary lost, does anyone any good.

Edited by beechguy
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2 hours ago, Opl said:


Reminds me of the Weakest link ... constantly spitting on HRC who - by the way- won the popular vote - still does not prove by defect that D. Trump is qualified to be : POTUS + Commander in Chief + Leader of the Free World.

Let's see if denying to skip problems makes America great.

I hate to inform everyone that in the United States the President is not elected by popular vote. The constitution can be amended to allow the popular vote to decide the Presidency of the United States. The procedures are clearly laid out and known.


One thing to think about is that if the President was elected by the popular vote do you think the results would be any different? The results would only be the same if Trump campaigned the same way he did to win the electoral college. He would not have done this, he would have gone after voters in blue states such as California, New York, etc. that have no chance of ever turning Republican. Voters in these completely Democratic states would have a reason to vote because their votes would matter in a popular vote election.


The bottom line is that Donald J. Trump is qualified to be President of the United States, he meets every requirement as set forth in the U.S. constitution, and he will be the 45th President of the United States on January 20th 2017. By default this "proves" that the orange menace is qualified for the position. If he does poorly the American people can elect someone else in four years, or they can give the Democrats control of congress two years from now.  


I say sit back and enjoy the show, my bet is that it will be an entertaining and interesting four years. Heck you might even be surprised.

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Just saw something really funny.   "Know how wingnuts have been screaming & hollering, and as you'd expect sending hate letters & death threats to electors trying to intimidate them into defying their respective state voters to deny Trump the presidency?  (It would've taken 37 to do it.)   Well guess how that worked out?


So let's see now.   Two electors did flip on Trump.   Hmmm.   Disappointing.  'Hope the party, not to mention the state of Texas, shows these morons the door real quick.  But wait!  There's more sportsfans!   Five,  yeap FIVE flipped on Clinton!!  And THREE MORE TRIED!!!   ROFLMAO.   'Sort o' doubt you'll hear much about that on CNN or MSNBC.   Instead, you'll hear how Michelle Obama has decided not to run for president in 2020.   Good choice, Michelle!   LMAO   You can't make it up, folks.



Edited by hawker9000
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18 minutes ago, Thechook said:

So are people going to grow up, stop whining and crying and accept that their preferred candidate lost the election?

I strongly suggest that you do not hold you breath waiting for that particular outcome.

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22 hours ago, Jingthing said:


22 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Bill Clinton says President-elect Donald Trump "doesn't know much," but that "one thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him," according to a local paper near the Clintons' New York home


With this idiot as the President  the world will surely enter its 3rd Worldwar in the near future.

Gonna build my a nuclear shelter in my backyard.

Like the pc game Fallout.

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Drain the swamp ... :post-4641-1156694606:


Didn't the swamp draining start when the voters elected Republicans to the Presidency, Senate and Congress and got rid of the deadwood from the other side.  It looks like Republicans will still control an all-time high 69 of 99 state legislative chambers, while they'll hold at least 33 governorships, tying a 94-year-old record.  That means that come 2017, they'll have total control of government in at least 25 states, and partial control in 20 states.    :sorry: :post-4641-1156693976:  :wai:

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30 minutes ago, bandito said:



With this idiot as the President  the world will surely enter its 3rd Worldwar in the near future.

Gonna build my a nuclear shelter in my backyard.

Like the pc game Fallout.


Get the Donald to build it for you, it will be built in time and come in under budget, smart people do this, only idiots run over time and go over budget.  Just look at the New York Skating rink debacle.:wai:

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Get the Donald to build it for you, it will be built in time and come in under budget, smart people do this, only idiots run over time and go over budget.  Just look at the New York Skating rink debacle.

If being built on time and under budget means not paying your contractors then yes, the Donald is the man for you. But I believe Trump Casinos did have cost over runs which is why he screwed the small contractors out of their pay. And of course there is the example of Trump Tower and the "Polish Brigade", which ended up in a lawsuit in order to get his, well actually his mobster friends work force of illegal workers to get properly paid. Look into Trump's business dealings and yes, some may have come in on budget but only if you do not count the sealed legal settlements that occurred later.

Trump is a swindler, a con man, a "wise guy". Outside of New York and New Jersey it is unlikely to find a politician with such a long history of consorting with felons, gamblers, drug dealers, and mobsters. Only idiots and the evangelicals who see any and all wealth as a gift from some god (much like Thais see fate and wealth) fall for his con.
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9 hours ago, Ahab said:

Except that is not ever going to happen with a Republican house and senate. Maybe the next election in two years will usher in Democratic majorities in both houses of congress. If you are a leftist I would suggest you invest in companies that make tissue in order to soak up all those tears when your hopes are dashed (again)  in 2018.


Well that depends...the Republicans are already split on several of issues. It would not take much to get a majority with the Democrats and some of the Republicans. Who knows what impeachable offences are waiting on the horizon such as being "accused of using his position to do business with a foreign government."


Trump may have just committed an impeachable offense



Oh, I am not a leftist or a rightist or what have you. I have voted for Republicans, Democrats, Independents and others. I always vote for the person not the party. I have not been fooled by this con-man...not one bit. I can see through his reality TV persona to the truly narcissistic person he really is. Too bad he fooled too many people (and still continues to fool them).

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5 minutes ago, Johpa said:


If being built on time and under budget means not paying your contractors then yes, the Donald is the man for you. But I believe Trump Casinos did have cost over runs which is why he screwed the small contractors out of their pay. And of course there is the example of Trump Tower and the "Polish Brigade", which ended up in a lawsuit in order to get his, well actually his mobster friends work force of illegal workers to get properly paid. Look into Trump's business dealings and yes, some may have come in on budget but only if you do not count the sealed legal settlements that occurred later.

Trump is a swindler, a con man, a "wise guy". Outside of New York and New Jersey it is unlikely to find a politician with such a long history of consorting with felons, gamblers, drug dealers, and mobsters. Only idiots and the evangelicals who see any and all wealth as a gift from some god (much like Thais see fate and wealth) fall for his con.




It's really sad to see so much envy and hate still out there. Has he been convicted of anything you're promoting?  Just remember, happiness is the ability to say something nice about people. :wai:

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