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Savage new teacher took stick to seven year old 99 times


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Diminish the damage in order to sweep the problem under the rug.  


For those of you who think this is no big deal, how about putting the little rascals hand in some almost boiling water.  Wouldn't that be ok as the burns wouldn't be permanent?  I'm sure you apologists would be ok with the nice Thai Teacher bending the seven year old's arm behind his back.  Whoopsie, his shoulder just came out of the socket.  


That's also easy to fix and look Ma, no scars!


Shame on all of you.

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10 hours ago, Valentine said:

So you had a teacher that also hit you 99 times with a stick? I was also punished at school, leather strap to hand at primary school then caned on the backside at high school, & yes I was in the wrong but teachers limited strokes to a maximum of 6. This female teacher clearly lost control & 99 strokes is extremely cruel & unjust.

When my twin girls were young they had a new female teacher who used to beat all the kids in class quite often with very little provocation leaving a class full of kids living in fear. One day when they came out crying again I had enough & marched straight into the classroom to come upon a teacher who was clearly frazzled. I insisted she come with me to the headmaster where I reminded them both that corporal punishment was banned. She never hit any of the kids & afterwards I could see inside the class a much more relaxed teacher & happy kids, many of whom bought her presents at the end of the school year.

There's never an end to these reports, and we all post back and forth with our opinions, but it's nice to read a post where someone actually made a difference. You changed a teacher and improved the lives of all the students she would teach from that point on. Good on you!

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1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

If it was obvious why would I ask?


Are you saying some one has assaulted this teacher?


If so I hope those responsible are arrested and prosecuted for doing so.


They are no better than she is, if what you claim is true.

If its true it may prevent her from wrong doing during the next  decades and stop her to traumatize innocent children defenetly.


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13 minutes ago, thetruth revealer said:

If its true it may prevent her from wrong doing during the next  decades and stop her to traumatize innocent children defenetly.


She should face punishment under the law.


However vigilantism is nothing more than another form of violence.


Vigilantes are nothing more than criminals.


If, as the poster claims, the teacher has been assaulted/attacked then I hope those responsible are prosecuted and, if found guilty, gaoled for a long time.


They are no better than she is.


If the claim is true, that is...

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3 minutes ago, riclag said:

The lesson is whatever he did to deserve a whipping and to not do it again .He should of never walked out of school alone .

You missed the point that its banned and illegal.

So far the whipping wasnt appropriate and not part of a lesson anyway, as you call it.

He should of never been beaten, whatever he did.

Growing up in fear and hate towards adults or -and authorities is potentially counterproductiv , dont you understand that??

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Being the season of good cheer and all that I have been out all day enjoying myself, so as such I am late to to the forum tonight, if this has been said before then I apologize profusely,  When I was at school in the UK it wasn't uncommon to have blackboard erasers thrown in the general direction of me, the woodwork teacher who was a nutter who once held me at arms length, hand around my throat, against the wall for a minor indiscretion.


Our teacher in Technical drawing used to enjoy lifting young guys out of their seats by grabbing the tuft of hair close to the ear (in front of) the PE teacher was prone to use the slipper ( Pump ) on lazy students, the Maths teacher used to wear a Mortar board and cape with a really nasty cane - which I can confirm did hurt.


If we were late we used to receive a black mark, 6 black marks meant a visit to the Head mistress, Miss Grey, that would be 6 swipes of her cane on your hand, I had that too many times :smile:  The nicest one was the Geography teacher, Mr Williams, I got caught at the back of the classroom during RI (Religious Instruction) tearing paper shapes out of pages of a RI text book, the teacher sent me to the headmistress, who in turn sent me to see Mr Williams ( my Housemaster) he took a huge slipper from his store room, told me to follow him to stand between 2 sets of swing doors, he said to me " when I hit the wall you scream like hell, I did. he went back to his stockroom at the back of his classroom, had a slug of Navy Rum and a Navy cut Woodbine and was a happy guy.


At home, it wasn't unusual for my Mother to use the belt on us boys, she had 4 boys and a daughter to raise, a hard job in any ones eyes, my father once pinned me to the wall and threatened me with something nasty after my sister told him that I told her to eff off :smile:


However all the above pails into insignificance after reading the OP, that teacher (sorry animal) should be lucky to see a new dawn in my book. Abominable.  

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1 minute ago, thetruth revealer said:

You missed the point that its banned and illegal.

So far the whipping wasnt appropriate and not part of a lesson anyway, as you call it.

He should of never been beaten, whatever he did.

Growing up in fear and hate towards adults or -and authorities is potentially counterproductiv , dont you understand that??

These learning tools have been used for millions of years and will continue.

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2 minutes ago, riclag said:

These learning tools have been used for millions of years and will continue.

So dont fear the consequences nowaday if you catch the wrong child .

Be assured that violence produce violence and if thats what you search , you will get it. 

I would teach this individual named teacher without any tool, and it would surely work .

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12 hours ago, kmj said:

" Other teachers and maids had tried to intervene but no one could stop the new teacher from dishing out the beating. "


well they didn't try very hard then did they...

Well I witnessed one instance that "other" teachers were NOT even caring about it, because they did the same thing. 

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13 hours ago, fruitman said:

I bet this boy NEVER leaves the classroom without permission again.


So you guys think he needs more farang punishment, like standing in the corner for 10 minutes? Or writing 100 times "i will never leave the classroom without permission" on a of piece paper. Or you won't get pocketmoney for 2 weeks now.


I can still give you all the full names of all the teachers who ever hit me. And i don't even blame them cause they were right in doing so.


Just look in the malls and see how unmannered the Thai kids are, even when the parents call them to stop running like crazy they won't listen at all.

Ahhh, and here they come.

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13 hours ago, fruitman said:

So you guys think he needs more farang punishment, like standing in the corner for 10 minutes? Or writing 100 times "i will never leave the classroom without permission" on a of piece paper. Or you won't get pocketmoney for 2 weeks now.


I can still give you all the full names of all the teachers who ever hit me. And i don't even blame them cause they were right in doing so.


After reading this I'd like to add one to your collection. Seriously?

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Student beaten 99 times - mother said she was bribed with 50K to keep it quiet



Picture: Thairath


BANGKOK: -- The mother of the seven year old savagely beaten 99 times in a Pathum Thani school said today that the teacher had tried to bribe her to hush it all up.


Full story: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/960466-student-beaten-99-times-mother-said-she-was-bribed-with-50k-to-keep-it-quiet/

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They didn't try to intervene very hard then did they all these other teachers!

So I say rubbish on that statement, made purely to shift blame.

Certainly sounds like the teacher has mental issues that make her unsuitable, anger, sadism, a bully.


I hope this teacher has been suspended pending investigation.



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10 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

If coss obvious why woulo hurt?


Are you saying some one has assaulted this teacher?


If so I hope those responsible are arrested and prosecuted for doing so.


They are no better than she is, if what you claim is true.

From what i Am told sge She get what deserved. You hit child of 7  99 times you desreve To be hurt. 555 take blue add no thats Correct then

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21 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

From what i Am told sge She get what deserved. You hit child of 7  99 times you desreve To be hurt. 555 take blue add no thats Correct then

From what you are told?


So you don't know then?


However, that said, no she doesn't deserve to be assaulted. Only vigilantes think that. 


She deserves to be prosecuted under the law and nothing else. 


Anyone who attacks her deserves to be gaoled for a long time.


Vigilantes are nothing but criminals. 


I have nothing but contempt for such cowards and those who applaud their actions. 


As for the final line in your post, it makes no sense at all. 

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17 hours ago, thetruth revealer said:

Even if you think its wrong, its still illegal.

And, you cant apply your views a a teacher on childs from others without risking the same will happen to you.

This child is traumatized most probably and surely not interested anymore to attend classes , beeing scared the sh...t out if some wrong doing.

Thats the main problem, that such individuals are causing unknown damages , which could lead to many more problems in the future . 

Of course they will never compensate for this....



Sorry but could you explain why you've responded to my post without either being in agreement or disagreement and stating any disagreements.

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17 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Violence isn't discipline.


27 years UK and across the world, never had a problem and never had to strike a child.


A teacher who uses violence as a means of discipline should find a new career path.


It's assault.


Please if you're going to respond to my post I think you should read it more carefully. 

And since you are a teacher, I don't think you should be twisting the definition of words to suit your views.

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15 minutes ago, darren84310 said:


Please if you're going to respond to my post I think you should read it more carefully. 

And since you are a teacher, I don't think you should be twisting the definition of words to suit your views.

Striking a child is violence. 


Supporting it is supporting violence against children. 


Discipline in schools does not require violence or the fear it engenders. 


I reread your your post and it still is implying that lack of violent disciplinary measures has led to discipline problems in schools.


That is patent nonsense.

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21 hours ago, tominbkk said:

Waiting for those old-timers of Thaivisa to come out talking about their own glory days of being whipped by the headmaster and how it did them a lot of good.


Hopefully the new teacher is punished with jail time and forever banned from a classroom.  


Maybe she can find a job as a dominatrix somewhere. 

My primary school teacher was as evei as they get but it didn't do me any good, look where I am now.

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