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‘Star Wars’ actress Carrie Fisher dies aged 60


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6 hours ago, soalbundy said:

She was a drug taking hard living person with mental problems, let's all have a sobbing session. Her body finally rebelled.


Manic depression and bipolar disorder is a brutal illness and is often misdiagnosed, or subject to a late diagnosis after much of the damage is done. How can you be so cruel to someone who was  sick? She had  self medicated in a  desperate attempt to deal with the illness.  Once she was correctly diagnosed and treated, her "hard living' ways stopped. Would you be as cruel and heartless to someone with cancer? Manic depression, bipolar disorder is the result of a chemical imbalance and brain structure deficiencies. Do you laugh at people who are born with disabilities such as  the visually impaired, or the retarded, or  those without limbs? Do you laugh at kids who have cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy? 

Mental illness is just that: An illness. If you are too ignorant to understand that or to appreciate the damage it brings to its sufferers and their families, that's your problem. Educate yourself.

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1 minute ago, geriatrickid said:


Manic depression and bipolar disorder is a brutal illness and is often misdiagnosed, or subject to a late diagnosis after much of the damage is done. How can you be so cruel to someone who was  sick? She had  self medicated in a  desperate attempt to deal with the illness.  Once she was correctly diagnosed and treated, her "hard living' ways stopped. Would you be as cruel and heartless to someone with cancer? Manic depression, bipolar disorder is the result of a chemical imbalance and brain structure deficiencies. Do you laugh at people who are born with disabilities such as  the visually impaired, or the retarded, or  those without limbs? Do you laugh at kids who have cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy? 

Mental illness is just that: An illness. If you are too ignorant to understand that or to appreciate the damage it brings to its sufferers and their families, that's your problem. Educate yourself.

Errr, I wasn't laughing, but i see no reason to get all weepy either, the amount of press reports on this is ridiculous, just like George Michael, another over paid druggy who gave a lot to charity and was looking forward to Christmas. She got the part of princess Leia 'by sleeping with some nerd,hopefully it was George, i was on too many drugs to remember'' say's it all, a fine example to the kids.

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46 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

And Carrie Fiher's  Mother  has  died  one  day  later.  This  has

been  a  very sad  year  with so many actors, actresses, Singers

and famous people dying.


Yeah, Debbie Reynolds gone.  Both of them had a lot of turmoil, marriages, divorces.  I was born in 57 and grew up watching those "family" movies with Debbie Reynolds, Doris day, etc. Everybody looked so happy on film.  I even stumbled across Inger Stevens as I was watching an old walter Matheau movie online this weekend "the guide for the married man".  Inger died at 35!  Gosh, I remembered her from Hang em High the Clint Eastwood film.  Sad that so many Hollywood lead such harsh lives.

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