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What's a good dog for Bangkok


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My wife and I want to get a dog and are looking for suggestions 


  • We have a fairly large home in a shophouse, but no yard or garden. So the dog needs to be happy with a mostly indoor life. We're happy to take it for walks and out and about. But there's no "go play in the yard" option.
  • Don't need protection or a lot of barking. Extra points for being quiet. No yappers. 
  • Friendly. Friends & family have little kids, we have a photo studio at home with visitors. Don't want to worry about a dog nipping at people or being territorial. 
  • Short hair, easy maintenance is a plus. The family budget for beauty related products and services is high enough as is...


I've had a number of dogs. Had a wonderful Golden Retriever when I had space back in the US, love the dogs, but not a fit for this life. I've had a French Bulldog before. Would consider that again. But also open to new breeds. Just want a sabai-sabai dog that would be happy to sit on the sofa with my wife and watch YouTube videos and greet visitors to the studio with a smile. 


And the follow on question to any recommendations is where to buy a healthy, well bred dog of that particular breed from a reputable breeder. 




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sorry KDEE but having a dog with no space is a NO NO.

unless there is someone in the house all day.

if he needs,a pee or a no 1 so there's a thought.

you do need to get a dog who's very inactive,dont get bored in doors all day, i do think a dog needs to have a bit of space.

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On 1/7/2017 at 8:11 AM, meatboy said:

sorry KDEE but having a dog with no space is a NO NO.

unless there is someone in the house all day.

if he needs,a pee or a no 1 so there's a thought.

you do need to get a dog who's very inactive,dont get bored in doors all day, i do think a dog needs to have a bit of space.


Agreed never fair to a dog to live inside.

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You really need to put yourself in the mindset of the dog and consider that a dog will be with you for at least ten years. 

Dogs need routine - he/ she wakes up in the morning- has to pee- most owners can let them out into the garden and they can potter around for a while.

Then morning walk- streets of Bangkok- soi dogs around? No greenery or parks - just pavements.

Then evening walk-dogs just love to explore, sniff everything, do their business of course.

Then walk before bedtime.

Totally ignore the link to the website- a King Charles needs no exercise? 


A dog Is a VAST commitment - they will give you endless love- you are their world.


Dont get a dog in Bangkok- it's just not fair- you are being selfish and not considering the welfare of a truly wonderful animal. 

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On 07/01/2017 at 8:11 AM, meatboy said:

sorry KDEE but having a dog with no space is a NO NO.

unless there is someone in the house all day.

if he needs,a pee or a no 1 so there's a thought.

you do need to get a dog who's very inactive,dont get bored in doors all day, i do think a dog needs to have a bit of space.

Some breeds seem bred to be favorable for living indoors.  We have a shophouse also and our two Shih Tzu are very happy.  Ours are not yappy, nor do they get that doggy smell. Loyal, smart and great companions too. They are housetrained and will pee or poo on a disposable mat inside but this rarely happens now as we take them out about 3-4 times a day for a wee walk.

Key is to have a small dog/s if they are going to spend most of their time indoors.

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I was also going to mention Shih Tzu, but, first i would check at your local shelter and see if you can save a small dog and fall in love there... though as also mentioned many times above, a townhouse is not ideal for a dog, but for a shelter dog, any house with loving owners is 100x better than a shelter... they know and the love will be returned... 

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4 hours ago, nongsangcity said:

Buy a Gold Fish and call it Rover.....

I don't know looking back over life owning a dog seems like a phase similar to marriage. As I recall I did drift in and out of the dog phase about 3 or 4 times just like marriage (3) Looking back maybe dogs are a better choice. I remember 1 really great dog but somebody stole him off of my front porch. Never happened with any of my wives though. Pity. 

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2 hours ago, peterb17 said:

You really need to put yourself in the mindset of the dog and consider that a dog will be with you for at least ten years. 

Dogs need routine - he/ she wakes up in the morning- has to pee- most owners can let them out into the garden and they can potter around for a while.

Then morning walk- streets of Bangkok- soi dogs around? No greenery or parks - just pavements.

Then evening walk-dogs just love to explore, sniff everything, do their business of course.

Then walk before bedtime.

Totally ignore the link to the website- a King Charles needs no exercise? 


A dog Is a VAST commitment - they will give you endless love- you are their world.


Dont get a dog in Bangkok- it's just not fair- you are being selfish and not considering the welfare of a truly wonderful animal. 

WOW read most of the posts gave this one one like deserves 2. Yes the dog mindset is important. 


1 minute ago, Pdaz said:


I think this is a dual purpose toy or animal surrogate. It is a vacuum cleaner on the bottom. When it is full it barks. 

Edited by elgordo38
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On 1/4/2017 at 4:12 PM, KDee said:

where to buy a healthy, well bred dog of that particular breed from a reputable breeder. 


There are plenty of dogs available at dog rescues organizations. They'd probably let you do a test-run foster for a couple of weeks to see if the dog you choose is compatible with your life style.


As long as you can take the dog for walks several times a day, there's no problem with a dog living indoors. Most people who keep dogs, including in the US or Europe, keep them indoors most of the time. As long as they're not working dog breeds and they're not left alone everyday,all day long, they can be happy as part of your family. 

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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

I don't know looking back over life owning a dog seems like a phase similar to marriage. As I recall I did drift in and out of the dog phase about 3 or 4 times just like marriage (3) Looking back maybe dogs are a better choice. I remember 1 really great dog but somebody stole him off of my front porch. Never happened with any of my wives though. Pity. 


 I had a wife stolen - best thing that ever happened to me... 

Edited by kenk24
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7 hours ago, Oxx said:

Plenty of breed have been bred over the centuries as lapdogs.  They are far happier living inside with human companionship than being outside.  Many breeds need minimal exercise and are well suited to indoor living.  List of indoor dogs with characteristics at:



There's a lot of dogs in the list that are working dogs and go nuts indoors, for example the Yorkshire terrier was bred for ratting and I've seen them bouncing off walls because they have too much energy.

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