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Woman asks online community - is this a bullet hole?


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The woman may have a secret hi-so or plastic celebrity lover who happened to be wandering around in the room concerned at the wrong time, was wounded, but not severely enough to yelp or whimper. He/she might have decided saving face was preferable to making a fuss, with the consequent exposure of their identity, and  crept quietly and anonymously out of the flat before allowing any blood to be spilt on the interior. ??

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19 minutes ago, sandemara said:

The woman may have a secret hi-so or plastic celebrity lover who happened to be wandering around in the room concerned at the wrong time, was wounded, but not severely enough to yelp or whimper. He/she might have decided saving face was preferable to making a fuss, with the consequent exposure of their identity, and  crept quietly and anonymously out of the flat before allowing any blood to be spilt on the interior. ??

Have you every thought about writing fiction?   You have quite an imagination.   


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3 hours ago, sjbrownderby said:

Without looking at photos taken from several different angles, or better still examining the actual window, it is difficult to discern the trajectory and how the police could confirm that it was a bullet just by examining the window and in the absence of corroborating evidence  is beyond me. If someone fired a pebble from a catapult and it hit the window it could produce the same effect. An individual pebble fired at great speed would be difficult to find after the fact if it did not go through the window. A piece of ice could produce an impact pattern similar or the same and leave no evidence to be found later. 


The bullet (or whatever projectile) broke the glass from the inside based on the glass breakage.



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9 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

lawnmowers can also whip rocks out at high speed, and if the rock remained outside the it could be hard to find. The same is true for slingshots (catapults).

Do you know anyone in Thailand who owns a lawnmower, let alone uses one at 5am... please read the post before making stupid comments..

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

no it couldn't, this was a bullet and from what I can see (limited by the photo) it hit the window on the inside first, something the police could tell straight away, several people here that clearly have experience of such things have already told you this, did you not read the whole thread ? 

My hypothesis is also limited by the photo and I made that much plain but your hypothesis is based solely on the photo and what others have said after seeing the same photo. I was merely trying to point out that there are alternative explanations which would fit in the absence of evidence which gives definitive proof of a bullet causing the hole.  

 I also have experience of guns and of forensic examination and criminal investigation and I can say that it is impossible to make a judgement based on a photo shown on the internet. Also without a proper forensic examination the police would not be able to say with certainty that a bullet damaged the window and there is no mention of such an examination being carried out. Also it is hard to discern from the article if the woman published on social media and then called the police. If that is so then perhaps she became predisposed to believing that it was a bullet before she called the boys in brown, something which she may have passed onto the police and which may have informed their own assessment. 

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9 hours ago, chrisinth said:

So how come nobody heard the shot, especially in a 'quiet area where there is virtually no trouble?


Whereas it is true that the weapon could have been discharged a great distance away, the velocity of the round (fired horizontally) is reduced vastly over distance. Whatever hit the window to cause a clean hole that size was obviously travelling fast.

A silencer

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On 1/6/2017 at 3:43 PM, hotchilli said:

Do you know anyone in Thailand who owns a lawnmower, let alone uses one at 5am... please read the post before making stupid comments..

Considering how many shops I see selling lawnmowers here in Bangkok and how many Thai friends I have with large gardens, there are plenty of people with lawnmowers here.


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