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Crisis deepens as Trump floats 20 percent tax on Mexico goods to pay for wall


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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Then perhaps they'll start supporting US companies making stuff in the US.

Good job Donald!


And, the snowflakes were all saying that Mexico wouldn't pay for the wall :cheesy:.

Off course but then if the Mexicans put a 20% tariff on imports from the USA then the shit will fly both ways. Be careful what you wish for

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8 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Let's teach some basic economics here.  If goods and services cost more money, consumers will have less to spend.  Resulting in FEWER jobs in the US.  Sadly, many don't understand this concept.  As well as the concept that Mexico will NOT pay for the wall.  US consumers will as they costs will just be passed along.  Great job Donald!:bah:


Enough with the snowflake references...


A great article to understand the impacts of tariffs:


come on dude, you are using facts - facts are like kryptonite to people who just think in ideologues 

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Protectionism is bad enough but done to build the man baby's vanity wall it reaches another level of idiocy. So are Republicans gonna release the low estimate 15 billion dollars needed to front the project to please their off the rails demagogue leader? Not sure they are crazy as him. Should be interesting.

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The rise of Trump should be a lesson for high IQ people....


Trump shows the power of dumb, low IQ people banding together in large Lynch mobs to accomplish many, many bad things. ?


Brainless slime mold can find its way out of a maze!



Edited by SiSePuede419
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10 hours ago, ezzra said:

The man has balls o f steel, " huevos grandes" in Spanish, not afraid to slaughter

few holly cows that past administrations would touch not wanting to

' upset ' or rock the boat.....

China will be moving in soon~weapons and trade.  Say bye bye to the pie in the sky. 

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5 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


That's the whole point of globalization. Moving lower skilled jobs to low cost economies where workers are paid a pittance, work long hours, and have few rights. Then as their competence grows more skillful work can be transferred.


These low cost developing countries don't have the employee related costs developed countries businesses do, health insurance, employee tax, pensions etc. 


What is notable is that many of those who have to work in such LCC economies see the only escape as moving to the West whose jobs they've been taking because the benefits and protection is so much better.


And all because a tiny % control most of the World's wealth!


In fact the damage globalization has done is getting more and more discussion in some academic circles... 

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7 hours ago, zydeco said:

Put factories BACK in America where they came from in the first place. More American jobs, which means employers will be forced to pay higher wages as supply/demand works both ways, not the single path that the naysayers on this topic seem to think is the only path. Higher wages = more disposable income.  This is the model that Henry Ford pioneered that built the middle class in America.

Nope, not any more. Higher salaries mean higher priced goods, means zero positive effect on disposable income. Look what happened in Thailand when the minimum wage was increased to 300 Baht! As one example ALL restaurants put their prices up. YOU paid 50% more for your fried rice, so YOU paid for the wage increase. It is a non starter.


6 hours ago, djlest said:

do he seriously think a wall will keep people out? hasn't he seen those new body 

jet packs

If Mexicans start using those whilst wearing very large sombrero's expect the incidences of UFO sightings to increase rapidly.

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"Crisis"?  What "crisis"?  There's no "crisis".  Yeah, we saw all the Mexican flags and 'viva la raza" crap back when the wingnuts were busy disrupting campaign rallies too.  And then again after the election.   The dems insisted that it was just peaceful protest then (some broken windshields and other assorted vandalism, and a few thousand death threat letters to electoral college members, notwithstanding), so why is it suddenly a "crisis" now?  Scare-mongering much?


Plenty of ways to burden Mexico with the costs of the wall.  Mexico is guaranteed not to like any of them.  There'll be plenty of squealing about it.  Tough tamales.  What are they going to do, start refusing $320M a year in aid?  LOL  


And BTW, a wall doesn't have to keep ALL of the illegals out.  Only reduce the number to the point where the border enforcement authorities can deal with the residue.   There'll still be tunneling, and probably some impressive attempts at getting over, and even a few that actually make a successful crossing, but it won't be millions anymore and CBP will be much better able to keep up...


Have you ever considered trying to sneak past customs and immigration at a US international airport?  Is there anybody who thinks it's easy to do, or routinely done?  Of course not.  Why should the border be ANY different?









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Now that Mr Trump is keeping all his campaign promises, people are just resorting to mud slinging since they have nothing else to fling at him.

He is taking on the right countries that have been sucking america dry….China and Mexico, for starters.


I just hope he does not open up too many fronts and deals with one or two problems at a time. But it will be hard given his gung-ho spirit.

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Technically and historically Mexicans are only crossing into land stolen by American aggression. Maybe you should give that back to them and build a wall around your own back yard. Or maybe Trump can annex Mexico and exile the Mexicans telling them to go live with their own people in South America. Mmmmmm kind of sounds like a Little Hegemonic State the USA ardently supports. I will watch events carefully

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Rising prices in the US of some goods is just one side to this story. An irrelevant one at that.

Go back 30 years and the US made a lot if stuff. There is no economic argument that this state of affairs is no longer possible.

The fact is, if every good was produced overseas and every service job was done by an illegal, there would be nobody to sell the goods and services to.

Higher wages and labor force participation will more than make up for any rise in prices. Less people on benefits and the resulting inflation will help the US govt get out of debt.

A total win-win.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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4 minutes ago, Kiwiken said:

Technically and historically Mexicans are only crossing into land stolen by American aggression. Maybe you should give that back to them and build a wall around your own back yard. Or maybe Trump can annex Mexico and exile the Mexicans telling them to go live with their own people in South America. Mmmmmm kind of sounds like a Little Hegemonic State the USA ardently supports. I will watch events carefully

You're watching movies?  Be sure to tell us how it ends.

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On 27/1/2560 at 9:36 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Mexico ships 80 percent of its exports to the United States, and around half of Mexico’s foreign direct investment has come from its northern neighbour over the last two decades.


Be scared Mexico, be very scared. You have been ripping off the US long enough, now it's over.


Perhaps if the Mexican government had taken steps to stop the flow of drugs and illegals over the border before, this wouldn't be happening.


PS. If I were an American, I wouldn't be planning any holidays in Mexico any time soon- sure to be a backlash.

Sad because I love Corona Beer.

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On 1/27/2017 at 6:19 PM, craigt3365 said:

If Trump does reinvigorate the US economy, and take away all those jobs that the Mexicans went back for, do you actually think they won't be trying to return to the US?

Anyway, the cartels haven't stopped taking drugs across, nor have the criminals stayed at home. The wall isn't just about Mexicans.

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2 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

Technically and historically Mexicans are only crossing into land stolen by American aggression. Maybe you should give that back to them and build a wall around your own back yard. Or maybe Trump can annex Mexico and exile the Mexicans telling them to go live with their own people in South America. Mmmmmm kind of sounds like a Little Hegemonic State the USA ardently supports. I will watch events carefully

According to some in your own country, whitie stole all the land. What about Australia? By that logic, England should be given back to the Celts.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

According to some in your own country, whitie stole all the land. What about Australia? By that logic, England should be given back to the Celts.

Quite correct. But only a few Countries in the World harp back to history. And promises made is ancient religious texts. 

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If Trump does reinvigorate the US economy, and take away all those jobs that the Mexicans went back for, do you actually think they won't be trying to return to the US?

Anyway, the cartels haven't stopped taking drugs across, nor have the criminals stayed at home. The wall isn't just about Mexicans.

I've spent a lot of time in Southern California, which has a huge Mexican population.  I've also spent about 1 year living in Mexico.  From what I've seen, they'd much rather live in Mexico than the US.  But, with no jobs, they don't have a choice.  Yes, some have been in the US long enough they can't really go "home".  But as I'm sure you know, most people want to live near their family and friends if they can.


Maybe a better idea is to work with Mexico to deal with the corrupt police and judiciary!  LOL

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6 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

Technically and historically Mexicans are only crossing into land stolen by American aggression. Maybe you should give that back to them and build a wall around your own back yard. Or maybe Trump can annex Mexico and exile the Mexicans telling them to go live with their own people in South America. Mmmmmm kind of sounds like a Little Hegemonic State the USA ardently supports. I will watch events carefully

History is a little more complex than that.  Spain was involved as were other countries.  And it was a looooong time ago.  Kinda like saying New Zealand should give the country back to the Polynesians, which was stolen from them by European aggression. LOL

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It's interesting that trump "enjoys" a THREE percent approval rating in Mexico. If trump keeps it up he will work towards that level in the USA as well. 

Indeed, however why is his rating so low in the US given do many millions voted for him?
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29 minutes ago, jerojero said:

Indeed, however why is his rating so low in the US given do many millions voted for him?

He won the election, but lost the popular vote.

Yes millions voted for him but it's mistake to overstate the extent of his imaginary mandate. Only about 27 percent of eligible voters did vote for him. If Hillary had won, she wouldn't have had a strong mandate either, but that's academic now. The world is stuck with the insane clown demagogue and HE's the issue now. 

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On January 27, 2017 at 9:36 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Mexico ships 80 percent of its exports to the United States, and around half of Mexico’s foreign direct investment has come from its northern neighbour over the last two decades.


Be scared Mexico, be very scared. You have been ripping off the US long enough, now it's over.


Perhaps if the Mexican government had taken steps to stop the flow of drugs and illegals over the border before, this wouldn't be happening.


PS. If I were an American, I wouldn't be planning any holidays in Mexico any time soon- sure to be a backlash.

The Mexican custom check for drugs going out, the problem is the mules in Arizona and Texas. In Texas you only have the river as border and its heavy with fishermen and drug mules. A big problem is the same as here corruption in the Arizona area. A cut from the drug money will give free passage. Not only Thailand gave corruption.

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