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Thai Govt unfazed by lower ranking in corruption index


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Of course nothing fazes Thai people... They're animals!!! If they were embarrassed by most things, like most people in the world; don't you think they'd be able to speak English by now like their constituents in the other 9 ASEAN-AEC countries/communities?... Have you taught in their bull*hit school systems?.. I think that right there says enough! They (Thai's) are loud & disrespectful little <deleted> towards non-Thai teachers... (opposite of ones thought regarding Asian people) who could care less that their country is viewed poorly around the world by nations upon nations who infamously know to come to Thailand for (a) sex tourism #1 (cause it ain't no family destination ?) I mean really, what's family friendly about getting your cock blown in every destination and being uncomfortably surrounded by men in dresses and men who want to be girls everywhere u look... I mean really?.. What real man could possibly enjoy himself out as a couple or single knowing that fags here fragrantly disregard if u have a woman or not, married or not, wedding ring or not.. That's how brash these (b) fags are and, (c) drugs... Who the %uck could overlook that fact... or I'll do u one better... How about the fact that they're one of the main founders of ASEAN (you know the pillar for SE Asia like America's supposed to be for the "free-world" ?) yet, somehow, learning English from P.1 to M.6 coming out of school still unable to speak English while other countries can!!, is nothing but a G thing for these folks. Just another walk in the park to be filed under stay poor, marry Thai, have lots & lots of babies, make very very little & be happy about it, never be able to afford to see the world while being happy to serve that same system that's keeping me this way despite bad western teachers coming into my school and country trying to teach me otherwise!!! ?? Bad bad them. How dare they come into my country and try to teach me better.  A backwards-barefoot-hillbilly or monkey would feel more shame and embarrassment than these jackals. The whole societies #ucked-? These people are good for one thing and I mean one thing only... Doing what they already do best to make $$$ ? Proof is in the pudding!!! Just look at the tourism dollars (we all know where that's coming from) and the FB profiles of many Thai students do nothing more then corroborate that fact.  Like the truth or not, I live in reality and I said it!!! #noughsaid #firstamendmentrights

Edited by Mobileroadie
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