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American arrested on charges of sex with a minor in Udon after being caught at home with 17 year old


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8 minutes ago, sandgroper2 said:

You should take a hard look at yourself. Where is your proof of him posting on social media. Get the facts straight before posting slanderous comments.

Read the op then read the post I was replying to. Try and comprehend both and then go have a good hard look at yourself

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maybe but Thais are 'special' right?  I have sympathy for the accused as it happens all the time and Thais don't care but the Thai Police love to catch a non-Thai then go all righteous about it 

You're right in that the RTA are almost certainly basking in a glow of righteousness, and relishing the fact that they have caught a Falang. You're probably right that it happens all the time, and that (many of) the Thais don't care.

However I cannot muster any sympathy for the accused, who seems to have been caught red handed committing an act which is a crime both here and in his home country. Only a fool would fail to realise that what he was doing was a crime, let alone morally repugnant.

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4 hours ago, manarak said:

No, but the article makes clear "A" is a prostitute, and the lower age limit for prostitutes is 18.


And the lower legal  age limit outside of prostitution is 15.


Not true, but a common misconception

The legal age for marriage with the consent of parents is 15.

15 is not the legal age of consent for having sex with an adult.

18 is the legal age of consent.

If you are after youngsters, you need to know this.

In Thailand many women in their late 20s look like they are in their teens...so <deleted> was he thinking?


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2 hours ago, mikebell said:

Here, here. Young ones have no idea that they can get something other than money out of the transaction.  The older ones are the best.

I am so happy there are people like you who keep the old ones happy. But be careful they might have slept with 3000 men already. No thanks for me. 

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3 hours ago, manarak said:

again wrong, the law doesn't ban selling sex privately for money.

Your wrong.Prostitution is against the law.They get by this by saying.If a woman goes with you to take care.What she does in that time is up to her.We all know that its prostitution.She is not having sex for money,she is taking care for money.They had to make this up.or they would have to legalise prostitution.Or arrest a couple of million.

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5 minutes ago, JAG said:

You're right in that the RTA are almost certainly basking in a glow of righteousness, and relishing the fact that they have caught a Falang. You're probably right that it happens all the time, and that (many of) the Thais don't care.

However I cannot muster any sympathy for the accused, who seems to have been caught red handed committing an act which is a crime both here and in his home country. Only a fool would fail to realise that what he was doing was a crime, let alone morally repugnant.

I only comment on the parts that I know... I do not find having sex with a willing girl of 17 'morally repugnant' if it was consensual (stupid, maybe, if he knew) on the other parts of his computer or anything in his own country is another matter that I don't have details on so won't comment on

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18 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

oh you think a 17 year old is a child?  pathetic and naive understanding of what a pedophile IS  and certainly no conception  of the reality but I'm sure you find 'comfort' in your piety  

...some people would also condemn a 40 years old with a 19 or 21 years old as pedo.....just because they cant imagine that age isnt the main focus for some other people.

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14 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:

Shouldn't you read and understand the sentence before getting bent out of shape.

Go on, read it again.........slowly

"Police are also investigating whether 57 year old Ryan Jae Song posted videos of his sexual encounters with young women on the internet for sale."   You got reading problems mate.

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10 minutes ago, JAG said:


You're right in that the RTA are almost certainly basking in a glow of righteousness, and relishing the fact that they have caught a Falang. You're probably right that it happens all the time, and that the (many) Thais don't care

However I cannot muster any sympathy for the accused, who seems to have been caught red handed committing an act which is a crime both here and in his home country. Only a fool would fail to realise that what he was doing was wrong.

was it wrong if she and him both  agreed ???? strange view of reality  IMO

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4 minutes ago, thetruth revealer said:

...some people would also condemn a 40 years old with a 19 or 21 years old as pedo.....just because they cant imagine that age isnt the main focus for some other people.

Who are the "some people", ignorant neanderthals?

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2 minutes ago, sandgroper2 said:

"Police are also investigating whether 57 year old Ryan Jae Song posted videos of his sexual encounters with young women on the internet for sale."   You got reading problems mate.

No, not that sentence, Brains

The sentence with which you took such outrage.

Here, let me give you a hand


Some 17 year old from wheredafukaburi having sex with someone round her age and then choosing to post something on social media is world's away.............


He didn't say the perp was posting shit on social media, did he???

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Continued references to pedophiles in the context of this thread will earn suspensions.   Sexual involvement with a 17 year old is not pedophilia and such references are inflammatory and trolling.  


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9 minutes ago, sandgroper2 said:

"Police are also investigating whether 57 year old Ryan Jae Song posted videos of his sexual encounters with young women on the internet for sale."   You got reading problems mate.

No mate you do, because in the post I replied to old mate whatever his name is not only stated that most 17 year old Thai girls were sexually active but that the also posted their eacapades on social media. No need for an apology just be careful throwing around the word slanderous when comprehension seems to be somewhat difficult for you. 

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2 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:


Paying for sexual services does make it prostitution. Under the UN child rights, to which Thailand is a signatory, anyone under 18 who is paid for sex is a child and cannot consent.

Does the UN convention allow for the Thai police to actively pimp underage girls and boys? I presume so, as it happens everywhere here.

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

Never mind that almost all the 17 years old girls in Thailand are actively engaged in sexual activities at a much younger age, while posting their sexual escaped on social media for all the world to see, and many are with kids and have been married and dumped by boyfriend, but don't let the facts distract you from the reality that in Thailand a 17 years old woman is considered a minor still and in need of the government protection.....


Please quote your authority for your assertion that "almost all 17 years (sic) old girls in Thailand are actively engaged in sexual activities ... " I have edited your assertion to help to clarify what I am asking for.


Other members on this forum will put me on their IGNORE LIST for asking for information ... barking they call me ... but you have said something that is well outside my experience of relatives and friends of young people here.

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4 hours ago, manarak said:

No, but the article makes clear "A" is a prostitute, and the lower age limit for prostitutes is 18.


And the lower legal  age limit outside of prostitution is 15.


But below 15 to 17 inclusive requires the consent of the parents, does it not? 

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2 minutes ago, JaseTheBass said:

Does the UN convention allow for the Thai police to actively pimp underage girls and boys? I presume so, as it happens everywhere here.


"happens everywhere" - somewhat hyperbolic don't you think. Or would you like to support that.

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19 minutes ago, willyumiii said:

Not true, but a common misconception

The legal age for marriage with the consent of parents is 15.

15 is not the legal age of consent for having sex with an adult.

18 is the legal age of consent.

If you are after youngsters, you need to know this.

In Thailand many women in their late 20s look like they are in their teens...so <deleted> was he thinking?


Care to send a photo to illustrate your point that  late 20's Thai women often look like teens? I can't think of any. Most have had kids at that age, a bit of a give away. And then there is the age related 'dress code', i.e. teens dress a certain way which would be ridiculed on an older women. It's a brainwashed society everyone must dress their age. It's really hard to believe that anyone could mistake a 29 year old for a teen.

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


"happens everywhere" - somewhat hyperbolic don't you think. Or would you like to support that.

You want me to give out the locations where the police pimp underage girls in the last 3 Thai cities I have lived in?


Sorry, I'm not encouraging that kind of thing.

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Apart from the sexual offences broadly discussed already, there is also the working without a permit and running a business probably also unregistered for anything .

Plus various other offences relating to pornography and , and   and . ...........

He is certainly in the S***, no matter what. Bangkok Hilton will have another guest it seems.

Mind you the one in Udon is not that nice either. l

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15 minutes ago, JaseTheBass said:

You want me to give out the locations where the police pimp underage girls in the last 3 Thai cities I have lived in?


Sorry, I'm not encouraging that kind of thing.


No - and I hope you have reported that to the appropriate authorities.


3 cities isn't everywhere, and are you suggesting it was everywhere within those 3 cities too?



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1 hour ago, Ulic said:

It's a grey area. If he were a Thai, 16. As he is a foreigner(American/Korean) 18.

That is just the way it is. The UN/Americans push 18 as the age of consent around

the world. At least for foreigners. :coffee1: 

That is a load of rubbish.   The age of consent is set by the states and it varies from 16 to 18, depending on the State.   The US has no influence over the age of consent in any other country.  

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

Never mind that almost all the 17 years old girls in Thailand are actively engaged in sexual activities at a much younger age, while posting their sexual escaped on social media for all the world to see, and many are with kids and have been married and dumped by boyfriend, but don't let the facts distract you from the reality that in Thailand a 17 years old woman is considered a minor still and in need of the government protection.....


Never mind that almost all the 17 years old girls in Thailand are actively engaged in sexual activities at a much younger age. I'm interested in how you no that ? 

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