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Cat Telecom To Reduce Internet Gateway Fee By 18-63 Per Cent

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CAT Telecom to reduce Internet gateway fee by 18-63 per cent

BANGKOK: -- CAT Telecom will cut the service fee for its international Internet gateway (IIG) as much as 63 per cent, in order to compete with new providers.

The CAT board approved a rate reduction of 18-63 per cent Tuesday.

It said the cut would reduce IIG costs for Internet service providers (ISPs) by an average of 30 per cent.

Until recently CAT had a monopoly for IIG.

Telecommunications' regulator the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) opened up the IIG market by granting licenses to companies like True Internet Gateway.

-- The Nation 2006-12-12


We'll see how much trickle down effect this will have!

As long as CAT IIG (International Internet Gateway) will keep expanding the available bandwidth we'll see some improvements I guess, since most ISP can increase the amount of bandwidth taken from CAT without increasing their bill!

Chownah, True does not have an international gateway, they buy pretty much all heir bandwidth from CAT.

They do have some private international link of 45mbps through Dacom (Korea), but this very little compared to the 3.48gbps thay take from CAT!

The only other IIG, owned by TOT, only has an international capacity of 620mbps, while the connection to their own ISP is 2gbps!

The reason CAT is lowering price, is in the fact that more and more ISP's are getting international bandwidth directly from foreign providers(although not much at the moment).

Examples are:

True (45mbps, Dacom)

Pacific internet(155mpbs, pacific singapore)

KSC (90mbps, singtel)

Csloxinfo (155mbps, Singtel)

Source http://iir.ngi.nectec.or.th/internet/map/current.html

Which is about it.

It sounds like good news on the price,

how about increasing the bandwidth as well???

Yeah...how about that? I'm paying for 4096/512 kbps and I never got more than 2500/370 kbps :o


And THAT is the good news:

CAT Telecom to reduce Internet gateway fee by 18-63 per cent


Until recently CAT had a monopoly for IIG.

Telecommunications' regulator the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) opened up the IIG market by granting licenses to companies like True Internet Gateway.

-- The Nation 2006-12-12

Yey! Competition! Now Thailand has a chance to actually build out bandwidth faster than demand is growing, which will mean faster connections for all of us. As long as the ailing monopoly CAT did it, there was simply no chance. Now there is.

Does anyone know if internet is fast from Singapore (most ISPs seem to go through there)?

It sounds like good news on the price,

how about increasing the bandwidth as well???

Yeah...how about that? I'm paying for 4096/512 kbps and I never got more than 2500/370 kbps :o

Who is offering this speed and how much is it, if you don't mind me asking? TOT up here offers only 1024... I wish I had more...

I did a tracert of google.com, and lo and behold, it's actually going out the TOT gateway as indicated on the map.

Not fast, mind you - the signal still takes 230ms to get across the ocean... I hope they improve that...a ping of 370 is nothing to write home about :D

>tracert google.com

Tracing route to google.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 7 ms 7 ms 6 ms

2 * 74 ms 68 ms 125-24-152-1.adsl.totbb.net []

3 71 ms 67 ms 90 ms ge1-12-301.cs1-kkm.totisp.net []

4 70 ms 71 ms 93 ms ge1-2.gw1-kkm.totisp.net []

5 69 ms 87 ms 68 ms

6 72 ms 71 ms 71 ms

7 308 ms 306 ms 315 ms pos4-1-0.mr01.sjo01.pccwbtn.net []

8 298 ms * 311 ms ge6-8.br01.sjo01.pccwbtn.net []

9 305 ms 325 ms 308 ms eqixsj-google-gige.google.com []

10 308 ms 307 ms 301 ms

11 368 ms 370 ms 370 ms

12 367 ms 378 ms 367 ms

13 371 ms 357 ms 382 ms

14 380 ms 365 ms 368 ms py-in-f99.google.com []

Trace complete.

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