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The Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts has increased the pressure on PNN TV to suspend screening of the love drama series “Pheakdey Sne Tve Phup” (True Love Continues from Past to Future), saying it contradicted the classic love story “Tum Teav” – the Khmer version of “Romeo and Juliet.” At the annual meeting to discuss direction for 2017 for the Culture and Fine Arts Ministry at Chaktomuk Conference Hall yesterday, Culture and Fine Arts Minister Phoeung Sakona said the content of the drama series was copied from “Tum Teav,” but deviated from the original content.  

She said the producer of the series edited the original story to have the actors live at the end, whereas they died in the original version. This would impact the value of Cambodian literature, she added. “Everybody already knows that both actors [Tum and Teav] died at the ending of ‘Tum Teav.’ If they make Tum and Teav live, it will be difficult to accept. We don’t want to confuse the younger generation,” she said.

“We know that children now don’t really enjoy reading books and prefer watching movies instead. We have freedom, but we should set limits on whether we should use our freedom to affect national literature. We must consider this.” Ms. Sakona added that the ministry would find a suitable time to discuss the issue with PNN TV and related institutions to find a solution, but until then, the ministry wants to temporarily suspend the broadcast.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/35027/ministry-wants-tv-series-suspended/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 02/02

Seems if "everybody knows" how trad story ends, then what is wrong with trying an alternative ending? Oh " children now don’t really enjoy reading books and prefer watching movies instead. " Then everybody doesn't know? There energy might be better spent instilling a love of reading than busy body meddling with plot lines in a frickin' soap opera...

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