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big man's boxer shorts

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I find "71" sizes rather more limited of late, never mind their prices.  I prefer boxer shorts and my waist is (down to!) size 48.  Any ideas, please?





I am confused!

What measurement system are you posting about?

Is 71 or 48 a company or national/country size measurement or waist size in mm, cm, inch or some other obscure indication of your ‘boxer’ requirement!

Or is ‘Boxer shorts’ a euphonisim for some part of your body?

And if you are ‘limited’ by the size then why not reduce your size!


Beaten to the punchline by the comment above! Drat


I have my shorts made by a lady in my condo.

She does a 'Pro' job and they work out at around B400 a pair.



Lose weight, reduce size !


Instructive to ask yourself 'why' you do wear underwear in the tropics?  Mostly i think from convention, 'mum always told me to wear unders', so even now in my old age i continue to wear unders.

My advice: go commando. But must also learn to use the bum gun effectively. I much prefer commando, except when bicycle riding.


Hanes.com is amazingly cheap for high quality under shorts, T-shirts, polo shirts, sweats, socks and other stuff. They have really big sizes and they ship everywhere. However, not sure what happens at Thai customs.


The 'Hane' underware looks good value.

I would expect to pay extra at Thai customs, but still be decent price.

Worth noting for anyone who has no alternative.




I early made the point that I AM reducing.   To all those who feel clever by NOT responding to the question but rather indulging in enmity, let me point out how frail your brains are.  Nobody can go (when in their 70's) from waist size 48 (inches) to a satisfactory small size this week, nor this month come to that.  Thus, far from being helpful (the purpose of this forum, I sometimes suppose) your responses were obstructive.  I look forward to seeing your identifications attached to improved contributions (but have small hope).


When are we by mass vote going to be able to bar the destructive types from this forum?  You know, those who cannot help the OP with a reasonable solution.


To you constructive souls, my many thanks.  Helps, and does not insult.


"One of the things I've stopped doing in recent years is fretting about realities, such as Immigration rules and practice here, that are beyond my reach."


Guess things have changed since you wrote that in October 2016 or is that too long ago to remember?


When I'm in LOS I mostly choose to 'freebag'..., my waist varies from between 33 and 36 ..., and yes I know too much info but it's helpful to be a free-bagger while I'm in country especially during the warmer times. However I digress..., I have noticed that in Kat-sun-cow there is a shop that tends to have clothes for the larger blokes out there.   

On 2/3/2017 at 10:15 PM, jobin said:

Instructive to ask yourself 'why' you do wear underwear in the tropics?  Mostly i think from convention, 'mum always told me to wear unders', so even now in my old age i continue to wear unders.

My advice: go commando. But must also learn to use the bum gun effectively. I much prefer commando, except when bicycle riding.

..., and when wearing shorts and sitting in those plastic seats with long slits from back to front....., wouldn't want to have the undercarriage caught in there.

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