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More video footage emerges in high profile road rage shooting death in Chonburi


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49 minutes ago, ocddave said:

I like how you conveniently left out the fact that they chased him down, then confronted him, all as one gang.

That video has been posted before.  My point was he started it , not the van full of teens. They parked only for a couple of minutes , he could have waited. 


Imagine your life is in danger just because you have a verbal argument with someone .  The man with the gun is to blame, he is a killer and will kill again . 



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This afternoon when I exited the highway 7 at the Pattaya sukhumvit Southbound there was a Bangkok taximeter entering the highway in reverse, because he probably took the wrong exit and was too lazy to get to the next U-turn.
I almost hit him from behind in that curve, but lucky I could just avoid an accident, and gave him the full horn while passing with only centimeters between his and my car.
Should i have been followed and threatened with death?

Ok, so you've done a partial quote on my post. Another person who hasn't watched the whole story or understood what was said by Suthep. Check out the translations if you can't understand it. He lost the plot completely because of the van double parking, gave them a real mouthful which he knew they would react to, and he was carrying a gun.

He probably wouldn't have gobbed off like that if he wasn't carrying a weapon. When he eventually pulls away, he can't resist giving them the beeping horn to wind them up even more. He then pulls in up further up the road knowing they will probably stop and come and have a go.

In your case (if you are following a similar story to what happened) then you should've pulled the taxi driver over and shot him in the face.
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10 minutes ago, DMC1 said:


Ok, so you've done a partial quote on my post. Another person who hasn't watched the whole story or understood what was said by Suthep. Check out the translations if you can't understand it. He lost the plot completely because of the van double parking, gave them a real mouthful which he knew they would react to, and he was carrying a gun.

He probably wouldn't have gobbed off like that if he wasn't carrying a weapon. When he eventually pulls away, he can't resist giving them the beeping horn to wind them up even more. He then pulls in up further up the road knowing they will probably stop and come and have a go.

In your case (if you are following a similar story to what happened) then you should've pulled the taxi driver over and shot him in the face.



Yes I did a partial quote of your post, because that was the part that was relevant to my reply, as you made it sound that it is wrong to blow you horn on a traffic law offender. You will know that what the minivan driver did is a traffic law offence, even in lawless Thailand, and that it is not wrong to blow your horn at such people anywhere in the world, including Thailand.

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17 minutes ago, balo said:

That video has been posted before.  My point was he started it , not the van full of teens. They parked only for a couple of minutes , he could have waited. 


Imagine your life is in danger just because you have a verbal argument with someone .  The man with the gun is to blame, he is a killer and will kill again . 



Actually the teens started it by double parking. Its illegal to double park. And when told to move they didnt move, despite being ilegally parked. 


And if you watch the dash cam when they all come out of the van like a bunch of clowns you can tell by their body language that they wanted to do more than just talk. 

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1 minute ago, hobz said:

Actually the teens started it by double parking. Its illegal to double park. And when told to move they didnt move, despite being ilegally parked. 


And if you watch the dash cam when they all come out of the van like a bunch of clowns you can tell by their body language that they wanted to do more than just talk. 

Yeah, quite a serious crime indeed, and you're right, their body language says lets have a gun fight over this, sure.  But the man in the car saying get the gun out I'm gonna shoot them because they held him up for a minute is clearly innocent because, um...what?

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5 minutes ago, Allstars said:


Yes I did a partial quote of your post, because that was the part that was relevant to my reply, as you made it sound that it is wrong to blow you horn on a traffic law offender. You will know that what the minivan driver did is a traffic law offence, even in lawless Thailand, and that it is not wrong to blow your horn at such people anywhere in the world, including Thailand.

Nonsense, the horn can only be used to warn someone of danger, not for parking in your way, you talk poo.

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17 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

Yeah, quite a serious crime indeed, and you're right, their body language says lets have a gun fight over this, sure.  But the man in the car saying get the gun out I'm gonna shoot them because they held him up for a minute is clearly innocent because, um...what?

I never said that the gunman was innocent. Im just saying that the teens started the situation and i never said that the teens wanted a gunfight. It looked more like they wanted to deliver a beating. 

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22 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

Yeah, quite a serious crime indeed, and you're right, their body language says lets have a gun fight over this, sure.  But the man in the car saying get the gun out I'm gonna shoot them because they held him up for a minute is clearly innocent because, um...what?

If he wanted to shoot them for holding him up a minute, why didnt he just do it right away,, why risk letting them get away.. Are you saying he did a jedi mind trick to make them chase him and make them all come out of the van to make it look as if he was being attacked so that he would get away with murder? Is he yoda?

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12 minutes ago, hobz said:

If he wanted to shoot them for holding him up a minute, why didnt he just do it right away,, why risk letting them get away.. Are you saying he did a jedi mind trick to make them chase him and make them all come out of the van to make it look as if he was being attacked so that he would get away with murder? Is he yoda?


Have you read the script from the recording?  They are getting the gun ready and talking about shooting them as they drive off.

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18 minutes ago, hobz said:

I never said that the gunman was innocent. Im just saying that the teens started the situation and i never said that the teens wanted a gunfight. It looked more like they wanted to deliver a beating. 

Using your own logic, if they wanted to deliver a beating why did they not, why did they get in their van and drive off?

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Wow - seems a lot of Expats are getting their knickers in a knot about this killing.  Should have done this, shouldn't have done that, back home we do this, back home they dont do that.  Dont agree with the shooting - and dont care either - not my problem (or country).


Advice:  do not be openly aggressive towards any Thai drivers - if/when they get angry about 'losing face' they can EXPLODE, and being an Expat you will be up the proverbial without anything but trouble.  But having said that, I just love moving over slowly like an incompetent driver and accidentally blocking them while another lane goes past - hee hee love 90% window tint. Sorry - Mai Pen Rai  (:laugh:)





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8 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

 But having said that, I just love moving over slowly like an incompetent driver and accidentally blocking them while another lane goes past - hee hee love 90% window tint. Sorry - Mai Pen Rai  (:laugh:)




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59 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

Nonsense, the horn can only be used to warn someone of danger, not for parking in your way, you talk poo.


Wait let me help you thinking a little.


I'm sure you are smart enough to understand that obstructing traffic flow, which the minivan did,  is a traffic offence.


Question : What is deemed a traffic offence?


Answer : A traffic offence is an action by a road user that endangers other road users.


Let me know if you need a drawing to understand the reasoning behind a traffic offence.

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People are talking about the fact that the engineer would have only had to wait for a minute and 12 seconds for the van to leave.  First of all, he shouldn't have had to wait at all.  Secondly, there was no way of knowing in advance how long the teens were going to make him wait.  We only found that out afterward.  But again, they didn't have the right to block him in - even for one second.   What if they had stayed there for five minutes?  In fact, after they noticed the engineer's anger, the teens deliberately dragged out their stay - just to antagonize him - and to show him that they were not going to move because of him.  At that initial stage, the engineer only used words - however impolite they may have been.  If someone had used bad words on me after I had blocked them in with my car,  I would not feel the need to get revenge.


After the issue appeared to be over, the van full of teens chased the engineer, blocked his car again (this time deliberately), and all came out of the van in a very threatening manner.  They were there to make him pay - very likely with violence.  People also say that he could have driven away at this point.  If they followed him the first time, do you think they wouldn't have continued following him - until they got their revenge?


I think the engineer was therefore justified in shooting.

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2 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Wow - seems a lot of Expats are getting their knickers in a knot about this killing.  Should have done this, shouldn't have done that, back home we do this, back home they dont do that.  Dont agree with the shooting - and dont care either - not my problem (or country).


Advice:  do not be openly aggressive towards any Thai drivers - if/when they get angry about 'losing face' they can EXPLODE, and being an Expat you will be up the proverbial without anything but trouble.  But having said that, I just love moving over slowly like an incompetent driver and accidentally blocking them while another lane goes past - hee hee love 90% window tint. Sorry - Mai Pen Rai  (:laugh:)





You think expats can't explode?

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You have to laugh at people.

A short time ago a handicapped guy got hacked to death by a gang of teens, several on here said the teens should be put to death for their actions.

Here we have a man who has given them what they want, and now they are saying he shouldn't have done it.

Cant win sometimes can ya.

Maybe he should have let the teens beat him to death and then they could have vented on the teens for causing another pointless death.

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14 hours ago, shady86 said:

Dangerous country to live in because of inconsiderate people who doesn't have common sense.

And does have guns!

A certain degree of self defence happening here, but the poster above who suggests he always beeps his horn when subjected to bad driving.. beware... one day you will regret it. They see the error as yours.

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5 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:

Using your own logic, if they wanted to deliver a beating why did they not, why did they get in their van and drive off?

You are not good with logic are you? 


The teens wanting to deliver a beating must have happened some time after the initial double parking incident. Presumably after the gunman honked his horn after passing them. 


Why do you think the teens all came out of the van and "surrounded" the gunmans car? Do you really believe that they just wanted to talk? How would that have ended if the gunman did not have a gun?



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5 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Have you read the script from the recording?  They are getting the gun ready and talking about shooting them as they drive off.

So that confirms that he is either psychic, or a jedi, or both.


Think about what you are saying.. He is driving off and saying that he will shoot them.. He somehow predicts (or jedi mind tricks the teens into) the coming after him and coming to his car so that he can shoot them. If this is true, that he is indeed psychic or a jedi, then yes, he PLANNED to murder.


I think he got the gun ready for defending his family in case that it would escalate. It did escalate when the teens got out of the van .. 


You see the difference between planning a defense and planning an attack?


Lets say some people threaten your life (not saying that the teens verbally threatened the man as i dont understand / cant hear them). Lets say u have a gun.. You getting the gun ready to defend yourself from the people that threatens your life is not the same as getting your gun ready to find some people and shoot them because you're angry because they made u wait a minute (i believe this is what you think happened). 


You see, to make it even more clear.. His intention for getting the gun ready was to defend himself.

His intention for getting the gun ready was not simply because they made him wait 1 minute. U know why? Because if that was his intention he could simply (and now im going back to "my logic") have shot them right during the first altercation while the van was still double parked.

But no, he did not. He left. The teens followed. The teens surrrounded his car. And he defended himself and his family. End of frigging story.


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6 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Have you read the script from the recording?  They are getting the gun ready and talking about shooting them as they drive off.


Are you saying that it was premeditated murder?

It could be.. But it would require that the man knew that the teens would come to his car so that he could shoot them and make it look like self defense.. I know. Im repeating myself again..


But lets make another exanple.. Lets say i live somewhere in the united states where im allowed to carry and im allowed to shoot intruders on my property.. I could walk up to you somewhere near my property and call you all types of names and throw a pissjug on you. Then i would run back to my property and if you follow me onto my property i shoot you.. This would be premeditated murder if it can be proven that i planned the whole series of events.. You know what im saying?

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17 hours ago, Enoon said:


The "rage" started with him.


"It" began with an impatient Thai driver hurling what I believe, in Thailand, is an extremely abusive epithet at a van driver and a student, because he has had to wait 1min 12 secs while the van driver and the student got something from the shop.


Just for good measure he gives the van driver a good blast on the horn when he subsequently passes him.


Would you do that...........in Thailand?


Maybe you would if, like him, you were carrying an illegally held gun in your vehicle.




Typical behaviour of many people in Thailand, park in front of someone, on footpaths, in driveways, whatever, to please yourself, don't have to worry about inconveniencing someone else. No wonder Suthep blew his stack.


For the van people, they were never taught the old adage "sticks and stones might break my bones, but names will never hurt me".


Unfortunately for Suthep, his reaction was over the top and he shot and killed a person. So, it's murder. He's gotta get his just desserts for that. Shooting up into the air would have sufficed surely. The remaining van people should be taken to task by the law also for their bad behaviour.

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9 hours ago, mikiea said:

huh.... did u miss something ? i think so ....

Not at all.  Did you read the OP?  From the OP:



In the video a van with several teenagers inside hems in the vehicle driven by 50 year old engineer Suthep Phochanasomboon.


Suthep and a female passenger in the vehicle are furious that the teens have double parked leaving them unable to drive off.



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If he wanted to shoot them for holding him up a minute, why didnt he just do it right away,, why risk letting them get away.. Are you saying he did a jedi mind trick to make them chase him and make them all come out of the van to make it look as if he was being attacked so that he would get away with murder? Is he yoda?

Hobz, when the van drives off after the parking incident why didn't he just let them drive off?

Why did he overtake the van beeping his horn (whilst gobbing off further about guns with his wife)? Why did he pull-in further up the road in front the van?

He was raging by then and he knew there was a chance that they would stop in front of him and continue the confrontation, but they didn't know he had a gun at that point.

No one on here is defending either side but some people on here are almost suggesting that Suthep was in an almost unavoidable confrontation and had to use the gun.

He was the one who started the verbal abuse which obviously pissed off the van people, even though they shouldn't have double parked. He was the one that decided to escalate the situation by driving past the van again (once they'd driven away) and further goaded them by beeping his horn and pulling in.

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