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Chiang Mai Warned More Quakes Could Follow

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regulations? regulations... regulations....

OOOOH, you mean like the traffic regulations requiring all motorcyclists to wear helmets!

or like the regulations on bars and such places requiring them to close at 2 AM!

or like regulations that lanterns can't be set off within a certain distance of the airport in order to keep them from getting sucked into jet engins and killing a whole lot of people!

pfft. regulations mean nothing in thailand. I don't mean to diss on the thais, they're lovely people, but when it comes to regulations, they just don't get it.

The only regulations they enforce are the ones that restrict, limit or punish farangs.

Aw, you poor, hard done by wasters. As a matter of interest is there any topic that comes up that doesn't give farang crybabies an excuse to moan?

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Of interest to some will be the predictions just this week at www.briansprediction.com. They include another

Sumatra earthquake (9.4) on March 22, 2007, and also an earthquake for Japan on another date. More immediate are the New Year's Day, 2007 surprises for San Francisco and Los Angeles. Brian tracks these events as they move around the Pacific Rim's Ring of Fire.

If you like, you can subscribe to his warnings of eathquakes, tsunamis, "terrorist"atacks, etc., etc.

Will he put his attention onThailand's North, Kanchanaburi, Bangkok,...., I do not know. One could write him and ask.

He depends more on the spontaneous intuitive faculty, directly from the source of thought, rather than the straining of the intellect. A humble but gifted guy, he seems to be another Edgar Cayce. He has demonstrated great accuracy, but will be the first to admit he is not infallible.


Error! and Apologies. I did not post number 31, only number 32 on this thread. I am surprised I could get "credit" for somebody else's post, but this goes to show the extent or lack of my own computer kowledge. Hope I do not do this again.


It seems that no diaster without at least one follower of some self proclaimed seer pops up promoting his guru ... What good would such "predictions" do, anyway?

Can I go into this site to check for any impending quakes or do the people here ever supply early warnings to those countries affected? Look at the Tsunami warning system that they are setting up, its been more than a year now and has it started working yet? :o

That site is live data. But it is a record not a prediction, if a big one is shown on the chart, you already know about it. Predicting quakes is one of the Holy Grails of geology.

Tsunami warning system has been running for a year or so, not complete yet so only manual activation. IIRC the first bouy went active a couple of months ago.

Thanks buddy....

Tsunamis can be predicted because they are the wave that follows the earthquake. Once you measure the earthquake, you can predict the Tsunami following that fairly well - though buoys are much more accurate of course.

The USGS Hawaii had picked up the huge quake on xmas day 2004 and if there had been official channels to do so they would have warned people. But there was no precedent, no one to talk to, no one who would listen, and no warning systems on the ground.

Unusually high number of aftershocks? Looks pretty quiet to me today.

Live Seismic trace USGS - Chiang Mai station:


Can I go into this site to check for any impending quakes or do the people here ever supply early warnings to those countries affected? Look at the Tsunami warning system that they are setting up, its been more than a year now and has it started working yet? :o

I hope the equiment for the Early Warning System to detect Tsnamis wasnt built on a falt line.........da you think :D makes you think what came first the chicken or the egg?????????


The earthquake at San Sai is harmless

The Director of the National Disaster Warning Center, Dr. Smith Thamasaros (สมิทธ ธรรมสโรช), indicated that earthquake at San Sai (สันทราย) District in Chiang Mai (เชียงใหม่) Province was the aftershock of the earthquake in Sumatra Island.

At 7.30 hours, earthquake measured on 3.7 Ritchter scale took place at San Sai District in Chiang Mai Province. Dr. Smith insisted that the earthquake at Chiang Mai was just the aftershock of the earthquake in Sumatra Island in Indoniesia.

The severe effect caused by the earthquake has caused no harm. Dr. Smith also confirmed that the earthquake is harmless.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 19 December 2006

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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