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Ebay Appears To Have A Thai Site - But It's Not

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It looks and smells like E-bay, but it's just a portal to jump you over to E-bay's main site.

Ebay.co.th or http://pages.ebay.co.th/eng/index.htm (in English)

Do a search, and you get piped directly over to Ebay.com in the States. When will Thailand get its own auction site? ...or does it already have one? One challenge of doing it in Thailand will be the trustworthiness quotient of users. In other words; can vendors be trusted to ship items that have been paid for - when it's relatively easy to just keep the money and cheat? That's probably the main issue Ebay.com has to deal with in the States and elsewhere. By the way, 'auction' in Thai is; "plaow mu" I doubt anyone has yet secured the domain; plowmu.com

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