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Anyone Have Psp?


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Guys I am living out in the sticks and wonder if anyone have any experience with the Sony PSP.

If it is as good as I believe it is I will go in to BKK in a couple of days to buy one.

Is there anything to lookout for? And where would be a good place to buy? MBK?

Please post your opinions, on the PSP that is :o



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Guys I am living out in the sticks and wonder if anyone have any experience with the Sony PSP.

If it is as good as I believe it is I will go in to BKK in a couple of days to buy one.

Is there anything to lookout for? And where would be a good place to buy? MBK?

Please post your opinions, on the PSP that is :o



My 12yo son bought a PSP in October for 9,500Baht at a small shop in the Central Rama2 mall.

Please note the firmware version which comes with the PSP!

He bought it with version 1.5 which allows playing 'home-brew games' and the "cheap games" (100-150B per game) available in LOS! (do a Google for 'homebrew Sony psp' to know what they are).

But the 1.5 version has many limits and the "cheap games" cause a lot of problems even for the hardware. So my son went ahead and upgraded to the latest version (I think it is now 3.x) and is very happy with it (Internet, e-mail, video etc.). I am unhappy because no more "cheap games", now they cost on average 1,000Baht!!!!

For Internet you will need a Wi-Fi access point in your home and get the biggest memory stick you can especially if you want to watch videos or have music on it.


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  • 7 months later...
Guest Reimar

Just added Playstation and PS 2 Emulator to the download section. If you want to try, download either Palystation or Playstation 2 Emulator.

If you try it would be interest it works ok or not!

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The emulators sound illegal to me.

Forget the PSP, for some reason I just never use mine, its the Nintendo DS I grab instead.

I can't explain why, teh graphics are better on the PSP, the screen is bigger etc... the games just aren't much fun.

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i have had a psp for almost a year now. bought it from an authorised sony dealer for 10,900 with 1Gig card and an original Ridge Racer. 8000 baht plus now for a machine with at least 1 Gig is what you sound pay now.

Its a wonderful machine and am very happy with it. More because i watch videos and play music on it and also the occasional web browsing. you need a wi-fi spot for that though. I have wi-fi in the office and at home so its a joy just having the machine with me all the time.

If you are however serious about just nice gaming, then yes perhaps the nintendo ds might work for you. i personally prefer the graphics on the psp.

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I have my psp updated to the newest homebrew firmware (not the official firmware!) and there are absolutely no problems. The psp is FAR superior to the DS. The psp is a: Photo Viewer, MP3 Player, VIDEO player (put dvd movies or homevideo or downloaded video on there), Text and document reader, PS1 game player (play the classiscs like final fantasy 7,8,9, resident evil 1,2,3, silent hill etc..), sega genesis game player, gameboy advance game player, nintendo and super nintendo game player and a few other older consoles I cant remember at the moment, and of course plays all the psp games which you can download for FREE if you were so inclined. They are releasing a camera attachment that turns your psp into a camera/video camera and comes with software to edit the pics and video right on your psp. There is also alot of homebrew software that turns your psp into a pda which is free and legal as it is freeware. All together it is a great device if you will use several of its functions, if you only want it to do one thing there are better devices that specialise.

Could have sworn you could buy a psp with homebrew firmware for 7000 baht at MBK.


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Graphics aside, gameplay is where it is at and Nintendo is better at that than SOny. More DSes are sold worldwide than the PSP. The PSP is clumsy looking and heavy. The DS connects with the Wii nicely. I find the DS just more fun that even the console games. Metroid Prime 3 in 3 weeks may change all that.


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DS doesnt seem to have ANY games I like... or I would have bought one already. I like games like dungeon maker, dungeons and dragons tactics coming soon, Monster hunter freedom, jean darc..... Yes Im a geek at heart. Point is all the DS games, Im looking at them right now on a seperate page, look like they are for little kids, my girl would like the DS, I would not (games wise). OUTSIDE of games, the psp is a great multimedia device, DS cant even touch that. More Ds 's are sold worldwide because of the kiddie market. Are any of you kiddies? Didn't think so, go with a more adult platform.

Turok, the Ds has more games than the psp? The psp has hundreds, how many does the ds have?


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Love my PSP and agree with Damian it's for serious gamers with the likes of Syphon filter, Socom and all the EA sports games online the DS cannot touch it. Graphics and top games PSP all the way. If you are considering between the two look at the top games for both. Choose from them what do you wanna play? P.S. the firmwere 3.40oe is perfect now internet, homebrew, iso and cso player. If you buy in MBK it will come with it. Value pack 6500bt but check out www.super-rich.com they have a good offer!

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Should have thought of this earlier..... there are hundreds of ps1 titles you can play on the psp, some of them the greatest games of all time. PSP DOES have more games and better ones simply because of this, forget about the actual PSP games released. Oh... and uhm, they just started working on DS emulation on the PSP, I wouldnt be surprised if we could play all the DS games on our PSP's within the year, wouldnt that be amusing.

Ok it's official.... I'm a PSP fanboy, how embarassing.


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Perhaps you should count the library of Gamboy games that the DS can play. It is backwards compatible for teh thousands of Gameboy games.

Furthermore, what is with all of you calling the DS for kiddies? Mario, Link, Zelds, Samus.... I grew up with these characters and still love them and this style of gaming. Had them on my bedsheets, drinking cups, and notebooks! I think what it is that many of these wannabee gamers don't know about these characters and just started into gaming like a year ago. So yea, perhaps you think gaming is all about blood, car chases, and bikini clad bimbos with a volleyball... No way.... Give me Mario, Link or Samus Aran any day.... true video game characters... Oh yea, lets not forget about the original Turok for the N64...


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Got you beat again my friend, PSP plays all the gameboy games as well.... sorry about that.

I know those games have nostalgic value, but they don't keep me interested like they did 25 years ago (didnt realise how long ago it was until you pointed that out, yikes). I know because I have tried them all on my PSP!!!!! You can play all the mario and Zelda games on the PSP, it was fun to go down memory lane for a couple of hours but then it got real boring. I mentioned earlier that you can play nintendo and super nintendo but you can even play Nintendo 64. Really..... the only reason to have a DS is to play the new DS games, and the way things are going soon the PSP will be able to play those as well.


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The DS is lighter and smaller in size thanteh PSP. That is why I have the DS.

Nice that sellers of the PSP have to steal from Nintendo's library of games to sell it and get it off their shelves. A testament to Nintendo's game play and large library of games. I wouldn't buy the DS because they told me it could play Sony games. Not a selling feature of the DS.


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The PSP rocks. Since my Xbox 360 overheated and blew up, its been a godsend, just check out games like syphon filter, ratchet and clank, burnout (which is also fantastic online). I have the latest custom firmare, and i agree with others that it is great as a multi media device. I have a 4g stick and this has everything i need on it, including n64, genesis etc.. emulators.

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I love my psp. Being able to play just about every old system(SNES, GENESis, and even CPS/MAME roms) , along with PSP/PS1 is great

I sometimes use it for videos which is great as well. There is so much more that can be done with a PSP.

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The DS is lighter and smaller in size thanteh PSP. That is why I have the DS.

Nice that sellers of the PSP have to steal from Nintendo's library of games to sell it and get it off their shelves. A testament to Nintendo's game play and large library of games. I wouldn't buy the DS because they told me it could play Sony games. Not a selling feature of the DS.


Ya it is nice and small. They are releasing a new PSP next month called the slim PSP (and stopping production of the old PSP) but even that won't come close to the size of the DS. Actually Sony doesnt support ANY emulation of nintendo consoles, they dont like it at all, that is why their official firmware doesnt allow you to do homebrew (user made programs and emulators), which is why we all use the user made firmware. The only emulation sony supports is PS1. Truly if it wasnt for hackers making the PSP more universally usable and have so many options I dont think most of us would use it at all.


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After reading through the replies, I am not sure if many people buy the PSP for what it was originally meant to do and that was to play Sony games. Seems like hackers and anybody else have exploited the PSP and hacked it to bits. I think I see it now. I see its popularity.

Yea its cool. I am such a Ninetndo fan that I wouldn't buy anything else. The variety of games in different genres is what appeals to me. I am not a true RPG fan nor do I like racing games. I consider football/soccer games overrated so I dont play them unless they are arcade style like Mario Strikers. I am a big fan of the Nintendo platform/ adventure / FPS games like Mario, Zelda and Metroid Prime. I mean in 3 weeks the final Metroid Prime is out for the Wii! I may not see daylight for a month. I love these long adventure games. DS games like New Super Mario, Yoshis Island, Metrod Prime are my style as well as all of the Brain Games! Touchmaster is really cool. I also like card games and backgammon so Clubhouse Games covers all of those.

I have 4 DS's just cause I like to play wireless with friends. Good way to meet people on a long airplane ride to the USA!


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OMG! 4 DS's, that's hardcore. Ya the PSP to play just PSP games is adequate... but its main attraction to me is all the rest it can do too. I don't like most of the games that come out for any console these days (of course I am yet to buy a new console like the WII or the PS3... )... I'm pretty picky. But I am a huge RPG and strategy fan, but even then it has to be pretty good to get more than an hour of my time. I have never had any interest in sports or racing games.

I just did a quick search for DS hacking on google and got a few sites that talk about homebrew on the DS, you can play doom and quake and a bunch of stuff on the DS now, you might want to check it out. The DS has a slow processor so it cant emulate tons of consoles but they do emulate a bunch ( I think nintendo, super nintendo etc)... someone mentioned something about Warcraft too!


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