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More Muslim Thais Flee To Malaysia


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There is obviously a lot of history with the area of Pattani, something we Brits once again had a hand in, fixing the border between Malaysia and Thailand in 1909. But Pattani had already seceded to Thailand some 300 years previously so was a fixed part of siamese society by 1909. The troubles are of course caused by Islamist extremists who see their now strong islamic neighbour Malaysia and want to be a part of that , there is absolutely no historical tie with Malaysia that is as strong as the ties to Thailand.

Islam is an odd religion, Islam comes first or rather Allah, gods will comes first, that means before family, before state, before anything including the King. This is obviously a problem when it comes to asking the muslim population to help the Thai authorities with their investigations... Islam comes first. This is a problem here as it is in the UK muslim groups will not help non-muslims target one of their own as it is against Islam, and Islam comes first. That is the only thing worth remembering Islam will always whatever the situation come first... it is a sign of the strength of their faith in Allah. So what option to the authorities have, no one will help them in their work so they do the only thing they can think of, random searches hoping to catch someone in the act.

I have no sympathy whatsoever to those muslims living in Pattani if they continue in their current stand off of not helping. Muslim societies are close knit by nature, so of course they will know far more than they could ever let on to the army or police. Islam is at fault 100% it is inflexible in its current dogmatic interpretation of the Koran, a result of the revolution in Iran in the 1980's.

If muslims are leaving because of intimidation, well it is their own fault... unfortuantely!

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I've just added a 0.5% of repulsion for muslims...I just made the on-line check in for me and my gf as tomorrow we are flying back to my home for Christmas. When you make the booking online, the plane is an Airbus A330-200, a very good plane...a few minutes ago I just made the on-line check in and guess what, the Airbus A330-200 turned into an old A340-300, no inflight entertainment, no nothing :o I call their customer care to verify this and I've been transfered to 3 different representatives, the 3rd one hooked up, I didn't even had the time to tell them what I want to ask :D

Just a bunch of dumb cheats and they're all the same, I haven't meet a single muslim not trying to BS people :D

Next time I'll spend 2 more hours in the plane and fly Austrian or KLM or whatever...

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I've just added a 0.5% of repulsion for muslims...I just made the on-line check in for me and my gf as tomorrow we are flying back to my home for Christmas. When you make the booking online, the plane is an Airbus A330-200, a very good plane...a few minutes ago I just made the on-line check in and guess what, the Airbus A330-200 turned into an old A340-300, no inflight entertainment, no nothing :o I call their customer care to verify this and I've been transfered to 3 different representatives, the 3rd one hooked up, I didn't even had the time to tell them what I want to ask :D

Just a bunch of dumb cheats and they're all the same, I haven't meet a single muslim not trying to BS people :D

Next time I'll spend 2 more hours in the plane and fly Austrian or KLM or whatever...

Which Airline ?????

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....with US approval AND MONEY, 1 billion dollars if I remember correctly and US military trainers for the taliban army. Objective completed, no more russians in Afghanistan.

With US approval,Money, military trainers and

US armaments.Many of which including stinger missiles were later sold to different gov'ts and militant groups. Yes the russian military in afghanistan has been replaced by ex russian military people smuggling heroin and women. What a coup!


First off your assertions are partially correct, BUT you are confusing a few important items.

1) The US supported the Mujaheddin who were not fighting Russia but the Soviet Union, of which Russia was a part.

2) The Mujaheddin were composed of various tribal warlord factions who were ethnically Pashtun, Tajik, Uzbek etc.

3) After the Soviets left Afghanistan, the Mujaheddin attempted to govern the country, but failed due to internal conflicts among the tribes.

4) The Pashtun Mujaheddin faction formed the Taliban, the others became the Northern alliance. There were exceptions, Karzai the current president is Pashtun.

5) The USA never recognized the Taliban, only Pakistan (Pashtun) and Saudi Arabia officially recognized the government.

6) Not normally reported, but the Mujaheddin governments under Tajik (Northern Alliance) control have as much blood on their hands as the Taliban did.

7) While some money supporting the present day Taliban might come from Al Qaeda and Pakistan, the vast majority is coming from the drug trade. Much of the conflict being experienced right now in Afghanistan by the Taliban is not as much from religious extremism as to the war lords protecting their cash crop.

8) Ex-Soviet trained fighters are not with the present day Taliban. If anything the Taliban has many members who were in Chechnya fighting the Soviets than the Russians. There is also many fresh from the Balkan wars where they were supporting the Croats. There is no women smuggling by the Taliban, that is a Russian thing........

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I've just added a 0.5% of repulsion for muslims...I just made the on-line check in for me and my gf as tomorrow we are flying back to my home for Christmas. When you make the booking online, the plane is an Airbus A330-200, a very good plane...a few minutes ago I just made the on-line check in and guess what, the Airbus A330-200 turned into an old A340-300, no inflight entertainment, no nothing :o I call their customer care to verify this and I've been transfered to 3 different representatives, the 3rd one hooked up, I didn't even had the time to tell them what I want to ask :D

Just a bunch of dumb cheats and they're all the same, I haven't meet a single muslim not trying to BS people :D

Next time I'll spend 2 more hours in the plane and fly Austrian or KLM or whatever...

Which Airline ?????

Turkish Airlines, forgot to mention, I will not fly again with these cheats even if it will be for free :D

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Just a bunch of dumb cheats and they're all the same, I haven't meet a single muslim not trying to BS people :D

the reason must be that you -being a Christian- are far superior to any Muslim you have met until today. inferior human beings have the tendency to cheat and BS superior ones.


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Just a bunch of dumb cheats and they're all the same, I haven't meet a single muslim not trying to BS people :o

With one stroke of a brush and separating the hardliner from the moderate, your hatred against Muslim seems very much rooted in your heart. Think deeply before you contemplate to measure any religions and ethnic group by the size of their hearts.

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There is obviously a lot of history with the area of Pattani, something we Brits once again had a hand in, fixing the border between Malaysia and Thailand in 1909. But Pattani had already seceded to Thailand some 300 years previously so was a fixed part of siamese society by 1909. The troubles are of course caused by Islamist extremists who see their now strong islamic neighbour Malaysia and want to be a part of that , there is absolutely no historical tie with Malaysia that is as strong as the ties to Thailand.

Islam is an odd religion, Islam comes first or rather Allah, gods will comes first, that means before family, before state, before anything including the King. This is obviously a problem when it comes to asking the muslim population to help the Thai authorities with their investigations... Islam comes first. This is a problem here as it is in the UK muslim groups will not help non-muslims target one of their own as it is against Islam, and Islam comes first. That is the only thing worth remembering Islam will always whatever the situation come first... it is a sign of the strength of their faith in Allah. So what option to the authorities have, no one will help them in their work so they do the only thing they can think of, random searches hoping to catch someone in the act.

I have no sympathy whatsoever to those muslims living in Pattani if they continue in their current stand off of not helping. Muslim societies are close knit by nature, so of course they will know far more than they could ever let on to the army or police. Islam is at fault 100% it is inflexible in its current dogmatic interpretation of the Koran, a result of the revolution in Iran in the 1980's.

If muslims are leaving because of intimidation, well it is their own fault... unfortuantely!

I agree. Muslim societies have not kept the pace with most of Western culture and progress due mostly to the fact that they have never separated religion from state. The separation of church from state in Europe heralded a massive upsurge in science; education; arts; and commerce. The world is now a much smaller place, and this unbalanced development and percieved unequality is creating much of today's troubles.

Added to that the practise of a lot of corrupt Islamic governments of maintaining political stability at home by exporting terrorism over the borders....

The freakoid right-wing Baptist nutters in the US have way too much influence too. :o

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Just had a chat with one of my neighbours, a Muslim who is also a VP at Stan Chart, and he takes full responsibility for Turkish Airways giving a bigot a hard time.

And as to the following:

alexth wrote:

I call their customer care to verify this and I've been transfered to 3 different representatives, the 3rd one hooked up, I didn't even had the time to tell them what I want to as
He was having a bit of a laugh at your expense . . . :o He also left the impression that all employees of Turkish Airlines are Muslim . . . just so you could increase your bigotry.

He gives his humble apologies on behalf of all Muslims and suggests that you should loosen your pursestrings and fly with a proper airline instead of being tight-fisted and flying Turkish !!! :D:D:D

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Just had a chat with one of my neighbours, a Muslim who is also a VP at Stan Chart, and he takes full responsibility for Turkish Airways giving a bigot a hard time.

And as to the following:

alexth wrote:

I call their customer care to verify this and I've been transfered to 3 different representatives, the 3rd one hooked up, I didn't even had the time to tell them what I want to as
He was having a bit of a laugh at your expense . . . :D He also left the impression that all employees of Turkish Airlines are Muslim . . . just so you could increase your bigotry.

He gives his humble apologies on behalf of all Muslims and suggests that you should loosen your pursestrings and fly with a proper airline instead of being tight-fisted and flying Turkish !!! :D:D:bah:

First of all, your neighbour's attitude is natural, for a muslim :o

Secondly, I'm flying turkish (for the last time) because it's closer to home than any other airline flying ti Europe, it's not a money issue, of course you can sit there and make assumptions and presumes all day long.

Ha Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha :D

With one stroke of a brush and separating the hardliner from the moderate, your hatred against Muslim seems very much rooted in your heart. Think deeply before you contemplate to measure any religions and ethnic group by the size of their hearts.

It's not one stroke of brush, I've already wasted dozens of large brushes...

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Poor Alexth, he really should not have to defend his oppinion like this. I mean you can have a oppinion about any group that you like just so long as you treat people with respect and courtesy when you encounter them. Provided ofcourse they reciprocate.

Take me for example, I think Muslims are great in my book, generally better than Christians, and 100 times better than Jews which I throughly despise for all the same reasons(and a bus load more) that Alexth dosn't like Muslims.

However, when I meet someone I always give them the benefit of the doubt first. And my mind is forever open to change.

Either way, a Man's gotta right to his thoughts.

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I guess your big shot muslim friend is also having a lough at this . A muslim govt. in such a nice country... :o

Yes, yes, he is having a great laugh because as a banker he likes economic downturns . . . I guess to explain that to you would take too long, so I will try not to. It is good to know, however, that you have replaced the 'Great Jewish Conspiracy' to the 'Great Muslim Conspiracy'.

So, your national airline (if you have one) doesn't fly to Bangkok? How cosmopolitan of your heritage . . . a Hellenic hero or Cypriot cavalier, are you? That might exlain the bigotry.

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