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Americans oppose bathroom laws limiting transgender rights - poll


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4 hours ago, kowpot said:

This is what people are afraid of.  How is a parent especially suppose to know who is really transgender and who is just using the law to gain access to a bathroom or another sex.


Friday, May 13, 2016
A man is accused of choking an 8-year-old girl until she passed out in the bathroom of a restaurant in Chicago's South Loop.

The girl was with her mother at the Jason's Deli in the 1200-block of South Canal Street on Saturday, police said. The girl and her mother were inside the restroom separated by stalls around 1:15 p.m.

Police say 33-year-old Reese Hartstirn walked in and targeted the girl, choking her and trying to lock her in a stall. The mother heard her daughter scream and grabbed her.

Police said other people in the deli helped hold the man until officers arrived.


True, this does not say that the man was transgender, but this is what people in the States read all too often.



The only connection this incident has with the topic is that it happened in a toilet.


"It does not say that the man was transgender". Because the attacker was not transgender. Nobody can provide evidence of any attack by a genuine transgender female on women in female toilets. It just does not happen.


A complete beat up.

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

I have no clue, where you got that idea from!

A transgender-woman (born male, now woman) is no male- period (no pun intended)!

The case mentioned here is about a male sex- offender and therefore has nothing to do with the subject, being discussed here!

He was NOT transgender and he was NOT dressing up as a woman, to gain "access" to the restroom- which seems to be the common idea of right wing knuckledraggers, about how this works!

You would have made a point IF the offender would have done/ been either of the above...but he wasn't!

So what the #$@^ is the point?


OK, I will try and explain it a different way. I can already see that no matter what, we are not going to agree.

 The law in most states, say that a person should be able to use the restroom "bathroom" of their choosing in regard to which gender they associate themselves with.  

 The problem I and others see is,  who is to know if the individual actually associates oneself with that gender or are they just using it as a way of  gaining access to the other genders bathroom? I for one do not see this as a problem for men if a woman chooses to use the men's bathroom. But, I definitely see it as a problem the other way around. Just as you say, criminals and peds can use this to their advantage.

 This is all I am going to say on this matter.


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2 hours ago, DM07 said:

I have no clue, where you got that idea from!

A transgender-woman (born male, now woman) is no male- period (no pun intended)!

The case mentioned here is about a male sex- offender and therefore has nothing to do with the subject, being discussed here!

He was NOT transgender and he was NOT dressing up as a woman, to gain "access" to the restroom- which seems to be the common idea of right wing knuckledraggers, about how this works!

You would have made a point IF the offender would have done/ been either of the above...but he wasn't!

So what the #$@^ is the point?


OK, I will try and explain it a different way. I can already see that no matter what, we are not going to agree.

 The law in most states, say that a person should be able to use the restroom "bathroom" of their choosing in regard to which gender they associate themselves with.  

 The problem I and others see is,  who is to know if the individual actually associates oneself with that gender or are they just using it as a way of  gaining access to the other genders bathroom? I for one do not see this as a problem for men if a woman chooses to use the men's bathroom. But, I definitely see it as a problem the other way around. Just as you say, criminals and peds can use this to their advantage.

 This is all I am going to say on this matter.

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4 minutes ago, kowpot said:

OK, I will try and explain it a different way. I can already see that no matter what, we are not going to agree.

 The law in most states, say that a person should be able to use the restroom "bathroom" of their choosing in regard to which gender they associate themselves with.  

 The problem I and others see is,  who is to know if the individual actually associates oneself with that gender or are they just using it as a way of  gaining access to the other genders bathroom? I for one do not see this as a problem for men if a woman chooses to use the men's bathroom. But, I definitely see it as a problem the other way around. Just as you say, criminals and peds can use this to their advantage.

 This is all I am going to say on this matter.


You continue to go on about men in women's bathrooms. Is there some reason that you refuse to acknowledge the existence of trans women?  A trans woman is not a man. Until you accept this, they you will always be on the wrong side of the issue. Fortunately, as the OP states, most Americans oppose these bathroom Bills.


Whether your insistence on your interpretation of conformity is inspired by religion, ignorance or some internal fear, this does not entitle you to advocate for the removal of Constitutional Rights for one group of US Citizens.

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15 minutes ago, kowpot said:

OK, I will try and explain it a different way. I can already see that no matter what, we are not going to agree.

 The law in most states, say that a person should be able to use the restroom "bathroom" of their choosing in regard to which gender they associate themselves with.  

 The problem I and others see is,  who is to know if the individual actually associates oneself with that gender or are they just using it as a way of  gaining access to the other genders bathroom? I for one do not see this as a problem for men if a woman chooses to use the men's bathroom. But, I definitely see it as a problem the other way around. Just as you say, criminals and peds can use this to their advantage.

 This is all I am going to say on this matter.


You are a bit thick, aren't you?!

Pervs and peds DON'T CARE and they never have, if they are "allowed" in women's restrooms!

But you think, now they go the extra mile, put on a women's dress and claim to their defense, that they felt like a woman on that particular day?!

And that point will actually convince any judge and from now on, every perverted pig in the US plays dress up, to gain free access to a women's toilet, where they can attack women and girls willy-nilly?

What planet are you living on?

It takes a little more than silk- stockings, to convince experts that you are a transgender!

Who is to know?

The same people, who knew that healthcare was a complicated subject!


I never said, criminals and peds can use "that" to their advantage!

And to your last sentence: good!

That means you spare us more of your BS!

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13 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Scorning the 'push back' against the hetero-normative patriarchy while telling transgender people what to do, what they need and where to pee.


Very droll.


Well at least we now see your definition of push back. Trite manufactured talking points divorced from the experiences and needs of actual LGBT people and the stinging equivalent of being struck by wet lettuce.


If words do not define you, what does? Your attempts at trying to claim nuance among the Right is craven and completely reinforces my point about words. You may think that you can cherry pick, like the best Champagne-fed enfant terrible but concepts such as reactionary and chauvinism are not open to nuance.


You mansplain Thailand to me as a long term documented permanent resident. You mansplain transgender to me as a member of the LGBT community and now you mansplain diabetes to me as a sufferer due to hereditary causes. Just how much shame do you wish to engender in people who are not you and do not wish to be you?

My original response to you was removed so heres an extremely simplified version.


Pushback is voting for policy and supporting those who's values align with our own. Simple.


ACTIONS define us. It seems that these days especially on university campuses and dozens of left leaning youtube channels nobody is taught the difference between actions and words hence why many students would think something so bizare as words are the same thing as violence. So i understand why you would think words define us instead of actions.


Mansplaining is just another term to try to delegitimize concerns and arguments of men that don't toe the line of the liberal agenda. Try again, it doesn't work in the real world.

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So you refuse to acknowledge the existence of transgender women and call them men? Labels or not, that's definitely a right wing POV, in fact, an extremist one. These transgender girls and women need to use the toilet just like you. Loosen up and let them even exist in the public world. It's no skin off your ...



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On the question of transgender people that present in an ambiguous way, they still need to find a good choice when out in public for their human toileting needs.

Keep in mind there are many people, I assume more than transgender people, that are CISGENDER but still present in gender ambiguous ways. They also need toilets in public. Get a grip, folks, and show some basic compassion and tolerance. Let my people piss!

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On the question of transgender people that present in an ambiguous way, they still need to find a good choice when out in public for their human toileting needs.
Keep in mind there are many people, I assume more than transgender people, that are CISGENDER but still present in gender ambiguous ways. They also need toilets in public. Get a grip, folks, and show some basic compassion and tolerance. Let my people piss!

I respect that
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10 minutes ago, kowpot said:

Your link appears to have nothing to do with the assertion I asked for proof about.

Kind of a sleazy gambit, eh? 


It was asserted that previously historically that most state laws dictated gender usage of toilets. I find that hard to actually believe, so I requested proof for that assertion. 


Until that proof is provided that most states codified gender restrictions in use of gender labeled toilets, if that's possible and actually true, my assumption is that gender rules for toilets historically are more like unwritten rules and that when there might have been a problem or complaint in the past where the law was involved, they could use general charges like disturbing the peace or even public indecency, etc. 


It's no doubt true that in recent years the question of transgender civil rights with public toilets has become a thing and various new laws have come up to address that. Mostly about oppressing transgender people in their toileting choices. 


Since it is now out in the open, my POV is that there should be a national law protecting the civil rights of transgender people to exist comfortably in public around their toilet gender choices. I know that isn't going to happen anytime soon, but given the trend of bigot laws to harass transgender people, that's the only humane long term solution.



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13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


Since it is now out in the open, my POV is that there should be a national law protecting the civil rights of transgender people to exist comfortably in public around their toilet gender choices. I know that isn't going to happen anytime soon, but given the trend of bigot laws to harass transgender people, that's the only humane long term solution.



Yes yes, it's always just 'bigoted laws' and never legitimate concern from the rest of us who have a differing viewpoint. 

We get it, if we don't toe the line of liberals we're automatically bigots and shouldn't be taken seriously in the least.

Blah blah blah yadda yadda and so forth.

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5 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Yes yes, it's always just 'bigoted laws' and never legitimate concern from the rest of us who have a differing viewpoint. 

We get it, if we don't toe the line of liberals we're automatically bigots and shouldn't be taken seriously in the least.

Blah blah blah yadda yadda and so forth.

Don't take the bait. They are only trying to bait you so that you may be censored. 

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12 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Yes yes, it's always just 'bigoted laws' and never legitimate concern from the rest of us who have a differing viewpoint. 

We get it, if we don't toe the line of liberals we're automatically bigots and shouldn't be taken seriously in the least.

Blah blah blah yadda yadda and so forth.

Dude, back off.

I didn't call you a bigot. I don't know you and don't care to know you.

I said bigot laws and I stand by that. If a law is telling all transgender people that they are required by law to use the gender toilet of their birth certificate, then by definition such laws are designed to oppress transgender people and basically deny their existence and humanity. In the long run, such bigotry will not stand. But now under trump and the right wing extremism that it promotes, such bigotry will make gains.

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4 minutes ago, kowpot said:

Don't take the bait. They are only trying to bait you so that you may be censored. 

Censorship and a hate for free speech(unless it suits them) have always been principles of the left. 

I've already been censored for exposing the lying MSM here before so I'm used to it.

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7 minutes ago, kowpot said:

Don't take the bait. They are only trying to bait you so that you may be censored. 

Paranoia isn't pretty. Similar to right wing perverts being obsessed about the birth certificates of their neighbors in public toilets. If there is anyone breaking laws in toilets, such as sexual assault or rape, regardless of gender I.D., there are already laws on the books addressing that in all 50 states. 

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Just now, Rigby40 said:

Censorship and a hate for free speech(unless it suits them) have always been principles of the left. 

I've already been censored for exposing the lying MSM here before so I'm used to it.

Huge lie. We're talking aren't we? Playing the victim when you've got an ally in the white house that completely controls the government? It doesn't wash. 

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Dude, back off.

I didn't call you a bigot. I don't know you and don't care to know you.

I said bigot laws and I stand by that. If a law is telling all transgender people that they are required by law to use the gender toilet of their birth certificate, then by definition such laws are designed to oppress transgender people and basically deny their existence and humanity. In the long run, such bigotry will not stand. But now under trump and the right wing extremism that it promotes, such bigotry will make gains.

Dude? Did you just assume my gender?? Talk about oppression and bigotry.

Every time someone makes the silly claim that Trump is "Extreme right wing" i literally laugh out loud involuntarily. I can't help it.

You do understand that millions of disenfranchised liberals and independents support Trump right? I can name you dozens of liberal youtubers with huge followings off the top of my head that support at least some of Trump's policies, while still maintaining a liberal position.

Ah you guys still don't get it. And that is why Trump won and why he or Pence will win again in 2020. Go ahead, keep painting him and his constituency as 'extreme right' but prepare to keep losing.

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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Huge lie. We're talking aren't we? Playing the victim when you've got an ally in the white house that completely controls the government? It doesn't wash. 

You obviously don't understand what playing the victim means. Simply stating a fact isn't playing the victim. It's not my website, they can run it the way they want to and censor whomever they want, I really don't care.

I'm just saying on forums or platforms that lean left, we're used to it. Oh well.

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3 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

You obviously don't understand what playing the victim means. Simply stating a fact isn't playing the victim. It's not my website, they can run it the way they want to and censor whomever they want, I really don't care.

I'm just saying on forums or platforms that lean left, we're used to it. Oh well.

You're hilarious about the  playing the victim thing. You can dish it out but can't take it. Big surprise. 

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Just now, Rigby40 said:

Actually, please call me xude and xir, xer or xim in other situations where applicable. Thanks.

This is getting tedious. Time to disengage. Keep up the "good" fight to deny basic civil and human rights to your fellow Americans that happen to be transgender. 

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