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Americans oppose bathroom laws limiting transgender rights - poll


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Americans oppose bathroom laws limiting transgender rights - poll

By Letitia Stein



A sign protesting a recent North Carolina law restricting transgender bathroom access adorns the bathroom stalls at the 21C Museum Hotel in Durham, North Carolina May 3, 2016. REUTERS/Jonathan Drake/File Photo


REUTERS - The majority of respondents to a new U.S. poll opposed laws barring transgender people from using bathrooms consistent with their gender identities and indicated growing acceptance for gay rights, a nonpartisan research group said on Friday.


Fifty-three percent of the Americans surveyed oppose laws requiring transgender people to use bathrooms that correspond to their sex at birth, according to the national poll by the Public Religion Research Institute.


The survey showed that 39 percent of respondents favored such laws, and almost one in 10 of the 2,031 adults surveyed in February by telephone had no opinion.

The issue of transgender bathroom rights has become the latest flashpoint in the long U.S. battle over lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights.


Significant partisan divisions remain, the survey found. While 65 percent of Democrats and 57 percent of independents oppose laws limiting transgender bathroom rights, 59 percent of Republicans support the laws, according to the poll. Thirty-six percent of Republicans oppose them.


"This is a case where it really is Republicans kind of pulling away and being more of an outlier to the rest of the country," said Robert P. Jones, chief executive of the Washington-based group.


The poll results come as Republican leaders in Texas are among those considering whether to follow North Carolina in requiring people to use the bathrooms matching their gender at birth in public schools and government buildings.


The U.S. Supreme Court this week sidestepped a major ruling on whether transgender students are entitled to bathroom choice under federal anti-discrimination law.


That decision followed Republican President Donald Trump's swift move to rescind a 2016 directive by former Democratic President Barack Obama's administration to open up bathroom access in U.S. public schools.


Across the United States, acceptance is growing for same-sex marriage, found the poll, which had a margin of error of 2.6 percentage points. Support for same-sex marriage rose to 63 percent in the new survey, up from 52 percent in a 2013 poll.


Partisan divides highlight the influence of white evangelicals among Republicans, Jones said in a telephone interview. They are the only major religious group still strongly opposed to same-sex marriage, polling showed, with most others supportive and black Protestants divided.


While only 45 percent of Republicans favor the legalization of same-sex marriage, the poll found a majority of Republicans under the age of 50 support it.


The poll also found bipartisan support for laws protecting LGBT people from discrimination.


(Reporting by Letitia Stein in Tampa, Fla.; Editing by Colleen Jenkins and Matthew Lewis)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-3-10
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Trump and the old white straight bigots who voted for him are again on the wrong side of history. Muslim bans being challenged by an increasing number of States, Obamacare Repeal and Replace a mess, Administrative cock ups on a daily basis and lunatic tweets of fringe conspiracy theories. Most Americans support LGBT equality. Most Americans support marriage equality. Now most Americans support transgender dignity. The toothless old reactionaries can do no more than make weak, stale and infantile 'jokes' to hide their psycho-sexual dysfunction about toilet issues, a remnant of their traumatic potty training.


Millennials and forward thinking people on the right side of history just need to wait until later 2018 to start reversing the destruction of values by the nihilist trump fanboys.

Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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15 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

Trump and the old white straight bigots who voted for him are again on the wrong side of history. Muslim bans being challenged by an increasing number of States, Obamacare Repeal and Replace a mess, Administrative cock ups on a daily basis and lunatic tweets of fringe conspiracy theories. Most Americans support LGBT equality. Most Americans support marriage equality. Now most Americans support transgender dignity. The toothless old reactionaries can do no more than make weak, stale and infantile 'jokes' to hide their psycho-sexual dysfunction about toilet issues, a remnant of their traumatic potty training.


Millennials and forward thinking people on the right side of history just need to wait until later 2018 to start reversing the destruction of values by the nihilist trump fanboys.


A lot of young white bigots also voted for Trump.


So did a lot of black bigots and Mexican bigots, they're well known for their macho posturing.

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Just now, yogi100 said:


A lot of young white bigots also voted for Trump.


So did a lot of black bigots and Mexican bigots, they're well known for their macho posturing.


Only 8% of African Americans voted for him. Less than 30% of Latinos did also.


So you might see the as a 'lot' but you are wrong. As for young white bigots, I have no idea how you define that demographic since it is quite evident that Millennials are pro-diversity and have very little connection to the Baby Boomers' Culture Wars.


Stereotyping African Americans and Latinos are anti LGBT is quite stupid given the overwhelming evidence of majority LGBT support among Americans. You can stay on the wrong side of history but be prepared to be marginalized and ignored as people go about their business engaging with non-whites, LGBT, refugees, muslims and all sorts of other diverse communities.

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Transgenderism is a mental disorder like paranoid schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder with a 40% suicide rate (4% is average). People inflicted with these terrible disorders deserve compassion and kindness, but to encourage this behavior is psychotic

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1 minute ago, stander said:

Transgenderism is a mental disorder like paranoid schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder with a 40% suicide rate (4% is average). People inflicted with these terrible disorders deserve compassion and kindness, but to encourage this behavior is psychotic


Yeah, just force the "freaks" to hide out at home because they aren't allowed to use public facilities that are most logical and least publicly disruptive for their gender identity/presentation.

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 I do not care how people dress or what they call themselves. It is a free country. But letting men use the women's bathroom is an idiotic invitation by society to sexual predators that directly puts women & little girls in danger. 


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37 minutes ago, stander said:


 I do not care how people dress or what they call themselves. It is a free country. But letting men use the women's bathroom is an idiotic invitation by society to sexual predators that directly puts women & little girls in danger. 


So you're obsessed with transgender women's toileting activities but don't care about transgender men's toileting activities. Hilarious.

You're making stuff up. Pure fear mongering. Shame on you for spreading hatred and ignorance.

Scapegoating is UGLY. 

Women and children are not in danger from transgender women using women's facilities. In trump's America, it's the transgender women and men that are in danger from bigoted laws and bigoted people that now feel it's open season on minorities.  

Edited by Jingthing
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I am surprised that people who have an experience of living in Thailand for a least a short time and being exposed to the Thai Ladyboy culture still think that a transgender person puts women and little girls in danger, especially in the toilets.

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13 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

Trump and the old white straight bigots who voted for him are again on the wrong side of history. Muslim bans being challenged by an increasing number of States, Obamacare Repeal and Replace a mess, Administrative cock ups on a daily basis and lunatic tweets of fringe conspiracy theories. Most Americans support LGBT equality. Most Americans support marriage equality. Now most Americans support transgender dignity. The toothless old reactionaries can do no more than make weak, stale and infantile 'jokes' to hide their psycho-sexual dysfunction about toilet issues, a remnant of their traumatic potty training.


Millennials and forward thinking people on the right side of history just need to wait until later 2018 to start reversing the destruction of values by the nihilist trump fanboys.

perfectly stated sir. Well done. David, CM LGBT Group Leader.

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52 minutes ago, stander said:


 I do not care how people dress or what they call themselves. It is a free country. But letting men use the women's bathroom is an idiotic invitation by society to sexual predators that directly puts women & little girls in danger. 


It should be note that more Republican Politicians Have been caught In bathroom sexual misconduct than Trans People ... :coffee1: 

Edited by sfokevin
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1 hour ago, stander said:


 I do not care how people dress or what they call themselves. It is a free country. But letting men use the women's bathroom is an idiotic invitation by society to sexual predators that directly puts women & little girls in danger. 



Women and little girls thank you for your concern but they point out that your concern and that of people like you is defunding Planned Parenthood and denying reproductive health care to millions. Women and little girls also are telling you that they are not worried about trans women in ladies toilets because they know that there has never been an instance of a trans woman sexually assaulting a female in the ladies toilet. Finally women and little girls tell you that since you are not trans and have no respect for LGBT people, that you should keep your mouth shut. Now the you are in the minority, there will be increased consequences for your kind of hate speech.


It is inevitable that the majority will increase over time until by the next generation anyone expressing that kind of ignorant, bigoted nonsense about LGBT people will be unwelcome in polite society.

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If a male feels like he's supposed to be a female, Why don't we give him male hormones so he'll feel like a male? Instead of mutilating his body to conform to his feelings, Why don't we try to fix his feelings to conform to his body? 

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4 minutes ago, stander said:

If a male feels like he's supposed to be a female, Why don't we give him male hormones so he'll feel like a male? Instead of mutilating his body to conform to his feelings, Why don't we try to fix his feelings to conform to his body? 


Force her to take hormones she doesn't want to take, you're saying? Wow. So mean.


Not sure the hateful nasty thing you're suggesting is really much different than forcing gay boys into conversion therapy (which doesn't work, is abusive, and is correctly illegal in some places). 

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, Gene1960 said:

I am surprised that people who have an experience of living in Thailand for a least a short time and being exposed to the Thai Ladyboy culture still think that a transgender person puts women and little girls in danger, especially in the toilets.

It's very hard to compare western culture to what is the norm in LOS.


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1 hour ago, Gene1960 said:

I am surprised that people who have an experience of living in Thailand for a least a short time and being exposed to the Thai Ladyboy culture still think that a transgender person puts women and little girls in danger, especially in the toilets.

It's very hard to compare western culture to what is the norm in LOS.


Edited by rice555
please remove, double post
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1 minute ago, Mansell said:

Stander your ignorance is beyond scary......it could only be worse if you were running the USA. 555

trump doesn't really care about such "morality" issues, look at his own personal behavior, but he does care about a really important part of his political base, the anti LGBTQ civil rights bigots, Christian fundies, etc.

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It's very hard to compare western culture to what is the norm in LOS.

Yes. It's difficult.

My daughter spent a year at a USA high school as an exchange student. It was a big school in Bay Area and she used a school bus with a transgender girl. She was bullied at school, had no friends, nobody was giving her car rides. Sad!
They became friends. My daughter said that it's because of her experience of staying with her half sister, who lives in Thailand and is married to a Thai, and seeing transgendered people around in the town my older daughter lives in .
Thailand can teach people kindness.
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3 hours ago, stander said:

Transgenderism is a mental disorder like paranoid schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder with a 40% suicide rate (4% is average). People inflicted with these terrible disorders deserve compassion and kindness, but to encourage this behavior is psychotic


Transgenderism has many causes, sex chromosome abnormalities, hormone insensitivity, epigenetic methylation, interuterine environment just to mention a few. NONE of them are due to any sort of mental disorder. I repeat NONE.

People who fail to recognize this do not deserve any sort acknowledgement but should be recognised as ignorant transphobics

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