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questions about going to cebu philipines

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First if my thread is in the wrong section please change it. 


I’ve read threw multiple different websites about watching for beggars, being followed or attempts at being mugged, women offering special services, numerous types of taxi scam, money scam, fake travel agents, kids trying to open the taxi cab to steal my stuff and other things I'd like to ask about other areas of concern in regards to the following


- On taxis - Spray modus, Kontrata system -notice the taxi driver waving a cloth or spraying something towards the air conditioning vents you begins to feel dizzy and if unaware of what is going on, may pass out and leave yourself vulnerable to being held-up or even worse


- Laglag Droga ‘laglag bala’ or ‘tanim bala - contaminated with drugs threw a necklace or gloves apparantly given either at the airport or other destination, wind up possibly going to jail if police dog sniffs you


- Budol Budol Gang - The budol-budol scam involves a bundle (budol) of cash padded inside with sheets of paper cut in the size of money. Only the exposed sides are real money, everything in between are plain sheets of paper. This is done by a group of people with an attractive lead, to disarm the victim and avoid suspicion at the same time. Budol budol gang members are often described as sweet-talking, charismatic, and convincing. The “main actor” of the gang will try and sway victims to swap his bundle of cash with a cellphone or an expensive piece of jewelry


- Are there any other things to be highly aware of, i know already about places like davao, mindanao, sulu sea area to avoid and I’m well aware of the kidnapping and ransoms


- other question is how unsafe is it to walk alone at night


- Any other things to be highly aware of would be useful


Look forward to your response

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Cebu is not as bad as Manila but still has its fair share of crime, but with common sense applied, you should be fine.

Cebu Taxis are no problem at all. I don't even use GRAB there, as I have never had a problem with a regular cab. Get on the cab and do NOT ask the most stupid question one can ever ask a Taxi driver ("how much"). Tell the driver your destination and he will switch on the meter. In the extremely rare case (at least in Cebu) where he doesn't, get off and do not start any negotiations. There will be another Cab coming along after a few seconds.


Yes there may be (child) beggars as the country is extremely poor. Lock the door and you will be fine. And avoid to walk the streets at night particularly as a first-timer who is not familiar with the different areas of the City (with COLON STREET AREA and the entire downtown being dodgy even during daylight hours. Uptown along Mango Ave is usually okay) And don't appear paranoid, as shady characters can smell such thing and will take advantage. IT PARK along Salinas Drive is a pleasant upscale night spot with plenty of Restos and Pubs. This is where many BPO-offices are housed in highrise-office-towers and thousands of call center agents work there 24 hrs a day. Very safe to walk around within this complex

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