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United Airlines under fire for 'barring girls wearing leggings'


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It's a shame that people don't dress appropriately as a matter of course.


I am old enough to remember people actually dressing smartly in club class!


Now, yobbish, loutish behaviour is the thing. Not so long ago I had an Australian moved because I didn't want to sit next to his vest/singlet, shorts and bare feet. He was mad as wet hen ?. Or was it a peasant?

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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

It's a shame that people don't dress appropriately as a matter of course.


I am old enough to remember people actually dressing smartly in club class!


Now, yobbish, loutish behaviour is the thing. Not so long ago I had an Australian moved because I didn't want to sit next to his vest/singlet, shorts and bare feet. He was mad as wet hen ?. Or was it a peasant?

Maybe a Grouchy Grouse. 

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Years ago, I dressed smart casual when I was flying.   Now, I dress to get through the screening.   That usually means shorts, no belt, a T-shirt/polo shirt and slip on shoes.  


Even then, there is the occasional dreaded beep, beep, but at least there is a lot less of me to get patted down.  

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15 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

What's daft is the idea that a public-facing company like an airline can't set a simple dress-code for its employees and their guests when exercising special privileges the airline has granted them.


Who knew that companies have dress codes...



Every new employe goes through a 2 day program that has people from the credit

union, medical/dental programs, work rules and vacation time(how much you get),

and you pass privileges and the guide lines using them.

I got bumped out of first class one time for wearing a pair of $140. leather Nike's,

more of a casual shoe, not trainers. The rules say, no tennis shoes. In the 80's.



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1 hour ago, Scott said:

Years ago, I dressed smart casual when I was flying.   Now, I dress to get through the screening.   That usually means shorts, no belt, a T-shirt/polo shirt and slip on shoes.  


Even then, there is the occasional dreaded beep, beep, but at least there is a lot less of me to get patted down.  

You forgot the Prince Albert ring?



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On 3/27/2017 at 9:21 AM, Briggsy said:

The issue seems to have been related to the fact they were travelling on a special pass for company staff and a dress code applies. Presumably they were family.


Sounds like someone is twisting the story because they didn't want to pay for a regular ticket.

The story was posted by someone totally unrelated to the girls, she didn't know they were flying free and that there was a dress code. Naturally it went viral proving that misinformation travels half way around the world before the truth gets it's shoes on.



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1 hour ago, riceyummm said:

The story was posted by someone totally unrelated to the girls, she didn't know they were flying free and that there was a dress code. Naturally it went viral proving that misinformation travels half way around the world before the truth gets it's shoes on.



You don't fly free, you pay a service charge, and there have been increases

over the years. Remember that this is "standby only" for pleasure/vacation

travel, not for personal buisness(side buisness, like renting you condos in

Hawaii like some did), you could lose pass privileges or job if caught.

DIF passes are positive space going, but stand by coming back.(death in the family. and some other family emergencies also.



Edited by rice555
forgot word
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TBH, I didn't even know what "leggings" were.  They are, apparently, the latest "thing " to be upset about on-line - a beacon for feminist activists, and females who, under normal circumstances, wouldn't be caught dead in them.
There's another BBC article in the news stream about this.  An elected official in 'Murica apparently weighed in publicly, suggesting females over the age of 20 shouldn't wear these leggings.  His rationale was, at or under that youthful age, females look good and even cute in revealing clothing.   Given the reported trend in child obesity these days, he might be out of touch, or just engaging in wishful thinking.  Apart from that, you can imagine his comment sent feminists into deep space orbit; and him scrambling back under his white male rock of shame, claiming he was, "Jus' kiddin'!"  LOL.
On the other hand, and not that United Corporate deserves any retroactive credit here but, our feminist activists and their male sycophants, ought to quit Twitting memes and cliches on Twitter for 2 minutes, and remember the opportunistic perverts and pedophiles that walk among us.  Even sit next to us on flying machines as anonymously as those on United Airlines Family Pass tickets do.  Maybe they forgot in their haste to get triggered. 
They would say women can wear whatever they want without fear of being chatted up or accosted by some creep, or worse.  And they would be right, at least in theory, for grown women who, in theory, can take care of themselves.
In this case however, Mom dressed her 10 year old daughter in leggings and sent her, along with other youngish girls in leggings, into the wilds of what the same Crusaders call the American Rape Culture, serving them up as an eye candy smorgasbord for creeps, perverts, rapists and pedoes.  Why no outrage over that?  No  #negligentmom?  If Mom fails to pick the kid up from school on time, she'll face jeering crowds wanting her thrown in jail and throw away the key.  Where's the perspective?
Not that United had that in the forefront when crafting the employee/Pass Flier dress code but, from this POV, that United Airlines Gate Nazi who did Mom's job for her, might rate a word of thanks instead.  Who knows, maybe she saved those young girls from something they might not fully understand, and moreover, a potential outcome far worse than a missed flight. 
Just an alternate point of view I had.  I'll probably wind up on the TSA No Fly List. :laugh:

We can only hope...
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