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Possible Venues For Tv Piss-ups!

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nothing but negative comments about D&D's?

i may have made 1 or 2 about the women (all in jest) but i use the bar have done for years and continue to do so, on average at least a couple times a week.

holding hands with the bearded bloke?

no not me, i was the young handsome bloke with the beautiful wife sat at the bar next to Kim's table at about 8.30-9pm.


If you know Kim you must have been there before? so the drink prices shouldnt be too stunning, it was also posted several times the drink prices may be more than expected, but at 100 baht for a singha its not unreasonable.

We would love to checkout any place you recommend

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Well after last nights trip to Jamesons, I am happy to say its a very nice upmarket place where one could feel comfortable taking the wife, which I did.

The parking was ok, pretty easy to find.

Beer was cold and not too expensive for such a place.

There was good seating for around 20 - 30 in a group.

I do have a couple of points they may want to address:

No water in the handbasins in the washrooms

Isnt the new no smoking law meant to cover such places as it is a restaurant? Yes it does have a couple of pool tables so it may fall into entertainment areas.

This is just my view and others may see different points

I would also like to thank Kim for his Hospitality shown on the evening and would hope many of us go there again.


ok, here's my wrap-up of last night's TV reccon round....

First of all I was quite happy about the turn-out, not just the three usual suspects, but also ace, PattayaPunter, Robski (led there by the guiding hand of the BSB, I'm sure) and even a Super Moderator, Mr. Monti, made it. Further we just learned that another shy charakter from Buriram showed up but didn't dare to talk to anyone...

Now for the ranking in the different categories:

Accessibility: somewhat not as good as the other places we checked so far, off North Pattaya road, deep in a small Soi. If you come by public transport difficult to get there, by car not really a problem as long as you know the backroads. Good parking

Members: Kim, the owner, is apparently member but not posting.

Facilities: Pool tables, ample space to host the TV crowd.

Atmosphere: Run-of-the-mill British Pub interior, nice though, but nothing much original. Not sure, did they play any music? I didn't notice...

Food and Beverages: I didn't eat this time, as I attended a function with huge buffet before that, but I was there for a clandestine visit with the wife on New Year's Eve and we tried the buffet that Pattayapunter posted somewhere earlier in this thread (the pics...not the food). As good as it looks like, the taste was not up to the task. In fact I was not impressed. The Brussel sprouts were not even edible. Sorry for the harsh words, but that's the way it was.

Drinks are 100 Baht a bottle (Singha) which is ok for an upmarket place.

Incentives, none as to my knowledge, but a couple of rounds on the house before I came (as they told me.... :o )

The future TV Piss-up Location? Maybe, but I would still favour Tropiocal Bert's



Nice to meet everyone, enjoyed the evening.

Facilities were fine. Like a posh English pub. Beer a bit pricy for my liking but OK for that kind of place - I would imagine a good location for taking business colleagues and so forth.

Pool tables thoroughly tested and only merit a "B" - average. However, as about 90% of the tables in Pattya are poor © to unplayable (F), this is not such a criticism!



Cheers everyone it was a good evening and good to meet you all and put faces to names.

Nice big place, typically English pub atmosphere (ok it's irish and there wasn't any violence but other than that!) music was kept at a low level, great to get fuzzy on John Smiths, ok it's 220 a pint, but it's a pint which is two bottles so no probs, Mrs Robski drank a pint! :D now that's a first, and last she says 'cos she had a hangover today. Still she's getting better (at drinking) Me and Ace where the last two to leave, how unusal is that? that only the English should still be drinking at the end :D We gave the pool tables a test and I have to say there's something wrong with them 'cos I lost :o

Thanks Kim, for being a good host, the pint you got me and the jug of blue stuff.

Cheers all.


My opinion as follows...

1) Accessibility…Does the venue allow for easy access to and from by taxi, car, or motorbike with ample available parking? The access issue is a little rough right now, as there is major road construction on the road connecting Sai 3 to Jamisons. However, there is plenty of parking and it is well lit.

2) Members…Is the management affiliated with TV as a member or a sponsor?

Kim, the manager, said he doesn’t post, but reads TV quite frequently.

3) Facilities…Are there facilities large enough to host between 30 and 50 people for either a private party or to reserve a section of the establishment exclusively for the pissup with ample seating available? The facilities are big and very nicely decorated. There are tv’s throughout and 2 pool tables (thanks for the lesson Ace!). There is also a sit down bar and a cigar room with leather chairs. Very nice layout.

4) Atmosphere… Is the music level at a point where it can still be heard in the background while still holding a conversation without having to shout? The music was on very low but could still be heard.

5) Food and Beverages…Is there food available? If not, is the management amenable to catered food being brought in? Are there mixed drinks and draught beer as well as bottled beer available? If food is available, will the management consider a preferential price for a large buffet? Just about any mixed drink you could desire is available and both local and imported beers as well. Preferential prices and such will be discussed with the TV management if they so decide to employ Jamesons. As far as I know, no one ate last night, but PattayaPunter has dined there before and enjoyed it.

6) Incentives…If we can all agree on a "short list" of possible venues, which of them will offer TV the best deal? Keep in mind that 30 – 50 people being dropped in their lap for a night of entertainment is something many owners would covet, so when a short list is compiled, what kind of incentives will be offered in order to entice TV on it's final selection? Once again, any discounts or group rates will be discussed by the TV management at a later date. It should be noted that Kim does NOT hesitate to buy a round while talking to you, or send one over to your table unannounced.

I enjoyed the recon there and especially meeting so many TV members. Other than the road construction being an issue to me, I really liked the night out there and will certainly go back. The manager Kim is a very nice fellow and was a great host for us. It’s a tough call between Tropical Berts and Jamesons and in my opinion the only 2 things separating them is the drink prices and accessibility. Considering those 2 factors, I still recommend Tropical Berts.

The next pissup recon will be at The Caddyshack at 7pm on the 26th of January. All TV members are welcomed to meet and greet as well as evaluate the facilities and post a recommendation for the TV management to evaluate.

I'll be there (tall unshaven Brit)

Nice to put faces to names. Thanks to Kim the manager for the generosity. :D

Ace: Glad you didn't shave or would've never recognized you!

Rob, Raro, Baz: You have lovely better halves. Only wish they didn't do that thing with their feet under the table. Assure me some discretion next time please!

Helicopter: Best of luck with the mini copter!

Buck: Give me "stay young forever" lessons please. You wrote the book, you devil!

Monty: Thanks for moderating the table. We were only civil with you there. Danke well!

...and finally BB: Next time, no tongue! :D

Best reason to attend a recon: We can discuss all the closed topics with impunity! :o

See you at the next and the next and the next I hope. :D

I'll be there (tall unshaven Brit)

Rob, Raro, Baz: You have lovely better halves. Only wish they didn't do that thing with their feet under the table. Assure me some discretion next time please!

They were just kicking your feet away! :D

Joy keeps giggling how much taller she is than you too PP. :o

I'll be there (tall unshaven Brit)

Rob, Raro, Baz: You have lovely better halves. Only wish they didn't do that thing with their feet under the table. Assure me some discretion next time please!

They were just kicking your feet away! :D

Joy keeps giggling how much taller she is than you too PP. :o

Listen Waterboy, with her 4 inch stiletto heels and me crouching (so she wouldn't lose face), she may have appeared taller. Anyway, I still have better hair than you...:D

I'll be there (tall unshaven Brit)

Rob, Raro, Baz: You have lovely better halves. Only wish they didn't do that thing with their feet under the table. Assure me some discretion next time please!

They were just kicking your feet away! :D

Joy keeps giggling how much taller she is than you too PP. :o

Listen Waterboy, with her 4 inch stiletto heels and me crouching (so she wouldn't lose face), she may have appeared taller. Anyway, I still have better hair than you...:D

When you wake up from the dream let me know hehehehe

She had flat soles on doesnt own high ones coz she is tall (170cm no shoes), did someone mention hair at least i have some.

hey get back on topic!


Have to concur with pretty much anything said about the place!

Nice meeting everyone as well...

Baz, go get some lessons on how to operate watertaps :o You can turn them left and right as much as you like, this will not result in any drop coming out. Lift them up though, and out comes the so desired liquid :D

(have to admit it took me while to figure it out as well, but I was quiet persistent in trying seeing that the sink was pretty wet...)

Cheers, will try to make it on the 26th as well...

Have to concur with pretty much anything said about the place!

Nice meeting everyone as well...

Baz, go get some lessons on how to operate watertaps :o You can turn them left and right as much as you like, this will not result in any drop coming out. Lift them up though, and out comes the so desired liquid :D

(have to admit it took me while to figure it out as well, but I was quiet persistent in trying seeing that the sink was pretty wet...)

Cheers, will try to make it on the 26th as well...

Guess it was the beer clouding my thoughts or is it old age? Stupid flick mixers why cant people have normal taps, left right up down its all too much for the brain to handle

I'll be there (tall unshaven Brit)

Rob, Raro, Baz: You have lovely better halves. Only wish they didn't do that thing with their feet under the table. Assure me some discretion next time please!

Just make sure that the Donz will show up next time nd they won't bother you again....

I'll be there (tall unshaven Brit)

Rob, Raro, Baz: You have lovely better halves. Only wish they didn't do that thing with their feet under the table. Assure me some discretion next time please!

Just make sure that the Donz will show up next time nd they won't bother you again....

Could pattaya stand a visit from the Don?


Just got back after a quick one day 'copter visit offshore, good to see PP again, Mrs Copter says hello, :o

Good to meet Buckwheat, Monty, Bazmlb, Ace also.

My visit was short and sweet unfortunately :D but certainly not my first or last visit to Jamesons, having Irish heritage this place suits me down to the ground; traditional brit/Irish pub atmosphere, can talk without shouting and offers comfortable space for aplenty.

Next time I will stay longer - promise - my missus was understandebly concerned :D as the 'ambience' of Sunnys was an eyebrow lifter :D for my other half.. I have been warned!

ps. if anyone can get a key cut for this ball and chain..will pay cash :D


1/3 of the pissup team is heading out to The Farang Connection in Surin tomorrow.

The next pissup recon is next Friday, Jan 26th at 7pm at The Caddyshack.

All TV members are invited to come grip and grin as well as evaluate the establishment and post their comments in order to provide input for the TV management in selecting a venue for the next pissup.

Anyone who has a map with directions to the Caddyshack, please post it for those who are not familiar with the location.


Seems to be taking off.Except for Buriram Boy everyone seems to be getting on.Unfortunately Iam overseas on business but will attend on my return.Lets make Friday 2nd March a major TV Pissup.How do you know who's who though ??

How do you know who's who though ??

I was wondering the same before my first pissup. I just scanned the room for the biggest table which happened to be of katoeys and asked "are you members?" Over the music, it must have sounded like "you have members?"

What a waste of 2 hours! :o

1/3 of the pissup team is heading out to The Farang Connection in Surin tomorrow.

The next pissup recon is next Friday, Jan 26th at 7pm at The Caddyshack.

All TV members are invited to come grip and grin as well as evaluate the establishment and post their comments in order to provide input for the TV management in selecting a venue for the next pissup.

Anyone who has a map with directions to the Caddyshack, please post it for those who are not familiar with the location.

Should be back from off-shore then, will defo try and make it and look forward to some cold beers.

As Gaz said......how will the new comers know who's who? :o

Seems to be taking off.Except for Buriram Boy everyone seems to be getting on.Unfortunately Iam overseas on business but will attend on my return.Lets make Friday 2nd March a major TV Pissup.How do you know who's who though ??

I've got nametags made with the members avatar, TV logo and screenname from members who attended the last one. I will make up new ones for all who plan on attending the next pissup, so everyone will have one.

We'll leave the details until later, but identfying members should not be a problem anymore.


I'm going to probably be doing some photography at Caddyshack's and then the following Friday at Drunk's & Darelicks' recon. So tuck in your shirts and smile. I'll have to break out the expensive scalp shine. I hope the glare isn't too painful for the members...




I went to the Caddyshack for a late brekkie yesty.

I heard someone ordering STELLA !

I didn't check on the price but I'm sure TV's roving reporters will let everyone know.

I also noticed they had John Smiths on tap


I've been to the Caddyshack a couple of times, the foods good and the beer is cold. I think it is probably a bit of the track for most members but it also has the advantage of the Harley and Lion within staggering distance.

I've been to the Caddyshack a couple of times, the foods good and the beer is cold. I think it is probably a bit of the track for most members but it also has the advantage of the Harley and Lion within staggering distance.

The Harley and Lion ?

never heard of them, honest :o

Middle march prob a bit better. :o

We are doing recon's every one to two weeks at the moment so dont feel like you wont have a meet to come to, each recon is getting progresively more people turnout which is great!

Hope to see you all there at the next one

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