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Accident video: Who's in the wrong?


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23 hours ago, KhaoNiaw said:

The camera angle gives a really clear view but for the motorcycle she's come out from in front of the car so probably saw her quite late.  


Looks like the bike steered towards her, and it seems he had plenty of time to stop or slow and avoid her.


Bikes will run you down, I have been hit from behind in BK twice from idiots on the footpath.

Even when using a pedestrian crossing Thais will run you down.


I blame the Bike 100%

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On 4/28/2017 at 11:14 AM, ratcatcher said:

Hin there. Are you on about the Red Bull killer aka Boss? :wacko:   This is about an accident where a motorbike shafts a young pedestrian while she's crossing the road.


Yes, I noticed that too.


I think he's cross-threaded!  :smile:

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...  A TOUGH ONE...FOR SURE.  The speed of the motorcycle is hard to determine, however, his riding skills are lacking, he turned into her... with a nifty move to the other side, between the cars, the outcome may have been different. 


The woman should have looked where she was going.


It is the same with cars and bikes, turning into traffic from a soi, many do not look and just come right into your lane... 


Trust booth are recovering...


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The guy on the bike couldn't have seen the pedestrian until the last second as his view was blocked by the C-RV until he had cleared it  (was it pulling out?) AND the sun was in his eyes. As soon as he does see the pedestrian he slams the brakes on (can't swerve because of the afore-mentioned C-RV closing in behind him). He wasn't speeding and stopped in reasonable time, there just wasn't enough time available to avoid hitting her.


Also the guy filming isn't helping, he's clearly over the centre line and on the wrong side of the road. For sure that affected the movement of the oncoming C-RV.


In the mean time the pedestrian is crossing the road paying no attention at all to the traffic and even facing the wrong direction. I mean she's crossing in such a diagonal fashion that it's actually more accurate to say she was walking along the road rather than across it.


This is a (very dangerous) habit you see Thai people exhibit on the roads everyday. Whether in cars, on motorbikes or on foot they just casually wander around assuming that everyone else will maneuver around them. It's the same "passive selfishness (i.e. "me first" attitude) that causes problems in so many facets of their society.


The pedestrian was at fault 100%

Edited by Captain Jack
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Is there a longer version of this video ? Reason I ask is because many people are saying the biker is undertaking the car.

No proof of that what-so-ever. The car is over the middle lines so more chance the car is about to overtake the bike.

As to whose fault. The woman didn't see the bike at all, the biker did see the woman but to late to avoid her, tho he did manage to slow to a virtual stop before hitter her.

I blame her.

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On ‎28‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 1:44 PM, hugh2121 said:

Mm, what happened to "always drive in such a manner that you can stop if circumstances require it"?

What happened to it ?

25,000 road deaths in Thailand a year.

How about 'make sure its clear to cross before leaving the pavement'




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On 28/04/2017 at 10:59 AM, 4MyEgo said:

R u serious, cross at pedestrians lines in Thailand, try that and see if you get to the other side alive, pedestrians lines in Thailand are there for one purpose, road decoration 555

The trick to survivng pedestrian crossings is to push a shopping trolley in front.

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